As mentioned before, in today's duel environment.

Unless there is a monster in the deck that recycles cards from the exclusion zone, such as [Faces of the Dead], the cards on the other side of the card that are excluded are equivalent to being completely cut off from this duel.

And the Jushe Nuwei family deck has such a powerful ability.

"The card I retrieved using [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Fenrir Wolf] is [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Leshart】"

"This card can be specially summoned to the field when there is a [Kusha Rage] monster on your field."

"During the turn that was Special Summoned by this effect, you cannot Special Summon monsters other than Xyz Monsters from the Extra Deck."

Yucheng Judai said, opening his hand, a ball of scarlet arrogance condensed in his hand

"Come out! Leshart!"

Bloody wind was everywhere in the summoning array.

A red-haired man wearing large armor slowly emerged from the bloody wind. His left arm was like a star, shining with bright starlight.

【Les-Hart of Kushe Nuwei Tribe】

【Star rating: 4

【warrior clan】

【Attack power: 1500】

"After that, I stacked the [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Unicorn] and [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Fenrir Wolf] on the field!"

Yushidai Judai raised his right arm high and said sternly:"Two level 7 monsters build a stacked network! Super Summon!"

Is it coming! A super summon from the sixth world?!

Yakumo Koji swallowed hard.

The colorful vortex in the sky gradually turned to blood red in front of his eyes at this moment.

The next moment.

Huge. A red Dyson-like sphere appeared in the sky above the world of demons, blocking out the sun.

The disturbing colors rendered the world.

The huge sphere seemed to swallow everything in the world....

"Come out! A false Utopia brought about by anger! [Shangri-La Cocoon of the Nuwei Clan in Kushe】!"

【The Shangri-La Cocoon of the Kushe Nuwei Clan】

【Level: 7】


【Excess material: 2】

【Attack power: 0, defense power: 3000】

"this......what is this......"

Yakumo Xingji was a little confused.

It's obviously not a No card, but this monster exudes a terrifying power that even No cards can't match.......

It's obviously just a monster with 0 attack power.......

"Then, I activated the effect of [Leshart of the Jushe Nuwei Tribe]."

Yushiro Judai continued:"During your main phase during the turn when this card is summoned or special summoned, you can activate it by excluding a [Kusesa Nuwei Tribe] card from the deck!"

"Remove three cards from the top of the opponent's deck face-down, and change this card's level to 7!"

Leshart raised his left arm, and his star-like arm shone with dazzling brilliance at this moment.

"I will exclude the trap card [Sixth Generation of Bad Roots and Cleansing]! From the top of your deck, exclude three cards from the inside!"


Seeing the three cards at the top of the deck flying out one after another and being swallowed by the huge body of Shangri-La Cocoon.

Yakumo Keiji's expression became more and more embarrassing.

Having three cards swallowed was not the most desperate.

What really made Yakumo Keiji What was desperate was the next scene.

After devouring three cards, Shangri-La Cocoon's body began to emit red fluorescence.

The monster area in front of Yakumo Koji was immediately shrouded in a power emanating from Shangri-La Cocoon , completely blocked!

"What?!"Looking at the big cross on the duel plate, Yakumo Koji was shocked.

"Shangri-La Cocoon, every time the opponent's card is removed face-down, you can designate an unused main monster area, or a magic trap area, and block the designated area."

"This blockade can only be lifted when Shangri-La Cocoon leaves the scene!"

Youcheng Judai said coldly,"It's not over yet! The excluded [Sixth Generation Bad Root Purification] effect is activated!"

"If this card is banished, target a Xyz monster on your field and add one of that monster's [Kusha Furwei] Xyz Materials to your hand. After that, you can remove that monster from the field. Special summons from hand card!"

"I chose to remove the [Jushe Nuwei Clan Unicorn] from the Shangri-La Cocoon and special summon it to the field!"

One of the super materials surrounding the Shangri-La Cocoon immediately broke away from the Shangri-La Cocoon and landed on the Judai Field of Youcheng.

"Then, I stacked the level 7 [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Unicorn] and the level 7 [Kushe Nuwei Tribe Leshart] on the field! Super Summon!"

