The mouth that eats people is soft, and the hands that take people are soft. Ji Niu Xing was embarrassed for a moment, frowning and speaking incoherently, as if from another world, he said:"Hey... oh... the cause of death of my father... is a blood and tears account... a confused account... I am confused... I was fooled. I'm confused."

The bearded Zheng Long looked at him eagerly and shouted loudly:"Evil! I couldn't kill you the first and second times! Where are you going to run away now! Bashan, Zhongyi, have you forgotten? Your father. , how did your mother die! Today, only by eradicating the root cause can we be worthy of our father and mother. Let’s join hands and take the head of the last evil bastard in the Dongmen family to sacrifice to our parents’ spirits in heaven!"

The Sword King stands as tall as a bronze tower in Bashan. He has a broad face, square cheeks, big eyes and earlobes, and a rough appearance. He wears a gray-white silk shirt and a swastika turban. His legs are wide and fluttering in the wind, and his boots are tight for riding on the mountain. It is as hard as iron, with both hands holding the handle of a large sword that is two feet long, and the broad blade is shining brightly.

Bashan frowned coldly and said loudly:"Brother Zheng, Sister Yang, I don't know whether your words are true or not. Could you have fabricated them to deceive me, Bashan?"

Gun King Zhongyi disguised himself as a man, like a handsome young man, but A hint of rouge emitted the fragrance, and a cluster of wild yellow flowers was inserted diagonally on the side of her hair. Her vision was extremely powerful, and she said sternly:"Bad boy, your death has come! You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It won't take any effort to find it! Let's go up together and kill him." Only the little evil ones can eliminate nightmares! Hurry up." It was too late to say, but it was quick then. A blue dragon spear stabbed towards Dongzi's heart with a hiss and a clang, but it was held together with the peony-red sword.

Mudanhong threw her long hair back and said,"Wait a minute, you have to kill clearly. Bashan hasn't answered his question yet, why are you in a hurry?"

Zheng Long waved his sword to separate their weapons and said sternly:"Brother Bashan, when did the eldest brother lie to me and you? When did the eldest brother ever tell a lie? I traveled around the world with my parents when I was twelve years old, and it has been twenty years now! Zheng can learn everything, but he can't learn from lying. Yes."

Dongzi was like a tiger who accidentally encountered a group of tigers, all of them wanted to pounce on him and devour him. Only Ximenhua escorted and Peonyhong helped him. He retreated and dodged, but his face did not change color and his heart did not beat. The sword in his hand had already been inserted into the sheath, and sometimes he used the sheath shell to block it. He squeaked, but couldn't utter a word.

Yang Chunse pointed the tip of his sword at Ximen Hua and asked sternly:"What are you doing! Who are you?" Hua'er felt tired and coldly refused to answer. Yang Chunse pointed the sword peak at Peony Hong again and said sternly:"You two go away! Otherwise, I won't even let you go!" Then he pressed:"She promised her death... She must be Dongmen Jiebing's woman......Kill them together!"

Mudanhong said anxiously:"Don't...she, she is...her name is Ximenhua, she is a good girl." The bearded Zheng Long approached with a sword and said sternly:"Mudanhong, go away! You are not a victim, But we are all victims. It’s such a tragedy for a young man to lose both his father and his mother! Come on, if you don’t do anything, just stand aside! I’ll take your baby’s head first!" After saying this in a deep voice, he waved his hand. Go up with a broad sword.

Ji Niuxing pressed the sword with his sword and said:"Wait a minute! Brother, you can't kill a person by mistake in the world! Ximen Tian has killed so many people by mistake, and we can't follow in his evil footsteps." Bashan took back the long sword and walked around:" The words of the Ji Niu Xing make sense. Murder requires evidence of guilt! Do not kill innocent people indiscriminately! There are many opinions about the cause of death of the older generation. I came to this strange city shared by gods and demons just to find out the reason."

Yang Chunse burst into tears, He said sadly:"My father was a wise man in his life...and Dongmende was the first city lord back then, and he was a complete fool! He spread rumors to cause trouble, saying nonsense that my father had stolen the treasure of the city,"Lu Ban's Secret Book" collected in the mysterious city......My father died in a secret arrow trap... My mother avenged my father and died tragically in this magic city. Two lives, I only need one from you, Dongmen Jiebing!"

Ximen Hua defended Dongzi. Said:"What evidence is there that he is Dongmen Jiebing? He is Dongzi, not Dongmen Jiebing at all! Besides, whoever kills will be killed. The affairs between his father's generation have nothing to do with him!"

Zhong Yi was angry. Chong said:"The father's debt is repaid by the son, and he deserves to be killed!"

Mudanhong's tone was gentle, and she said:"Hey, Miss Zhongyi, the father's debt is repaid by the son... It refers to the debt of money and property, how can it refer to repaying the debt with human life."

Yang Chunse said:"Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! 'Father owes son,' is a broad meaning, not a narrow meaning!"

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