"Good stuff, I'll take it away."

Fang Ye smiled.

It involves the big snake god Kaiji. If you stay here and continue to charge the heart of the Mikage Furnace, it will become a thorn between Kaiji Island and the Raiden Shogunate.

From the standpoint of the military and civilians of Kaiji Island.What do you mean by the shogunate?

Using the remnants of our former Great Ogami to build a smelting factory?

Day and night, squeezing the power of our Great Ogami? See if I will fall out with you!

"Well, I am all for the overall situation and stability of Inazuma!"

"This is what I call the overall situation!"

After successfully putting the furnace heart device into the system backpack,

Fang Ye changed hands and uploaded the information about this god-level resource in the group chat interface.

Thunder Movie Eightfold God Son.

Mikage Furnace Heart's Haunting God Device is very good, but now it's me (Manual dog head).

God-level resources.

Originally displayed with a golden interface.

Liyue Trainers Conference.

Today’s event is going on as normal as usual.

Some famous Liyue characters have nothing to do and choose to watch the game on site..Ye

Lan is a relatively leisurely representative.

She was watching the Super League games while paying attention to the group chat interface.

Just in time...

Fang Ye was so cool and bubbling.


Ye Lan clicked to enlarge the information picture.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light came into view. She closed the picture silently, and then typed the question mark in the input field. Ye Lan:??? The group members had a similar reaction to Ye Lan.. Everyone was shocked! Hutao: I was in the ecological area. I clicked on the picture and almost slipped and rolled into the sea! Xiangling: My foot also slipped... Lisa: (Polite smile.jpg), today is the day. The nightclub manager doesn't show off mythical beasts, but he does show off god-level treasures! Qin: Well... the devil's residue... I'm blind! Daria 603: I'm sorry! The devil's residue... can actually make Pokémon absorb and Use it, I'm going to empty out the treasure house of the Fool's Base!! Yelan: Indeed, this information is very crucial. Pokémon can actually absorb the remaining power from the demon god's residue? Ningguang: Shhh (wry smile)! Yan Fei: This The information cannot be exposed outside the group chat, otherwise many people who want to become gods will go crazy! Grandma Ping: No one can refuse the temptation of controlling a divine beast! Kunjun:...Ahem, my scalp is numb. Ajiu: Kunjun, I always feel that we will be remembered by mortals! This is a serious blasphemy! Inazuma Castle, castle tower. The son of God breathed quickly, and said to the thunder movie sitting on the seat angrily:


"Look at the group chat, the store manager has taken away Mikage's heart device!"

Ying clicked to open the group chat interface, and soon her purple eyes reflected a frame of golden items.

Even she couldn't help but shrink her pupils slightly.

Fang Ye still underestimated the impact of exposing"god-level resources" Influence.

God-level resources.

Although it is not directly equivalent to a divine beast.

However, the leader level is obviously the pinnacle of mortal Pokémon.

The next step up is to collect god-level resources, gain power, condense godhood, and initially Gain the power of false gods!

"The textual information in"God-level resources" did not directly express this information, but it did not prevent the clever famous characters from thinking about this link. The

Son of God also had a sudden change of thought, thinking of the meaning of a god-level resource, and then he became slightly annoyed..

It’s like watching the fat meat in the pot being taken away.

This thief is openly showing off!

But Ying said calmly:"Son of God, do you have a master-level Pokémon? Yae

Shenzi shook his head:"How can it be possible at this stage!""

"Then can you directly touch and subdue the devil's remnants? Yae

Shenzi said hesitantly:"With my strength, if the demons are not too strong, I can still conquer their remnants and legacy.""

"But what about Umi Omikami? Yae

Shenzi's expression changed and he shook his head:"If it were possible, the witch from the Coral Palace and I would have figured out a way to deal with it!""


In order to suppress the remnants of the great snake god Orobus and the evil spirit,

Yalu Island set up a large snake tomb.

There are also alien shrines that can purify the pollution and curse of the evil spirit.

But these methods only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Fang Ye announced the information about the god-level resources of the Demon God's remnants like this"

"undoubtedly announcing"

"Pokémon resources are for the virtuous to use."

Ying said lightly.


Of course it is martial virtue!

Yae Shenzi was surprised:"Ying, are you not heartbroken at all?"

"This is a god-level resource"

"I can not"

"But you can do it!"

"Before, you were hiding in a pure land and ignored the outside world."

"Now, if there is a god-level resource at your fingertips, wouldn’t you take it?"

Ying:"I collected it. If Fang Ye wants it, I'll give it to him directly."


Yae Shenzi was startled when she heard this.

What kind of ATM speech is this!

However, her thoughts suddenly turned to something strange.

She sat back on the tatami again.

She said in an aunt's laughing tone:"Oh, oh , so that’s what it looks like"

"Already reached this stage? Is Club Manager Fang Ye already a member of our Dao Wife?"

Ying slowly typed a question mark:

"?" never mind.

She didn't explain much.

Not long ago, in Fang Yena, I heard that the time beast Dialga was already in its bowl.