Yushiro Judai took out a card from the card box and showed it to Yakumo Koji.

"Come out! 【no.89 Computer Beast-God of System Destruction】!"

Countless red codes quickly pieced together a human form.

In the darkness, the light of the number 89 gradually brightened, reflecting the body of this giant like a mountain.

【no.89 Computer Beast-God of System Destruction】

【Level: 7】


【Excess material: 2] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Attack power: 2800, defense power: 1200】

" card......"

"no.89?"A trace of cold sweat broke out on Yakumo Koji's forehead.

"【The effect of no.89 Computer Beast - God of System Destruction is activated!"

"By removing an excess material, you can confirm the card in the opponent's extra deck. After that, you can select a card from the extra deck to be excluded!"

Confirm opponent extra?

This......What is the difference between this and taking off other people's pants to see what color they are wearing?

Moreover, it is better to choose one of them except......This is a bit too outrageous!

Before Yakumo Kyouji said anything, the cards in the extra deck flew out one by one and were neatly arranged in front of Yujo Judai.

15 additional cards.

Among them, there are even some blank no cards that have not yet transformed!

"That's it, your extra composition looks like this."

Yushiro Judai touched his chin and nodded repeatedly.

That leisurely look made Yakumo Koji feel a little uncomfortable.

This feeling is as if he is pointing fingers and criticizing your construction.

0 Please give me flowers.

Coupled with Yujo Judai's expression where you can't tell what he is thinking deep down, it makes Yakumo Koji feel embarrassed about being stripped naked and standing in front of others.


It's so fucking torturous.!

"Well, I have no choice but to exclude this [No. 70 Sin Spider] from the inside."After looking around, Yujo Judai finally chose to exclude the Sin Spider from the inside.

What he said made Yakumo Keiji a little unable to hold himself tight.

What do you mean there is no way?

How did you manage your own deck? It seems Is it the kind of guy who pulls his hips so hard that no matter which one he excludes, he won’t make any money?

"【No.89 Cybermon - God of System Destruction], when the opponent's cards are face-down removed, you can banish the number of face-down cards from the top of the opponent's deck face-down."

Youcheng Judai smiled and said:"You should still remember what the effect of [Kushe Nuwei Clan's Shangri-La Cocoon] is, right?"

That's right.

Shangri-La Cocoon's blocking effect is not limited to once per round. Except for the two inside attacks of the Computer Beast - God of System Destruction, which means that Yakumo Koji will be blocked for two more squares!

In the blink of an eye, Yakumo There are only two monster sites left that Yunxingsi can use!

"......"Yakumo Xingji was silent. this......Am I still playing tricks on you?

Before I did anything, three of the five monster areas were blocked.

However, fortunately, Yujo Judai left two monster areas for himself......If it's your turn, you still have a chance to expand.......

However, Yakumo Keiji hadn't waited for him to think of his countermeasures for the next round.

Yucheng Judai took out another hand card

"I activate the continuous magic card [Kusa Nuwei Tribe's Parking Place] and activate its second effect. During the main phase, from the monsters in the graveyard and the exclusion zone, select one [Kusa Nuwei Tribe] except the super monster. 】Monster as the target, special summon it"

"The super material I removed by activating [Cybermon] before was [Kusa Nuwei Tribe Unicorn], so what I used [Kusa Nuwei Tribe’s Parking Place] to specially summon was [Kusa Nuwei Clan]. unicorn】!"

"After that, I stacked the [Jushe Nuwei Clan Unicorn] single card! Super Summoning [Aleshat of Kushe Nuwei Clan]】!"


Thunder suddenly appeared in the scarlet sky. next moment.

An extremely tall, mountain-like giant descended from the sky like a god.

With an attitude of looking down on all living beings, he stands on the Judai Field of Yucheng!

【Aleshhat of Kushe Nuwei Tribe】

【Level: 7】

【Mechanical Family/Excessive】

【Excess material: 1】

【Attack power: 3000, defense power: 3000]

Are you kidding?......

Did you actually perform a super summon with just one monster?

Seeing the monster appearing in front of him, Yakumo Koji finally felt the true despair......enter..

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