The pieces on the chessboard are divided into two colors.

One black, one white.

Among them, black represents Hongjun and white represents Gu Tianzun.

"Fellow Taoists project all over the heavens and the myriad realms to involve multiple dimensions. Can they help the old Taoist resolve his doubts?"

The world on the chessboard was born and died one after another, fierce and cruel.

Gu Tianzun took his eyes away from the chessboard at this moment and looked at Hongjun:"There is only one step between Hunyuan and Diversity."

"Why Hunyuan? Mix means that all sources converge and merge into one. Yuan means the source of origin and the beginning of everything."

"Therefore, the realm of Hunyuan is to restrain the source of all the sources from my body. After reaching the Hunyuan, all the ways originate from me. Time and space take me as the axis. Chaos and all kinds of Tao machines spread with me as the center of the circle. All things and all the heavens are there. My avenue evolves."

Hongjun nodded and agreed with this statement.

Next, Gu Tianzun explained the multi-dimensional

"Diversity refers to the next step of Hunyuan. There is no end to the road. Is Hunyuan the end?"

"Taking the origin of space and time occupied by itself, it will proceed to the next step of evolution and create endless time and space."

"Diversity can truly influence the timeline of ancient and modern times. It can change the course of time and change history according to your heart, without suffering the backlash of cause and effect."

"Because this realm is not just a single level of Hunyuan time and space, but multiple levels, occupying more timelines."

"The rerouting of time and space will cause a series of causal variables to jump to parallel time and space."

"Whether it is deriving multiplicity or deriving a multiverse from within the body, all heavens and realms are all multidimensional progressions."

Old Dao Hongjun remained silent, but his eyes couldn't help but shine.

"It seems that this contest will be extremely easy."

"However, the old Taoist also wanted to be wanton, and the chaotic time and space avoided Pangu, but in the end he ended up with a dead body, and he was unhappy."

"Even in the prehistoric world, I didn't dare to face Luo Hu head-on. I punished him on behalf of heaven and surrounded him to death. I was unhappy."

"Now that the old Taoist has become the master of a realm, he is somewhat more confident than he was back then."

"It is the blessing of the old Taoist to meet fellow Taoists. Regardless of the victory or defeat, the old Taoist will be truly wanton this time."

Having said that, Hongjun, an old Taoist, lost his solemnity and felt a little more relieved. He also gave up his masterly demeanor and smiled and stretched beautifully in front of everyone in the world. The

Six Saints of the Ancient World saw their teacher. They're all silent like this

"I have been plotting my whole life, but now I can’t help it anymore."I shook my head.

But Tongtian said calmly:"I think such a teacher is more touching. Whether the teacher is a demon god or a Hongjun, it is not happy to win. Now it is cool to have a happy one."

The rest of the people didn't speak, just nodded.

In the arena,

Gu Tianzun raised his lips slightly.

Although the arena was calm, the battle between the two was unfolding in this chessboard game.

What was shown in the chess game? Not only It is not only a cruel moral struggle, but also a calculation that defies heaven.

The universe collides, the chess pieces are swallowed up, and the pieces are connected in series. Each big universe forms a general trend, and then is destroyed by the general trend.

The intrigues constantly cause new births and deaths.

The people below, I can't stay any longer.

Martial Ancestor and Dao Ancestor always fall down from their chairs, and everything seems to be calm.

But looking at the world from chess pieces, time and space collapse frequently, and the avenue collapses.

There are trillions of dead creatures.

So many worlds, Life and death with the universe as the unit.

Although the words just spoken were very ordinary, like discussing Taoism, they were also arguments.

There were no swords and guns, and no fireworks, but the extraordinary can often be found in the ordinary.

At this moment, look at the chessboard again.

Count them carefully.

There are 181 black stones and 180 white stones.

"What do you think of the old man’s hand?"

Hongjun smiled casually and communicated the relationship between the chessboard and the world he was connected to.

After finishing his words, a black stone landed on the upper left corner of the chessboard and hung up.

When this stone landed there, it immediately took root. , and then three identical black chess pieces appeared next to it in an instant. The first chess piece formed an arch, occupying the blank corner of the chessboard.

At this moment, four pieces were formed to defend. At this moment, a line The big black dragon suddenly came out of nowhere and started to devour the whales.


The white chess pieces on the chessboard were gradually stained with black and white.

This move made Gu Tianzun's eyes move:"What a move!"

Gu Tianzun spoke in person with a voice of admiration.

He seemed to be dominated by Hongjun's move.

Gu Tianzun couldn't help it at this time and directly made a move.

Hongjun watched Gu Tianzun make a move.

The chess piece One becomes two, two becomes three

"Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, and two gives birth to three?"

"The seven extremes are as strong as the nine, so they are endless. Hongjun stroked his beard slightly at this moment and couldn't help but exclaimed:"Fellow Taoist, what a great move!""

"The old Taoist has been seeking the Tao all his life, which can be regarded as an achievement for the little friend. Unexpectedly, the Taoist friend can see through the mystery at a glance. Hearing this ,

Gu Tianzun just smiled indifferently:"The Tao is like this. After all, one of you and I are looking outside and the other is seeking within. Although there are differences, we are both pursuing the Tao!""

At first, Taozu used one world to swallow all the worlds, hoping that the dragon would sweep everything.

But what about Gu Tianzun?

With the multiverse as the core, even though it is just one chess piece, it can bring back the dead.

One turns into two, two turns into three, and countless parallel worlds are derived.

Chessboard Very few people can understand the life and death, victory and defeat, and competition on the battlefield.

Although they cannot understand it, the level of excitement is still amazing.

"It’s your turn, fellow Taoist."After Gu Tianzun made this move, he looked at Taoist Hongjun.

Using multiple time and space as the chessboard, and each of the large mixed universes as the pieces, a cruel competition began.

Now that the two of them are helping each other, it is time to decide the winner.

Hongjun frowned and looked at the chessboard. Gu Tianzun's move forced him into a dangerous situation.

Although he had the upper hand with the first move

, he still fell behind on the chessboard.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's see what the old man does?"

"I use one realm to kill all realms, and the Tao penetrates all realms and transforms into all heavens. Look at my wild world!"

The vast universe.

Endless grand mist.

In sight, you can see the past, present and future.

Above a river basin, there are two behemoths.

They are beating time and space, killing thousands of worlds and destroying countless universes.


Time and space are constantly changing.

And the source of this change is a huge snake's tail.

This snake's tail is bigger than the universe, revealing many avenues, and the meaning of creation can penetrate all the worlds.

It seems to be the origin of the world, the ancestor of creation and man.!

The one who can have such characteristics is naturally the innate goddess Nuwa in the prehistoric world.

Below the snake's tail slapping away, countless worlds are shattering and exploding.

The entire universe is being destroyed.

And at this moment, Endless The divine power of creation gathered into a force that was older than chaos, and hit the head of a dragon downstream.


The big universe is shattering.

The moment when the dragon's head and the snake's tail collide with each other

"hold head high!"

Suddenly, a huge dragon roar that surpassed the ancestor of dragons roared in the world.

The sound waves rolled through the past, present and future.

Looking carefully, the place where the dragon roar came from was exactly a dragon entrenched in the multiverse. A giant dragon.

Connected from head to tail, there was a vague outline of a large universe.

Faintly, they could also see the outline of a person - Gu Tianzun.

And the Nuwa appeared, looking like Taoist Hongjun.

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