Another year passed in the blink of an eye, and it was another winter; winter is the most hated and most difficult season for poor people. Nine-year-old Yu'er's clothes had been patched three times over and over again. Just as they were patched up, they were torn again. Shui secretly cried in her heart, so she went to pick up tattered clothes, but she couldn't wear them or mend them. Shui Lian was unwilling to give up, so she went to the"Yehua Tower" to pick up shabby clothes.

On this day, Bai Nianlang, who lived on the second floor of the back wall, was changing into new clothes. He put on the Luoqi purple-red robe that Tonghualiguai bought at the clothing store, and threw the old clothes out of the window. What a coincidence! She finally got the water lotus in hand and connected three pieces in a row. One of them, a pink robe that had turned gray after washing, surprised her:"This dress... seems to have been seen before... is it his clothes?" You often wear this pink robe in the study... could it be... could it be him - Bai Nianlang - who is upstairs?"

Shui Lian was afraid that she had made a mistake, but after going back and thinking about it, she decided that it was Bai Nianlang's clothes! The newly sewn thread at the bottom corner was connected by her own hands. Mrs. Shui gave Yu'er two other old clothes to try on. They found they were too long, so she cut them shorter before putting them on Yu'er. The son was very happy, but she was very sad. Yu'er smiled and said,"Mom, are you unhappy? Don't these clothes fit?" Shui forced a smile and said,"It fits well, it looks good... Go and collect firewood, Mom." Good to cook……"Before he finished speaking, he heard a scream of"ah-ah" from inside. Mother Shui and her son rushed into the house and shouted:"Godmother... Godmother"……""Mother-in-law... mother-in-law."Then Nanny Li has died.

Shuilian couldn't eat for two days and two nights, so mother and son buried Nanny Li. The remaining one and a half thatched cottage became the mother and son's only survival. But they couldn't survive. To treat Grandma Li and buy medicine, the only half an acre of land was exchanged for money and all the money was spent. Now it is impossible to survive without begging.

Shuilian is determined to find a husband. In the past few years, her godmother has been ill, and Yu'er She was so young that she couldn't escape. Now that Yu'er was almost ten years old, she secretly made up her mind:"I must find my son's father! His father doesn't know that his son has grown so big.""

Shui's clothes were in tatters and he couldn't go out, so he put on Bai Nianlang's old clothes that he had found and went to"Yehua Tower" to find Bai Nianlang. Passing by the market, the dogs and men laughed at the joke and chirped:" Ha-ah, women wear men's smelly clothes!"""She's pretending to be a man""That's a prostitute selling herself"!""She slept with a man as a concubine and wore the wrong clothes!" Shui Lian was so angry that she hid in the forest and shed tears.

Shui didn't dare to look for it anymore, but she still went to look for him, thinking to herself:"It doesn't matter if I get beaten or scolded! As long as I find it. Yu'er's father is Yu'er's father. Only Yu'er has food to eat and clothes to wear. For the sake of my son... I will fight for it!"

When people are unlucky, misfortunes often come singly. Just a few days after Grandma Li was buried, Yu'er fell ill again, with fever and vomiting, and her life and death were uncertain. Qian Hai came to add another wedge and proposed:"We need to Taking Shuilian as a side house, as a concubine, means: one package for food, clothing and shelter for your mother and son; two packages for your mother and son's medical treatment; three packages for Yu'er to attend a private school to study and take exams."Shui knew that Qian Hai was a rich man, but she didn't know that he was a big gambling king. She didn't agree or refuse.

Shui Lian still wanted to find her husband, Bai Nianlang, to solve her urgent need. She took a bold risk , asked Qian Hai to take care of Yu'er, then put on the scolded Lang Junyi and went to find Bai Nianlang.

Shui jumped into"Yehua Tower", sneaked into the courtyard, and came to the downstairs next to the back wall. She yelled:"Bai Lang... Lang Jun... Yu'er is sick... almost dying of illness... Are you Bai Nianlang?" quick……"Bai Nianlang looked down and said to himself:"She's a beggar... a womanizer... a stinky woman begging for food... Why does she call her Bai Nianlang?" Looking downstairs, he saw her disheveled hair and said to himself:" Not male, not female, not human, not ghost... She is a woman begging for food. Beggar! What a dirty face." He brought a few plates of leftover rice, wrapped it in a rag, and threw it away. Go down and say sternly:"No more shouting! Take it to eat! Go away! Don't come back again. Is this where you came from? Come on! Go! It's not raining. You're crazy! It's not raining. Let's go." open!!"

Suddenly, three pretty pinkheads came up. One of them covered his mouth, spat, and said angrily:"It stinks! It stinks! Where are you beggars? Get out of the gate! Don't ruin the fortune of"Yehua Tower"!" Someone had already reported this to Mrs. Yao, and she ordered the guards to drive the Shui family out of the back door of"Yehua Tower".

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