Fang Ye had an idea and used teleportation to appear in the Snake God Mine.

The central location of the Mikage Furnace Smelting Plant.

The Fontainebleau engineer Xavier was left stunned.



Why can that person directly collect the furnace core device?

Could it be!

Is it someone in power?

Xavier was stunned for a long time, then stepped forward to check on the Fool's minions.

Pulse and breathing are all there, normal.

But no matter how much he shook or poured water, these people seemed to have fallen into an eternal sleep and would never wake up.

A bloodless killing!

Xavier shuddered with fright

…… at the same time.

Haiji Island.

In front of the big screen in the square, he was sitting on a chair, carefully watching the Coral Palace Xinhai in the Liyue Trainer Competition.

Suddenly, she felt something spiritually.

Looking at Yaoji Island!

It felt like a piece of emptiness had been dug out of my heart.

She stood up and murmured to the altar in Shan Palace:

"Great God"

"Are you completely finished?"

The people of Haiji Island are descendants of the White Night Kingdom.

Their bloodline can even be traced back to the time when the second throne of Sky Island just arrived.

The big snake god is not actually the original belief of the White Night Kingdom.

The original belief of the White Night Kingdom is"Three Fives""Zero" the eternal great god.

The ruler of time...


I have been troubled by the remnants of the great snake god for a long time, and there is no way to cure it.

Unless the thunder and lightning general really takes action, the pollution of the evil god can be eliminated forever.

This Time.

No matter who solves it, it's good.

At least Yaoji Island has been peaceful since then.

The big snake god believed in in Kaiji Island has also come to an end properly, and the legacy after death will no longer harm the world.

Xinhai sat back and continued to watch the glass Moon Trainer Competition.

Suddenly, a miko reported outside the palace gate.

She said that Zheping, a soldier from Swordfish Division 2, had something urgent.


Xinhai asked Zheping to come in.

I saw this little soldier, from a strange traveler's backpack. Inside, they successively took out a illustrated book, an egg, and an incubator.

These items, such as illustrated books and traveler backpacks.

On the giant screen broadcast screen at this time, there were trainers from Liyue using them!

Xinhai's face suddenly changed. He became serious:"You mean, after you woke up, this backpack and the egg were placed in your tent?

Zheping said bravely:"I didn't lie, Lord Xinhai!""

At this time, Wulang, who went to find out the news, quickly walked into the palace:

"Narukami Island, Inazuma Castle, and the Raiden Shogunate have undergone drastic changes!

Xinhai's expression was shocked:"Dramatic change?""

Wulang ran with his mouth dry.

There was also a kind of panic in his tone that was not accepted by the times:

"The entire Narukami Island is going crazy!"

"people there"

"Everyone is talking about elves and Pokémon……"

"The atmosphere is unprecedented! I have never seen a rice wife like this!"

"There is also very bad news. Everyone is talking about the mythical beasts drawn by General Raiden and Yaegongji.……"


Wu Lang's expression froze.

He saw the second division soldier Zhe Ping standing nearby with a smile on his face, holding a illustrated book and a backpack in his hands.

As well as elf eggs and incubators.

Once these gadgets appear on the streets of today's Daozuma City.

In an instant, people will be excitedly surrounding them, worshiping the trainer as a future big shot.

"Zheping, you mean"

"Did these things appear mysteriously in your tent when you woke up?"

Goro and Xinhai looked at each other.

Goro, who went to find out the news, made a straightforward guess.

He stared at Zheping with complicated eyes.

Even the resistance soldiers were frightened.


"You are lucky! Being watched and favored by that nightclub manager Fang!"

Being watched?

Being favored?

The words used by the generals of the resistance army seemed to be very careful.

With a certain degree of respect.

It was like worshiping the Great God at the altar.

Zheping was stunned, and then he became excited:"So it turns out that in this way!"

"Is that so?"

"Club Manager Fang is a great royal god. He does not grant any kind of god’s eyes."

"However, illustrated books and elf eggs will be given!"

"Let his favored ones actively embrace the age of elves……"

The rebel soldiers jumped up and down with tears in their eyes.

He had always longed for the gaze of the gods.

For this reason, private training was almost life-threatening.

His hard work and hard work.

Xinhai and Wulang both saw it.

However, in recent years, the number of Eyes of the New God appearing has become less and less.

The eye of the thunder god is even more severe!

"If Teppei is the one favored by God……"


Xinhai thought of something, and said in surprise to Wulang:

"This shows that the great royal god who brought about the age of elves does not resist us, the people of the sea, the descendants of the White Night Kingdom."

"I decide! Sign an armistice agreement with the shogunate as soon as possible!

Wulang agreed:"It must be fast!""

"Hanamizaka is already breaking ground on a large scale to build elf buildings."

"We, the sea people, must also ride on this trend."


Ba Ling Island.

Zombie Mine.

Fang Ye had already gone deep into the mine.

Along the mine tunnels, bones can be seen everywhere.

