Wife and children are separated. Bai Nianlang was eager to get rich, and imagined that"if he becomes a rich man, he can redeem his property and real estate, build a luxurious house, and bring back his wife and children. Only then can he win back his wife's heart. There is also an explanation for this." Who knows, but Bai Nianlang has an explanation. Deeper and deeper. On this day, Bai Nianlang received his salary and asked Hualiguai to go shopping in the market. Hualiguai wants whatever he wants, but Bai Nianlang doesn't dare to say"no", and he caters to him so much that he obeys her orders. The flower monster asked him to buy it, so Bai Nianyan had no choice but to agree, buying a Silla brocade suit for each of them, and also bought her a pearl necklace. Mr. Bai only had a few taels of silver left and spent the rest. Huali said strangely:"Hey, look at your face, are you afraid of spending money?" He said:"No... no, no, you spent a lot of money on me, I should spend this money as well." Hua Li said strangely. The weirdo laughed and said:"Eat, drink and have fun, that's how life is. I am a flower girl! It's just money, what are you afraid of! I don't have money to go to the gambling table, but I can afford it." Bai Nianlang was even more relieved. Back in the private room of Jingzhai, Hualiguai played with Bai Nianlang. Bainianlang pushed her away and said:"I'm so annoyed, go away." Hualiguai said with a smile:"Life is as long as the vegetation. Bai Nianlang has lost everything, so what are you afraid of! As long as I follow you, if you have wine and get drunk every day, and if you have money and have fun every day, your life will not be in vain." Bai Nianlang gradually acquiesced and obeyed, without saying a word.

Another year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Golden Tornado, Bai Nianlang, Yinshuidong, Flower Monster, and Sky Rat gathered together, eating, drinking, laughing, and joking all day long. Jin Xuanfeng said:"Mr. Bai Nian is a rare talent. Talents are rare. I heard that you have a wife and children, where are you now?" Bai Nianlang looked at the flowers and looked strangely unhappy, so he said,"I don't have a wife and children, so I am unmarried." Shuidong said:"Why don't Huamei use the money she has accumulated over the years to redeem herself, and pair up with Bai Nianlang, and become a perfect match? You are a match made in heaven. How beautiful it is to be a pair of mandarin ducks who grow old together." The monsters in the flower were laughing so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. The Sky Rat and the Golden Tornado were adding fuel to the fire. In the midst of the commotion, Bai Nianlang said in embarrassment:"I don't dare to climb, I don't dare to think. I am a little bird, how can I be worthy of a phoenix?" In the dark center Shivering and shaking.

In heaven... while the five people were eating happily and their faces were red from drinking, there was an eight-year-old boy picking up bones and leftovers at the table. This child is none other than Yu'er. Eight years later, Bai Nianlang didn't know that it was his son crawling under the table and fighting with the dog for meat and bones. In a daze, Jin Xuanfeng, Bai Nianlang and Tian Shu were all watching the fun. Jin Xuanfeng said:"People and dogs are fighting for bones. It looks good, it looks good!" Tian Shu said:"Baby! Grab this big bone and meat!""He poured a plate and a half of twice-cooked pork on the table between Yu'er and the dog, and shouted:"Baby! Come on, hurry up, your hands must be quick!" Bai Nianlang was still a bit nerdy after all, so he poured the remaining chicken between Yu'er and the dog. In front of Yu'er's hand, two more dogs suddenly rushed to fight with Yu'er. The big yellow dog rushed up and wanted to bite Yu'er. Yu'er yelled"Ah--ya", grabbed the small bag of leftover meat and bones, and ran out, causing a burst of laughter at the dining table.

In hell... Yu'er and his mother Shui Lian lived a life of hunger and hunger. How could Grandma Li afford to support them and their son? Besides, Grandma Li was sick and bedridden day by day. Yu'er picked up the food and meat bones. When she got home, she gave all the good things to Grandma Li to eat. The rest was mixed with the wild vegetable soup made by her mother and cooked. A day’s meal.

In a life like hell... Shui Lian's calls from the sky and the sky are unresponsive, and the earth and the earth are not working. She cannot bear to look back on the miserable days, forcing her to pray for escape. But he encountered obstacles everywhere and everything didn't go as he wished, so he pinned his hopes on praying to God and worshiping Buddha. The next day, Mrs. Shui took Yu'er to burn incense and kowtow at Xilin Temple, but she was hungry and thirsty and fainted on the floor tiles in front of the Buddha. This day was a temple fair, and there were many pilgrims burning incense and worshiping Buddha. Qian Hai, the gambling king, has been having bad luck in recent months, so he also came to Xilin Temple to pray for Buddha. Suddenly he saw a beautiful woman falling to the ground, so he stepped forward to help her. Qian Hai felt that this woman was familiar, but he forgot about her. He also took the awakening medicine and asked about the cause of Yu'er's illness. He found out that the illness was due to hunger, so he spent money to buy some good food and asked Yu'er to feed his mother, and then he rescued Shui.

Qian Hai has long been interested in the Shui family and has secretly made plans in his mind. He asked his mother and son to stay at his house temporarily, but Shui Lian was not willing to agree. She kept thanking him, but still wanted to go back to Grandma Li's small courtyard for a poor family. Qian Hai hired a carriage to send his mother and son away.

After that, Qian Hai came to Li Jiahan Courtyard several times. Shui had no choice but to ignore him and had other plans. She asked,"Master Qian, my husband's name is Bai Nianlang. Have you ever seen him?" Qian Hai was shocked. The big gambling king in the gambling hall could change his face. Without changing his expression and his heart skipping a beat, he pretended not to know and said,"There is no such gentleman named Bai inside and outside the city of Suzhou." Shui was greatly disappointed and said,"I don't believe it! Where can he go?" Qian Hai smiled contemptuously. , said:"I am the famous 'Jiangnan Tong' in the world. I have friends all over Suzhou, Hangzhou and Jiangnan. I have never heard of the person you asked me to ask." Qian Hai has a lot of money, and he cheats and coaxes him. Win with silver and copper coins. In order to survive and to prevent Yu'er from being bitten by dogs, Shui Lian had to accept some small silver coins from Qian Hai.

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