Ying is already planning what price to pay.

Only then could Fang Ye take her to the Kanreya War five hundred years ago to help her reverse the fate of her sister Raiden Zhen and Hu Zhai Palace.

For this reason, a god-level resource is nothing! if he wants……


The heated discussion in the group chat also made Fang Ye grin.

Let’s discuss it vigorously!

At this stage, those who have the ability to properly subdue the remnants of the Demon God are none other than the rulers of Daozhi, Mond and Liyue.

Plus those Liyue Immortals. wrong.

Perhaps you can say so.

Among the immortals, only General Jinpeng Yaksha, Mandrill, has the power to subdue the remnants of the demon god. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, maybe this is the source of spoilers."

"Don’t panic at all (cdbi)!"

"Instead, there are many treasure hunters and adventurers from Teyvat, such as some people in the group chat."

"I'm afraid that we'll have to fight to the death with the devil's remnants from now on, right?"

Fang Ye looked at the god-level resources he received in the system backpack.


Recommended for water Pokémon?

He doesn't plan to use it for leader-level Pokémon to condense godhead or something.

There's no need for that..Fang

Ye’s formation was already full of divine beasts.

So, he made up his mind to give some cute ones that were already divine beasts to use and test the effect.

"Water beasts, just a few of them"

"Suicune, Mana Fei, Kyogre?"

Except for Kyogre, among these three divine beasts, there is no member of Fang Ye's ideal divine beast.

Kyogre's authority and priesthood are the primordial sea.

Let's not talk about the fact that Kyogre will have to wait until the end of the year to join the team.

Let's talk about the effect. , the effect.

I am afraid that this resource will have little effect on the improvement of Kyogre's godhead and power.

Thinking of this,

Fang Ye called out Lugia.


Come out of the Poké Ball.

Little Lugia's voice sounded a little aggrieved.

Like a crying child, he circled around Fang Ye.


(Telling you not to play with me!)


(I told you not to take me with you every time!)

Among the several mythical beasts around Fang Ye.

Jirachi is the most naive and ignorant, knowing nothing and hiding in Fang Ye's arms all day long.

Although Meloetta is a Melody Pokémon, it has a very serious and methodical personality.

She doesn't seem to be very good at coaxing babies either.

Somewhat confused.

Only the eldest sister Cresselia is gentle and intellectual, can do all the housework, and is very good at coaxing children.

After a while, Little Lugia's voice reached Fang Ye's heart, full of lightness and vitality:

"master master……"

Fang Ye:?

As a trainer, I don’t seem to have to do anything.

He said... it's very comfortable and comfortable.

"Here, this is for you."

Fang Ye reached out and took it out from his crotch, no, from his backpack. Bang.

The big thing, the hearth device, hit the floor again.

Lugia looked at the hearth device, and then at Fang Ye:"Here. I? ?"

"Hee~ Got something to eat? Lugia swallowed it in one gulp, chewed it twice, and then said with a grimace.

"Master, Master~ It doesn’t taste good!"

Fang Ye:"……"

He pondered the description.

So, if you can’t use it, you can always wear it, right? soon.

After the furnace core device is drilled and threaded.

Like a necklace, it was put on little Lugia's long neck.

Fang Ye unfolded Lugia's illustrated book:

"Lugia, flying type and super power, diving Pokémon.

Level: Lv.50.

Characteristics: Sense of oppression. Hidden characteristics: Multiple scales.

Skills: Meditation, supernatural power, mysterious protection, primitive power...

Items: Chaos Demon God remnants are being worn. , the estimated complete absorption time is 29 days. After the absorption is completed, Lugia gains the water attribute and obtains the godhead Haiji Daimikami (pseudo).

Obtain the divine power of Haiyuan."

Read it in detail and wear the furnace heart suit.The change.

Fang Ye was thoughtful.

The Great God of the Sea seems to be a priest.

Similar to the priesthood, there are seven consuls.


It is power, domain.

Fang Ye was not surprised.

The great snake god Orobas protected the White Night Kingdom under the abyss.

There are still traces of Orobas in Yunxia Palace

"In the elven world"

"Although Lugia is the God of the Sea, his power and domain are separated from the divine beasts such as Mana Fei and Kyogre. None of them are the complete and true ruler of the Sea God."

Fang Ye suddenly found it very interesting.

In the continent of Teyvat, Lugia, whose status is almost at the top of the first-class gods, can actually further improve his status.


Let's see after it is completely digested.

Like this What an increase!

Thinking of this,

Fang Ye turned his attention to Ba Ying Island. As a spoiler, he also knew that Ba Ying Island had the remains of the great snake god Orobas. After

Orobas died, his bones , turned into a special mine.

The mineral called crystallized bone marrow also has the power of pollution.

And Fang Ye knows that crystallized bone marrow is the main material used by the Fools' Factory to make the evil eye!

"Everyone has come"

"Good things cannot be given to fools.……"

(PS: Please give me monthly passes, flowers and full reservations!).

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