Some of the bodies even appeared recently.

Fang Ye was not surprised either.

Crystallized bone marrow is highly valuable.

The high-quality jade steel smelted in the heart of the shogunate's shadow furnace needs to be mixed with crystallized bone marrow for forging and smelting.

At the same time, the Fool's Evil Eye Factory is also buying crystallized bone marrow.

It can be seen from this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The minerals transformed from the demon corpse like this can be regarded as a very good resource of supernatural power.

It is also one of the sources of the evil spirit pollution on Ba Ying Island. but.

Fang Ye didn't plan to empty the entire mine.

He just needs to.

Find the core skeleton that condenses the purest power of the devil.

And what has to be said is.

Superpowers, and the power of waveguides.

In terms of perspective, scanning, and finding objects, it is simply the best among the best!

"found it——"

Fang Ye and the several gods who spread out to search, thoughts came out almost at the same time.

After a while.

In the deepest part of the mine.

A white bone sword that looked like a sword embryo was pulled out by super power!

But Fang Ye didn't check immediately, he moved and disappeared in an instant. a second after he disappeared


The entire Snake God Mine collapsed as if it had lost its support.

At the same time, the pollution, thunder, and clouds visible to the naked eye on Ba Ling Island dissipated inch by inch!

From the sky above, Fang Ye witnessed the rapid development of Ba Ling Island's vitality from a bird's eye view. After recovery, I couldn’t help but sigh:

"Two remnants of Orobas"

"The remaining souls in the hearth device"

"Now, it's this sword of bones……"

Fang Ye looked strange.

The setting of the white snake god Orobas is based on the Neon Takamagahara God System template......

It's a bit like a combination of Yamata-no-Orochi + Miazu Mijin (Poseidon).

As everyone knows.

Susano'o obtained the Kusanagi sword from Yamata no Orochi after killing him.

"So, this bone sword is the Teyvat version of the Orochi Sword?"

Fang Ye was noisy and wanted to vomit.

Little Lugia whined and came closer:

"master master~~"

"The pendant around my neck is vibrating"

"The thing inside seems to be very eager for this strange sword."

Fang Ye's face darkened.

He really wanted to make the Tiwa version of the Kusanagi sword.

But now it's just a sword embryo.

The sword also contains another part of the residual power and divine power of the great snake god Orobus.

"It’s easier on you!"

Fang Ye laughed and scolded

"Come on, swallow it inside your body this time"

"Don't chew it!!"

Fang Ye raised his hand and threw it away.

The one-handed sword embryo immediately flew into Lugia's mouth.

Little Lugia is now 4 or 5 meters long.

There is a light sword in his body, which is easy.

Moreover, The extraordinary life in the body of the divine beast is comparable and full of wonders.

Fang Ye is not worried at all that a sword in the body of little Lugia will affect its development.

He is even planning to kill two birds with one stone.

While letting little Lugia absorb the bone sword, The power.

On the other hand, let the Great God of the Sea and the God of the Abyss he created continue to nurture this Teyvat version of the Kusanagi Sword!


"The remaining demon resources on Inazuma's land are basically gone."

Heguan, Qinglai Island,

Haizhi Island, Bazhong Island, Tatasha Island, plus the main island of Narukami.

Fang Ye found that in just one or two days, he had ruined all the six Inazuma Islands!

"Well, the surface is gone"

"But Yuanxia Palace has resources!"

Fang Ye has many questions about the White Night Kingdom buried at the bottom of the deep sea.

For example, did the original one, the first throne who broke the order of the seven dragons, really have a war with the second throne that came? And after the war, who won?

If we find clues, we can determine the inside story of the change of kingship of Sky Island.

And the famous"Things Before April 3rd".

The forbidden book!

Orobas, the great snake god, trembled after reading it. , had no choice but to invade eastward in desperation, and blew up a truck.

To put it bluntly, it was to cover up the content recorded in"Before the Sun and the Moon"


The first or only the second throne on Sky Island belongs to an outsider?"

"If this is the truth, I can understand why the Traveler brothers and sisters were attacked by the gods.……"

"Damn it, this is the Alternate God Seat! It’s a land grab!"

Fang Ye used teleportation to reach the sky above Kaiji Island.

He found that Xinhai and Goro were organizing a negotiation team to take a boat to the direction of Nashi Beach.

It seems that Kaiji Island and the Raiden Shogunate are about to negotiate peace..

Fang Ye withdrew his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

The current situation is stable.

Only the people of Daoji can embrace the age of elves with all their heart.

He looked under the Coral Palace again.

The huge whirlpool.

Here is Abyss. The entrance of the palace.

The seals and restrictions set by the Great Snake God could not stop Fang Ye.

He thought for a while, took out the illustrated book, took a picture and sent it to the group chat:

People went to Yuanxia Palace to hunt for treasure.

Leave a private message if you have any questions!

(PS: Please give me monthly tickets, flowers and full reservations!).

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