"That's not all."

Looking at the horrified expressions of Kurobe and Takumi, Saito continued.

"besides? Could it be that in addition to these few, are there other players who have reached the national level in junior high school?"


Kurobe is a little doubtful about life.

Is this an outbreak of national destiny?

"Yamabuki's Senseki Seishun, Shiraishi Kuranosuke from Tentenhoji Temple, Hyotei's Atobe Keigo, Ninzu Yushi"

"Shishi Raku’s Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Yoshihei are all first-year junior high school students who have entered the national level."

Immediately afterwards, before Kurobe and Takumi could speak in shock, Saito said again

"In addition, at the Kanto Competition, two doubles players in Holy Night broke through to the national level."

"They are Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro, and the two of them also realized the second stage of synchrony - the same idea."


Kurobe and Takumi were immediately confused.

"In this way, on the holy night of"653" alone, there is one professional-level person, two who are half-step to the top of the country, and one who is half-step to the national elite."

"Are there two other golden doubles players who are new to the country?"

The lineup is simply exaggerated to the point of explosion.

Is Muzhidou strong enough?

The overlord who won two consecutive national competitions.

But their lineup at their peak was probably only half of Shengye's strength, right?

Whether it was peak combat power or The high-level combat power and the middle-level backbone.

Mu Zhideng was directly tortured into scum in front of Shengye.

"Speed ​​up!"

"After the national competition, invitation letters will be sent to all junior high school students who have reached the national level."

"Regardless of age, strength is everything!"

The next moment, Kurobe couldn't wait to speak.

This sentence was unanimously agreed by Taku and Saito.

For a time, the entire training camp, both students and coaches, were very busy.

But on the other side, the National Middle School Tennis Competition also Still in full swing.

Dazai Manor, Tokyo.

It was another luxurious celebration banquet, and the main candidates on Holy Night were full of wine and food.

Dazai held a pre-game meeting for the Kanto Competition finals in the living room

"Tomorrow is the final of the Kanto Competition"

"The opponent is our old acquaintance, Ice Emperor"

"After losing to our Holy Night in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, Hyotei's main players were training like crazy"

"The overall strength has increased greatly compared with before."

"But there is still a certain gap between it and Holy Night."

Dazai Osamu looked around at the crowd with stern eyes:"I hope you can compete normally."

"Victory must belong to Holy Night. After saying this

, Kikumaru shouted:"Victory must belong to Holy Night!""

"Victory must belong to Holy Night."

Other Holy Night candidates also shouted


Dazai Osamu nodded with satisfaction, and then looked to one side.

Tezuka nodded, then stood up and announced loudly

"Next, is the list of participants for tomorrow’s battle with the Ice King."

"Second doubles: Takashi Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Inoue"

"First doubles: Shuichiro Oishi, Eiji Kikumaru"

"Third singles: Tezuka Kunimitsu"

"Second singles: Akutsu"

"First singles: Fuji Zhousuke."

At the same time, Hyotei Academy, Tennis Club Center Building

"Tomorrow will be our second confrontation with Holy Night"

"Are you confident?"

Sakaki Taro looked solemn and looked at the main candidates of Hyōtei seriously.

"Victory belongs to Ice Emperor!"

"Victory belongs to Ice Emperor!"

"Victory belongs to Ice Emperor!"

The Ice Emperor main candidates shouted confidently, and everyone's eyes were filled with strong fighting spirit.

They couldn't wait.

On the field, they defeated Shengye and wiped away the shame of being zero in the competition!

"I will let everyone in Holy Night be intoxicated by my magnificent skills, especially that guy Dazai!"

Atobe spoke proudly

"Very good, next I will announce the list of participants for tomorrow's battle with Shengye."

Sakaki Taro then spoke and said loudly

"Doubles 2: Ranmaru Kurosaki, Hideyoshi Kinoshita!"

"Doubles 1: Renzu Yushi, Xiangyue Ren!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Singles three: Jirou Akutagawa!"

"Singles 2: Shishido Ryo!"

"Singles 1: Atobe Keigo!"

This time, Sakaki Taro was obviously more cautious and adopted a more satisfactory tactical choice.

Facing the Holy Night, no one dared to be careless.[]

The next day, early in the morning.

Shiki no Mori Park was already crowded with spectators.

King Li Hai was brought to an end, but their enthusiasm was not extinguished.

Instead, because of the birth of the new king on Holy Night, everyone wanted to accompany him and witness history.

Many people are also interested in the players competing against each other on Holy Night today. ice King.

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, suffered a clean sheet on Holy Night.....

Many people are looking forward to it.

When they meet again this time, what kind of battle will break out between Ice Emperor and Sheng Ye?

"Do you think there is any hope that Hyokui will be able to wash away the humiliation of the Capital Competition today?"

"It’s hard for me to watch because I watched the match between Hyokui and Rokkaku yesterday."

"Although Hyokui has made great progress compared to the Metropolitan Competition, the gap between him and Shengye is still obvious."

"Hush, don’t talk about it yet, the Ice Emperor’s main selection team is here."

While the audience outside the stadium was talking a lot, Hyokui's luxurious lineup was as good as ever.

With the theme of gorgeousness, Atobe held his head proudly.

It was just that there was no expected cheers, which made Atobe a little embarrassed.

"The winner is Ice King!"

"Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!"

The Hyotei cheerleaders quickly spoke up to ease the embarrassment.

And just when Atobe... took a long breath.

The audience, which was not enthusiastic at first, suddenly broke out into waves.

"ah! Here comes the holy night!"

"So handsome, Dazai-kun!"

"You must do your best today, Dazai-kun!"

"Holy Night will win!"

There is no need for cheerleaders at all.

The spectators who came to watch the game cheered on their own, directly covering the shouts of Hyotei's cheerleaders.

Headed by Dazai Osamu, every member of the Holy Night players raised their heads and held their chests high, full of energy.

Enjoying the attention of the crowd, he walked towards the competition venue step by step with neat steps.

Wherever he passed, the cheers were louder and louder.

It just so happened that the Ice Emperor was on the only way to pass on the Holy Night of 3.5

"Dazai, this time, you will be intoxicated by my magnificent skills."

Atobe vowed.

Dazai Osamu smiled and nodded:"Okay, I'm looking forward to your performance, but you're blocking my way."

"Huh, what are you doing? I was here first!"

Atobe snorted coldly when he heard this.

The next moment, Dazai Osamu didn't need to respond at all.

The enthusiastic spectators around him directly gave up a straight passage to Shengye

"Come on Holy Night!"

"Holy Night is invincible!"

"Dazai-kun, I love you the most!"

Following the passage that the enthusiastic audience gave way to, Dazai Osamu led the Holy Night Academy and disappeared in front of the Hyōtei.

"Let's go too!"

Atobe felt extremely aggrieved, but he could only clench his fists and lead Hyotei's main selection into the competition venue.

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