(14) Swallowing Pearls and Flying to Wangniang Mountain

Chapter 96 Xiaoyingzhou

On the West Lake in Hangzhou (Lin'an), there are thousands of scenery. A boatman was rocking the boat and singing:

Before, it was a baby crying, but suddenly all its white beards grew out.

Yesterday the mandarin ducks laughed on the pillow, today the bones are buried in the loess.

The graves were lined up in a road, and later grass and trees grew.

Who wants to die an ordinary life? Is it already destined?

Fa Feng was passing by the West Lake and heard this song. He smiled coldly and said:"Haha, what a nonsense song! He is a stinky man! Alas, the spirit of the founder Fahai in heaven has not appeared. He has passed down three treasures and is incompetent!" Why not use 'Purple Golden Bowl'’、‘Golden Dragon Zen Staff’、‘The realgar sword is passed on to the disciples. If I pass it on to my disciples, I will have six treasures. These magic weapons will definitely be able to capture the little demon Hong'er alive! And quickly killed her without a doubt. The stubborn master thought again:"Oh, if it weren't for that bald donkey monk Wu Jie, Hong'er would definitely die." If the master doesn’t show his spirit, he must be enlightened by Guanyin and go away! The little demon Hong'er couldn't be killed several times, so it must be the green light orb that's causing trouble! Next time, when you collect the little demon Hong'er, wait for my master to recite the incantation and grab the green light pearl first! Hong'er little demon, go to hell!"


Hong'er returns and reunites with her family. She handed her beloved daughter Hanchuang to her grandmother Bai Niangzi and hurriedly went out with her sword. According to myths and legends, Hong'er took out the Blue Light Orb and turned dry fields into paddy fields and wasteland into grain fields. Her methods of using blue light beads are endless, and those tenant farmers who cannot afford to pay the rent can have food for their families, but they can also pay the rent, and they are no longer hungry. The poor people flocked to worship Hong'er, but she hid on Xiaoyingzhou.

Xu Mengjiao rushed over with a boat and called out:"Madam - madam... my red lady, wait for Shilin, I'm coming." The boat was docked on the stone shore of Xiaoyingzhou, and Xu Guanren rushed to catch up with Hong'er.

Hong'er was trying to catch a riddle with him, but Xu Shilin accidentally caught him. When husband and wife are together, it is difficult to separate.

Hong'er smiled and said:"Shilang, do you still remember the spring season when we first met six years ago?" Shilin said:"Madam, remember, how can you forget?"

Hong'er said with a smile:"Since Sir I remember, we made some poems. Can you sing the poems I composed at that time?" Xu Shilin said with a smile:"How can you not sing the poems? I have memorized them and engraved them on the wall of my heart. Let me sing them to my wife: Things in the world are like mountains and water, and mountains and rivers are in harmony. Things in the world are like heaven and earth, but in fact heaven and earth are one family."

Hong'er praised his poem, saying:"We miss each other day by day, and a pair of mandarin ducks know each other well. The flower buds follow the wind. Come to report the warmth, I lost the ice and it was spring."

Xu Shilin said:"Madam, those poems you sang by the West Lake back then...I remember them word for word. Listen, madam.……‘Life is as fast as waves, and the grass and trees fall in the wilderness in autumn. I hope you can always help others and become the warm spring moon in the world.’"

Hong'er smiled and sang:"I miss you, and I have traveled to the ends of the earth and the sea to find my husband." Xu Shilin's eyebrows danced with joy, and he gestured:"My lady, I miss you, and my tears are flowing. It's so sad and cold in the middle of the night."

Hong'er said:"Shilang, for you, I would rather shed my blood and turn my heart into spring rain and tears." Xu Shilin's soul was flying, and he said affectionately:"My lady, I miss you. , the bright moon is in the sky in the autumn night, and it is already dawn when the call to my sister has stopped."

Hong'er said affectionately:"Guanren, I miss you. Yesterday's dream is like your soul, and I can't help but feel it in my heart." Xu Shilin's love is as deep as the sea. , said:"Madam, I miss you. I suddenly landed on Yuanyang Island in my dream. You and I will never grow old together."

Hong'er was full of love and said:"Shilin, I miss you. I showed my heart to you in my dream to bear witness to my sister. Just like back then." Xu Shilin stroked her shoulders and said,"Hongmei, I miss you. Kiss the jade bracelet in the middle of the night, and hold it close to my heart. Hongmei listens."

Hong'er caressed and kissed the jade pendant he gave her, and said lovingly:" I miss you, and I will kiss you until the bright autumn moon, and we will spend long nights and talk many words." Xu Shilin said:"Madam, if we are separated by thousands of miles and mountains, I hope that my sister will come back soon."…………………………………………

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