The poem says:

With the coming of spring, the warmth is gradually overflowing, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

The landscape is like a scroll, but the tenant farmers have no intention of admiring it.

It was not yet dawn in April, and the woman was preparing food for cooking.

The husband is in the field, busy mowing vegetables.

The sun was just shining, and the whole family was pedaling to Nangang.

There is a market in Dongtan, so rush to the market early.

The wife brings new clothes and the girl brings joy to the boy.

There are all fresh vegetables on the shoulder, and those who smell it feel refreshed.

There are always people on the road, people pulling and carrying them.

The young and old were overjoyed and arranged to go together in groups.

The atmosphere of the event is strong and the dust is flying.

It's hard to get out and it's even harder to get in, and people's heads are making waves.

This vegetable seller works hard in the market.

Sweat all the time without stopping, singing for nothing.

The rush to sell is like a fire, and the price continues to drop.

The people who gathered in the sky have dispersed and returned as they were.

It's hard to calm down the pain in my heart, the dusk is already dim.

The wife and children left in despair, and the husband lamented that he had been wronged.

The plains hate the mountains, and the dead pools curse the water.

Could it be that the vegetable farmers who are tired are being ungrateful?

The earth spins and the heaven and earth spin, and the sun changes to the moonlight.

Hangzhou Road in ancient times, how can it be praised in heaven!

There are disasters and harms in the world, and demons add fuel to the fire. The most dominant eagle king in Jiangnan, Hangzhou, is called Nan Batian! It has always been about taking advantage of people's dangers, taking advantage of them, refusing to save them, and adding insult to injury.

The money demon Lao Diaowang took advantage of his great power and doubled the rent and interest rates in order to marry his two sons, leaving the tenant farmers with no way out. Hong'er complained about the injustice and went to the government office. However,"The government offices all over the world open to the south. Don't come in if you have a reason or no money!" Hong'er looked for the Qiantang County Magistrate, but couldn't find him. It was because the gates were tightly closed, and they encountered obstacles at every turn.

When the old demon Yingdiao saw that the tenant farmers had gathered to resist, and Hong'er, Fanglue and other martial arts practitioners were also the first to bear the brunt, he hid from everyone's sight and practiced in a secret cave in the dark forest, trying to suppress the villagers' uprising with violent force. The Eagle Eagle King was arrogant that he had reached 90% of the eagle claw skill. He grabbed the iron cauldron in front of everyone and spun it in the hurricane, scaring the timid tenants to stick out their tongues.

The bully king catches birds in the forest to practice the exercises, ranging from crows to sparrows to mosquitoes. He boasted that his martial arts skills were unmatched in the world, which of course scared off many farmers.

Lao Zui Diao gradually learned that his eldest son Ying Diao Shan was interested in Hong'er. His original plan was to force Hong'er and Fang Lue to surrender by increasing rent, but it turned out to be nothing. Na Yingdiaoshan plotted against Xu Shilin three times and was rescued once by Hong'er and Fang Lue. There were two other times, but it was the invisible man who saved Mr. Xu, but they didn't know who he was.

Bullies oppressed, exploited, increased rents, and forced food supplies, getting worse day by day. But it would be unlucky to meet the three siblings Hong'er and Fang Lue. Not only were the minions unable to force out food, but they were beaten so hard that they rolled around and fled.

The little prince Ying Diaoshan fell in love with Hong'er, but was treated coldly by Hong'er many times. Eagle Eagle King Quan knew that constipation caused his son to assassinate Xu Xian's family, but the news was leaked. Hong'er learned that she didn't believe it. She was afraid that it was true, so she secretly guarded and observed the movement. As expected, Yingdiaoshan went into action, dressed up as an unkempt man, and attacked Xu Xian and Xu Shilin, but was saved by the White Snake.

The twelve subordinates sent by the old overlord Eagle Eagle, all selected masters, failed to kill the Xu family, but half of them were killed by the invisible man. The subordinate was defeated and returned to the house, reporting to the Eagle Eagle King:"It was the young master and prince who leaked the news." The Ying Diao King was so cruel that he ordered his own son Ying Diao Shui to be put in long shackles, put on iron chains, and imprisoned in Canglong Cave.

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