
In the arena.

When Wu Zu and Dao Zu confront each other, the derived picture looks like this


The two momentums that shook the endless universe were like ten days of sunshine. They were even more powerful than the innate gods and demons who were born together and illuminated the world.

These two momentums rushed up to the high sky of chaos, overlooking the nine underworlds of the world, and suppressed countless worlds. Below.

Making every strong man from all walks of life look up to him

"This kind of duel is really too powerful......"

While everyone was exclaiming, Gu Tianzun looked at Hongjun with deep eyes:"Oh, have you walked out of your own barriers, transcended yourself, walked out of the original road, and walked out of a broader world?"

"It seems that you have found a way to rebel against your nature."

Gu Tianzun's eyes were deep and mysterious, which made Hongjun frown.

He didn't expect that his own secret could be seen so easily.

Hongjun didn't quibble, but agreed. Nodding:"Yes, Pindao created the Three Corpses Technique, but it was a path of rebellion against the innate.""

"It’s just that the world only knows the first step..."




The Six Saints of Prehistoric Times were a little surprised at this time. What is the teacher talking about?

Why can’t they understand it?

Gu Tianzun took a deep look at Hongjun:"I see."

"The killing of three corpses as you know in the ancient world, the first step is to kill the good and evil self, and the three corpses join together."

"It is equivalent to cutting off one's own Dao fruit, leaving nothing acquired, integrating into the innate grand Dao, and being indistinguishable from the Dao. This is equivalent to Dao transformation, and for most people, it is suicide."

"But this method of suicide can indeed be successful."

"If I'm not wrong, after joining the Tao, and then being reborn in the Tao, this can be considered as truly walking this path."

Hongjun's face became more and more surprised, and he nodded stiffly:"Not bad!"

Everyone in the arena was also shocked.

They all couldn't understand what these two people were talking about.

Dr. Chen stared at Gu Tianzun and explained with great interest:"Those who are born innate are innate gods, and those who are born the day after tomorrow Those are the innate beings. Look at how many innate gods there are in the prehistoric world among the famous figures! How many are acquired?"

"Because acquired people can never reach the height of innate unless they can also advance to the level of innate heel and foot"

"As a result, the method of killing three corpses came out at the right time. The day after tomorrow returns to the innate, and the innate proves the Hunyuan."

"Think about it, if you cut off the acquired body, merge with the innate way, and then walk out from the innate way, you will naturally transform into an innate being, and from then on, God and Tao will be the same."

"So no matter what, whether it is innate or acquired, everyone is practicing Hongjun's method, and they have to practice his method."

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they were struck by lightning. Fang Han said in a deep voice:"Fellow Taoist, since Hongjun is the creator of the law, has he followed the path of the three corpses?"

Dr. Chen nodded:"Hongjun became a saint, gave lectures to a group of innate gods, accepted the Six Saints as disciples, Nuwa created creatures, ruled the human race, repaired the sky and mended the way, all in accordance with Hongjun's decree."

"The Three Corpses Method has been passed down to the world, and all living beings are in the Tao. But in the end, why is it that only Hongjun stands above the Six Saints as the way of heaven and the origin of the Tao?"

"He preached to the world, followed the Tao with his body, and walked out again, becoming the great road of time and space!"

"When Hongjun killed three corpses and joined the Tao, he started to teach Zixiao and preached to three thousand guests. It was actually a process of improving himself in disguise."

"Unlike Wu Zu's projection of the heavens, which expands the boundaries outwards, Hongjun is actually looking inward, upgrading himself by strengthening the sentient beings in his own path."

"He who is already in harmony with the Tao is the so-called Heavenly Dao. All living beings practice his Dharma and naturally become a part of him."

"The stronger the beings are, the stronger he is."

Everyone stopped talking in silence.

In front of them were Rahu's sentient beings seeking the devil's way, and in the back were Hongjun's three corpses who achieved enlightenment.

Every time it was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

"The battle between Martial Ancestor and Dao Ancestor, with one expanding the boundaries outward and the other seeking inward, seems to be getting more and more interesting."

The eyes of the protagonists of all worlds are shining.

Their hearts are shaking and their blood is boiling.

A rare good show and a rare war are about to begin.................

At the moment in the arena.

Under the wave of Daozu Hongjun's hand, great changes took place around him.

Two people.

A stone platform.

On top of it is a chess game.

Gu Tianzun was staring at the chess game in front of him, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


The people below were all dumbfounded.

They wiped their eyes, what are they doing, playing chess? Playing with me!?

But when they looked at it carefully, their mouths were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

Damn, Then where is the chess game?

Wherever there are chess pieces on the chessboard, they are all a square universe, big and small worlds

"Is this the so-called diversity battle?"

Using the universe as the child and the plurality as the disk, we fight.

This kind of fight becomes elegant invisibly. Suddenly the arena of light turns dark.

Two figures emitting powerful light can be faintly seen.

And a Small lights and shadows are scattered, more or less.

Those small lights and shadows are actually chess pieces, worlds in which the sky is spread out and the universe is full of them.

"Fellow Daoist Gu, want to play a game?"

In the vast light, a familiar voice came.

It carried the coldness and ruthlessness of the way of heaven, and the eternity and distance.

"Well, let’s have a round!"

Endless dimensions, the heavens and time and space are constantly intertwined. The long rivers of time and space are flowing, the years are vast, and the variables of time and space are intricate and entangled with each other.

Each long river of time and space is drawn out individually for a true and independent destiny of the universe.

But now they are , but was forcibly changed by big means.

This opened the eyes of the protagonists in the arena.

It turns out that the so-called battle does not need to be fought by oneself, but can be carried out with elegant but absolutely cruel means. The birth and death of a world , all on the small chessboard.

Daozu and Wuzu are constantly making moves.

Black and white are intertwined, fighting openly and secretly.

【ps: Stable update is in progress, thank you again for the big reward from Izayoi Izayoi! 】

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