(6) Mourning White Poplar Lost in Butterfly Valley

Chapter 35: Laojun Qitian Sword

The good times did not last long. Unexpectedly, Dongzi, Ximenhua, Jiniuxing, and Mudanhong had just made friends with Bashan and Zhongyi. Their power had grown stronger and they were all high-spirited. They were about to settle accounts with the devil Ximen. As they walked and ran along the winding path in the jungle, the two of them met. He stabbed Dongzi with his shining sword.

Dongzi dodged to the left and dodged to the right. The attack was so fierce that both swordsmen missed the target. Ximen flower, lucky star, and peony red"dang-dang-dang" blocked them with swords, but they couldn't stop them. Hua'er screamed and stopped him:"Stop! Don't kill him! What crime is he guilty of?!" A male and a female swordsman didn't listen at all. They were like crazy lions, chi chi chi, and stabbed fiercely to kill, all working together to attack Dong. son. Dongzi didn't understand and was quite surprised, but one thing was very clear:"This is the third time I have been killed by the attackers."."

The powerful enemy was killing more and more fiercely. In the dark night, no one could see clearly. Bashan, the sword king, and Zhongyi, the spear king, both have extraordinary arm strength, but if they fight tooth and nail, it would be difficult for ten people to stop them.Even the King of Swordsmen and the King of Spears are difficult to suppress.

Bashan, the sword king, was good at attracting people's attention with the reflection of his broad sword. When he saw the broad sword blade, he was shocked and shouted:"Brother! Zheng Long, are you crazy?! Stop it!" The spear king Zhongyi had already seen a little bit of the male swordsman. The sword style used was the"Lao Jun Qi Tian" sword style, while the female swordsman used the"Eight Immortals Sword" style. She shouted in a soprano voice:"Brother, sister... you are crazy! Kill your own people."! Crazy, crazy!" As he said, the sword and gun each pressed a broad sword, and the male and female swordsmen stopped.

Half of the moon's face secretly peeked out from the dark clouds, and it was like opening its big copper bell-like eyes to see what was going on. Jiniuxing took advantage of the faint moonlight to see it, clasped his fists and said:"Brothers and sisters, we are all our own, we have been killing each other for a long time... It is ridiculous!" The bearded man called brother was Zheng Long, said angrily :"Go away! What kind of brothers? You are fighting fiercely with the enemy. From now on, we will never be sworn in!" The person who is called sister is Yang Chunse. It was bitingly cold. She said angrily:"If you hadn't stopped us, today would have been the end of the day for the vicious ones!"

Ximen Hua stood forward, holding her sword to protect the embarrassed Dongzi, and said sternly:"Hey! The enemy...the vicious ones? What? What do you mean? What crime has he committed?!"

Sword King Bashan said:"Brother, it's so heartless to kill someone in a rare moment!" Mudanhong said:"You are wrong! Dongzi is an honest man."

The bearded swordsman pointed at Dongzi with his blade finger and insisted:"He is Dongmen Jiebing! He is Dongmende's son! Our fathers are all dead, who killed him?! It's Dongmen Jiebing and Dongmende!" That devil father of his!" Yang Chun's cold eyes flashed hard, he spoke like a sword, and said sternly:"The Dongmen family killed our parents! Have you forgotten the blood feud! The Dongmen family should all die! If you still do it, If you consider me your sister, then work together with us to kill Dongmen Jiebing, so that the Dongmen family will have no descendants and will never be able to stand up again!"

Ji Niuxing, Bashan, and Zhongyi were all secretly frightened, and turned their weapons to target Dongzi. ,ready. Peonyhong also had no idea, and was in a dilemma. She was more than ten feet away from Dongzi and Ximenhua.

Only Ximen Hua clung closer to Dong Zi, guarding him with his sword. She moved forward slightly and said with bright eyes:"Don't kill him! If he wants to die... I will die with him!" It was already dawn. All the people were stunned by Ximenhua's decisive words. Hua'er could already clearly see the beauty of Zheng Long and Yang Chun, who were facing each other at swords. She saw Zheng Dahan's breasts and buttocks were enlarged, his body was barbaric, his beard was cold and his eyebrows were like arrows; he wore a scarf on his head, a Jianghu robe, and his waist He is tied with a soap silk ribbon, has a bow and a pot of arrows on his back, and holds a"Qitian" broad sword in his hand, which is as vicious as if he wants to kill pigs and cows. Yang Chunse was very delicate, neatly dressed, and was more than five feet tall. She wore a long coarse cloth skirt with a strong lining, and a bow and a pot of arrows on her back. She wears a pair of embroidered shoes, which are half covered by the grass. The three-foot"immortal sword" held in her right hand seems to be able to change countless shapes, so powerful!

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