Although Yakumo Keiji didn't believe that Yujo Judai could completely pin him to death in the first round.

But with Yujo Judai's strength, he still had to take precautions against this matter....

"My turn."

Youcheng Judai looked at the card and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yakumo Koji, have you ever seen the spirit world that exists in parallel time and space?"


Yakumo Koji was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Yujo Judai said this.

"According to legend, in an unknown parallel universe, there are six special worlds with completely different systems."

"These six worlds respectively represent the six unique summoning methods of ritual, fusion, synchronization, transcendence, pendulum, and link."

Six summoning methods?

Yakumo Xingji was confused.

In his impression, the only unique summoning methods in this world are ritual, fusion, and super? The remaining six summoning methods Method, what happened?......

"Well, there’s no point in saying so much.......What I want to tell you is that these six worlds represent joy, anger, sorrow, joy, fear and hatred respectively."

"Among them, in the sixth world, one of the six worlds, there is a card spirit called"Kushe Nuwei Clan" that represents anger."

Youcheng Judai said, the duel plate field area on his arm has been opened at this moment.

He took out a card from his hand and 973 placed it on the field area

"The field magic card [Sixth World of Evil - Demonic World] is activated!"


The surrounding park began to change rapidly.

Under Yakumo Koji's shocked eyes, buildings with scarlet lines rose from the ground.

The surrounding world was covered in blood, as if the end of the world was coming!

"【When [Sixth World of Evil - World of Demons] is activated, you can add a [Jushe Nuwei Tribe] monster from the deck to your hand!"

Yucheng Judai said loudly:"I will add the [Kusha Nuwei Tribe-Unicorn] in the deck to my hand!"

Kusha Nuwei Clan?!

Seeing the card in Yujo Judai's hand, Yakumo Koji actually felt an extremely heavy pressure.

This is......what happened?

This is the kind of card that seems to evoke the deepest emotions in the human heart.......(bafj)

"【Kushe Nuwei Tribe - Unicorn] If there are no monsters on your field, you can directly special summon it to the field!"

Yucheng Judai opened his hands and said:"Come out! 【Kushe Nuwei Clan-Unicorn】!"

A red humanoid unicorn suddenly jumped out of the card.

It fell to the ground, with a faint red arrogance exuding all over its body.


The neighing sound echoed through the world of demons, and the surrounding space even flashed with red electric light!

【Kushe Nuwei Clan-Unicorn】

【Star rating: 7】


【Attack power: 2500]

Can a level 7 monster be directly special summoned?! real or fake!

Yakumo Xingji was a little confused.

Such a monster is a bit too shameless, right?

"The unicorn effect activates!"

"During your main phase, add a [Kushe Nuwei Tribe] magic card from your deck to your hand!"

Yushidai Judai began his own development,"I choose to add the magic card [Sixth Generation Bad Almighty Free Sky] to my hand!"

"Furthermore, activate the effect of [Sixth Generation Bad Alter Transformation], select a [Kusa Nuwei-type] monster on your field as the target, and target a [Kusha Nuwei-type] monster with a different attribute from that monster. Special Summon from the deck!"

"After this effect is activated, you can only special summon super monsters from the extra deck until the end of the turn!"

Can you only special summon super monsters from the extra deck?

Yakumo Koji's eyes narrowed.

By the way, this guy once said before that these six worlds represent six summoning methods.

That means , the sixth world of demon world, does it represent the super summoning!

"I specially summoned the earth attribute [Jushe Nuwei Tribe-Fenrir Wolf] from the deck.】!"

A humanoid wolf-faced monster holding a battle ax and with scarlet muscles all over his body appeared on the Judai field in the city.


A howl erupted from the monster's mouth. The sharp wolf howl made Yakumo Koji break out into cold sweat on his forehead.

【Kushe Nuwei Clan-Fenrir Wolf】

【Star rating: 7】


【Attack power: 2400, defense power: 2400】

"During the main phase, Fenrir Wolf can add a [Jushe Furwei] monster from the deck to his hand."Yushidai Judai once again retrieved a card from the deck.

"Two heavyweight monsters were summoned at once......."Seeing the unicorns and Fenrir wolves on the left and right of Yusheng Judai, Hui Liuli, who was hiding behind Yusheng Judai, couldn't help complaining,"Even if the round ends like this, these two Judai-sama Even ordinary decks cannot break through this monster."

Unicorn and Fenrir Wolf have the simplest summoning method, as well as extremely powerful and terrifying single card effects.

Unicorns and Fenrir wolves can trigger their effects when they declare an attack, or when the opponent activates their monster effects!

Unicorn can check the cards in the opponent's extra deck and select one of the monsters to banish face-down.

As for Fenrir Wolf, you can choose a face-up card on the opponent's field, except for the face-down card!

Except for the face-down display, in today's duel monster environment, it has nothing to do with this duel!

The single card strength of these two cards is already comparable to the final terminal of most decks!

It’s simply a card that the designer came up with out of his ass!

Especially Fenrir Wolf, with its powerful retrieval ability, it can even perform the unnatural act of retrieving Fenrir Wolf.

In the original environment where there was no limit to one, almost every deck could add three Fenrir Wolves.

When the first player is stuck, a Fenrir Wolf is badly placed. If the opponent's deck is weaker, he may not even be able to get past a Fenrir Wolf.

When breaking through with the backhand, he specially recruits a Fenrir Wolf to cheat Kang. By cheating and pointing, he can completely deceive the opponent.

The Jushe Nuwei clan deck also likes to be given the title of [Exorcist Saint].

Fortunately, the designer later saw that the cards were almost sold out, and Fenrir Wolf and Unicorn were cut down to only one, finally ending the torturous three wolf years.

It is not difficult to see from another aspect that this deck has a powerful single card combat capability. but.

Yujo Judai didn't like such a simple development.

Since I chose the [Kusha Nuwei Clan] deck to fight against Yakumo Koji.

Naturally, Yujo Judai wanted to show the true essence of this deck in front of Yakumo Koji. good. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The real essence of the Jushe Nuwei clan is not just the powerful single card ability.

Rather - its almost unparalleled inner side exclusion, extra deck destruction, and field blocking capabilities!.

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