"Next, the finals of the Kanto Competition will begin."

"Holy Night Academy vs. Hyotei Academy"

"The second doubles match will feature Takashi Kawamura and Tsuyoshi Inoue of Seiya Academy against Ranmaru Kurosaki and Hideyoshi Kinoshita of Hyotei Academy!"

"Players from both sides are invited to come forward!"

The referee's whistle sounded, and the finals of the Kanto Competition officially kicked off.

Every audience in the audience held their breath and looked forward to it.

Because after this battle, it will be the national competition.

It is the Holy Night that once again steps on the Ice Emperor The throne, win the first Kanto Tournament championship, and aim for the national competition?

Or will Hyokui avenge his shame, defeat Seiya, and move towards the championship of the national competition?


"Is this looking down on our Ice Emperor?"

When they saw that the second double team was Kawamura Takashi and Inoue Tsuyoshi, the Hyōtei main selectors immediately became angry.

To deal with Tatekai Dai, it was a double team combination like Fujin Fuji and Master Tezuka.

To deal with them, they actually sent out two Kanto-level players. Peak?

Absolutely abominable!

"Kinoshita, I'm going to blow them up! Kurosaki

Ranmaru spoke angrily, and Kinoshita Hideyoshi also responded solemnly:"Yeah!""

After several months of devilish training, I originally wanted to show off my skills.

The result of 14?

How dare Shengye underestimate our Ice Emperor? Then use the toughest attitude to win the first doubles match

"The second singles match begins, and Ice Emperor serves!"

The guess ended first, and the referee announced directly.




He pressed the tennis ball a few times very rhythmically.

Kurosaki Ranmaru looked proudly at Kawamura Takashi who was standing on the baseline, preparing to receive the serve.

The corners of his mouth were suppressed. Constantly mocking

"Holy Night, I'm going to blow you up!"

With a low shout, Kurosaki Ranmaru took action.


The tennis ball shot out like a cannonball.

It turned into a yellow light and accurately hit the boundary of the receiving area where Takashi Kawamura was.

Seeing that the tennis ball was about to fly high, The next moment, Kurosaki Ranmaru's expression froze on his face.

"This is impossible!"

"Wave ball!"

Kawamura Takashi roared, and his arm muscles bulged.

The racket instantly brought up a violent blast of air.

The tennis ball was like a roaring giant bear, rushing back towards Kurosaki Ranmaru.

"Damn it, I won't let you score!"

Kurosaki Ranmaru's expression changed drastically. He swung the racket vigorously and took the initiative to catch Kawamura Takashi's wave ball.



Just the moment the tennis ball came into contact with the racket, the racket began to vibrate uncontrollably.

The vague crack turned out to be the racket. It was almost about to break after being hit.



The next moment, Kurosaki Ranmaru felt severe pain in his wrist and could not hold the racket at all.

The wave ball hit the ground hard and bounced out of bounds.

"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, 15-0!"

The charred ball marks appeared on the white lines, which was very dazzling.

"What a terrifying power!"

Kinoshita Hideyoshi, who was standing in the frontcourt, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He put away his mentality of looking down on Takashi Kawamura and Go Inoue, and his expression became extremely serious.

If such a powerful player is not treated with caution, what if the ball does not hit the target ? Instead of hitting the court, he was seriously injured and lost the ability to play in minutes, okay?

"Aaron has made a lot of progress recently."

"That wave ball is much more powerful."

Kikumaru couldn't help but cheer.

Everyone in Shengye is making progress silently.

"Damn it, that was just an accident"

"Next, Holy Night Hugh wants to score any more points!"

Kurosaki Ranmaru shouted, waving his arms violently.


The rapidly spinning tennis ball passed through the net like a stream of light and rushed towards Inoue Go.

Since Kawamura Takashi is difficult to deal with, let's find another one.

Always Not that the other person is also a monster like Takashi Kawamura

"Explode to pieces!"

But the next moment, Kurosaki Ranmaru was shocked and dumbfounded.

Inoue roared angrily, and his arm strength was instantly concentrated on the racket.

The violent swing of the racket left only an afterimage in the air. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then it fell like a tomahawk, hitting the tennis ball hard.


When the tennis ball came into contact with the racket, a terrifying airflow spread out from around Inoue Go.

The tennis ball was like a cannonball, carrying it with it. The terrifying sonic boom roared towards Kinoshita Hideyoshi.


"Holy Night Academy takes the lead, 30-0!"

Maintaining a half-crouched posture with his knees bent, Kinoshita Hideyoshi's head was a little blank.

"Different, completely different!!"

It's different from the opponents they have encountered before.

The momentum and pressure of this pair of powerful players in Shengye are terrifying!

"Damn it, I don’t believe it!"

Kurosaki Ranmaru roared and served again.

Once or twice, forget it.

He didn't believe that the players of Holy Night could break out that kind of terrible ball every time.

Such a terrifying shot, with a body The load will never be small

"Let it burn!"


Accompanied by Kurosaki Ranmaru's high-speed serve, Kawamura Takashi roared with great excitement.

The racket in his hand swung down with great force.

The tennis ball seemed to burn with a fire, and it hit the black ball hard. Side of Qi Ranmaru's left foot.


"how come? Isn't this monster afraid of losing his arms?"

Kurosaki Ranmaru began to doubt life.

He couldn't catch it, he couldn't catch it at all!

Even the air was rubbing against the tennis ball, creating flames, and sonic booms kept ringing in his ears.

How could he catch such a terrifying counterattack?

"Let it burn!!"

At this time, Inoue Tsuyoshi also began to shout angrily.

Perhaps due to the influence of Takashi Kawamura, as soon as he came on the field, Inoue Tsuyoshi felt his blood boiling

"What are you still doing? Serve!"

Looking at the other person who was still in a daze, Inoue couldn't help but growl.

"Damn it 247, don’t underestimate people!"

When Kinoshita Hideyoshi heard this, he immediately roared.

This time, he replaced Ranmaru Kurosaki and delivered the last ball of the service game.


With a powerful and heavy blow, the tennis ball cut through the void like a bullet.

With almost the naked eye At an invisible speed, it hit the boundary of the baseline beside Go Inoue.


It was no surprise that Go Inoue predicted in advance and swung the racket at the void.

It was like a tennis ball came up to him and made heavy contact with the racket.

"Explode to pieces!"

The entire court was shaken by strong winds.

The tennis ball tore through the air and crashed towards the Ice King doubles court. With such terrifying power, the spectators outside the court were shocked to feel the strong wind blowing in their faces.

"Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!"

While Kinoshita Hideyoshi was dazed, Kurosaki Ranmaru rushed forward with a low roar.

"Stop it, Kurosaki!"

I roared immediately, but Kinoshita could no longer stop Kurosaki.


Holding the racket with both hands, Kurosaki faced Inoue Gou's blow and it exploded into pieces.

"So impulsive!"

"Release the racket quickly, you'll get hurt, Kurosaki!"

There was an uproar in the Hyotei player's seat.

Kurosaki's face turned red, and the skin on his arm began to bleed.

It was obvious that he could not withstand the pressure of bursting into pieces, but he still refused to let go.

"The winner is Ice King!"

"There is no way I will admit defeat, nor will I fall down here!"


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