Hong'er was full of energy and said:"Mr. Lang, you and I, you and I, are in love with each other. Who can say that we can compose poems and lyrics with much affection." Xu Shilin's soul was leisurely and he said:"Madam, I miss you. Magpies don't like it. The world is sad, the flowers have fallen, the leaves have faded, and the water has flowed back."

Hong'er said lovingly,"My lord, I miss you. I would like to turn into a butterfly and chase you around the grave, flying with your soul all day long." Xu Shilin said on a whim,"Madam, I miss you. You, Xiaoxiang, hold a cup in the sky late at night, raising your hand and shaking the moon to express your love."

Hong'er praised:"Husband, after the setting sun, spring comes again, and the sky is clear and the sun rises after the rain." Xu Shilin said with deep emotion,"My wife, I'm so grateful. As heavy as a mountain, I want to avenge my sister. I am devoted to my sister."

Hong'er said:"My lord, I lost my footing by the snow embankment lake, and it was you who saved my sister from the ice cave." Xu Shilin continued:"My lady, the flowers are blooming. There is a day when the flowers bloom, and it is a happy time to meet each other in poor places."

Hong'er said:"Shilang, it is not easy for the world to turn around, and I swear to change the sky for my loved ones." Xu Shilin said:"My lady, there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work. Lin vows to fight evil!"

Hong'er said:"Shilang, the autumn moon over Pinghu Lake never grows old. You and I are like mandarin ducks. I hear the wind at night and recall the courtyard, and the Qiantang in spring is especially beautiful." Xu Shilin said:"My lady, , What if the sky falls ruthlessly and beats both husband and wife?"

Hong'er suddenly twitched and said:"Shilin...Shilin, what if one day...you and I are separated...I won't be able to see you. You... you can't see me either... my mother, daughter Hanchuang... I entrusted you with this.……"

Xu Mengjiao's face turned pale, and he shook his hands and said,"No, no, no.……These unlucky words... it's better not to say them"


Xu Xian's heart was in a state of confusion, he stamped his feet and his head, resenting the world and the earth. His hatred came and went, but he still focused his hatred on Hong'er. He recalled back and forth, rushing here and there, as if he was lost, thinking hard:"Oh, it's hard, it's hard! Ever since my wife became a mortal, just like me... I thought that it would be peaceful and peaceful from now on, without wind or waves. , spend the remaining years in peace and contentment, never thought that the evil son would attract Hong'er... Hong'er is the source of disaster! It is the Sweeping Star that descends to earth and brings disaster to the Xu family! One disaster after another is coming......It’s a bloody disaster!

"This disaster has no end... no end... one after another! You want to destroy my Xu family. Oh my gosh, I thought Hong'er was a good woman, but I didn't believe those rumors... about 'the little red snake demon turned into a human being', and about 'Hong'er the little demon is the bane of the Xu family'... I didn't believe it at first, but it's all gone come true! Madam, she is no longer a white snake or something like that...she is a human being...a kind person, the most beautiful and kind-hearted woman in the world; but Hong'er is just the opposite! Those who do good deeds? They were all caused by Qingguang Orb. What is the connection with Hong'er?! finally, I understand……"

Just as I was thinking of this, groups of strange colorful clouds passed by, and the clouds and mistA yellow-robed monk fell down. Xu Hanwen took a closer look and said in surprise:"Oh, it's Master Fa Feng."……"

The Master held the Qiankun Staff with one hand and bowed to his chest with the other hand, and said respectfully:"Amitabha, you are so good, so good. Donor, please look at your face and check your color. I see that your face is pale, with blue in the white, and sometimes red. You must be in a panic and have no control over your mind." No wonder, your Xu family! A bloody disaster is coming!"

Xu Xian sighed:"Alas! Alas, alas! Master, you talk about this, I feel very sad... What should I do about this? Great Master, God Master, save the suffering, great Buddhist master, please save our Xu family!"

The naughty master's sharp eyes flashed, as if he could penetrate the skin and bones of Chinese characters and see into his soul. He said as if:"Amitabha! The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but turning back is the only way! The donor Xu finally turned around, and became enlightened from confusion, which can be a liberation."

Xu Hanwen trembled all over and said:"Great Master, I am relieved. Thank God. Thank you, Master Living Buddha." And I...I, I, I am so bad. Ever since my wife became a mortal, I thought everything was peaceful...but one after another...endless disasters...the catastrophe is coming...endless...Why is Xu Hanwen's life so miserable? ?"

The naughty master said in a dignified manner:"Namo Amitabha. If you ask about the things in this life, it has already been decided in the past life; if you ask about the things in the past life, what you will receive in this life; if you ask about the things in the future life, what you will do in this life.…………"

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