Yingdiaoshan was respectful and silent, clasping his fists towards Hong'er. She was still wary, holding the sword in one hand and supporting Fang Lue in the other, and hurriedly sneaked into the deep forest road.

Every time Yingdiaoshan followed Hong'er, he always changed into an ordinary swordsman costume. He compared every aspect of himself with Xu Shilin in detail several times. He swore:"In the competition, I will never give in! Either you win or you win." I win, either you lose or I lose! I am no worse than you Mr. Xu in any aspect! When it comes to martial arts, you Xu Shilin are just inferior! Well, it turns out that my younger brother is both a classmate of Wansong Academy with you.……"

Every time Hong'er was with Xu Shilin, she always felt like someone was peeping, and she jumped after her, but there was no one there. She thought to herself:"Could it be a third party... is it my imagination... but why is there such a gloomy and murky sound?" Hong'er was afraid that someone was plotting against Mr. Xu, so she bought a dagger for Xu Shilin to defend himself, saying,"My dear friend, I bought this dagger for you to defend yourself. I can't always stay by your side, I'm afraid You are being plotted against me, and I have to honor my mother. If you meet a bad person, having this dagger will give you some courage." Xu Shilin took the dagger with both hands, pulled out a few inches, and saw the light shining brightly. Zhengzheng said with a smile:"Xianmei, you really care about me, I don't know how to thank you. One person works hard, ten people can't stop it. With it, even if there is no one, I dare to fight."

Yingdiaoshan did not let go. Hong'er secretly followed the story, and none of that scene escaped the Eagle Eagle King's eyes. Yingdiaoshan had many hidden plans, and he thought to himself cruelly:"Since Hong'er likes Mr. Xu and leaves my brother aside, I will be rude to you! If our family can't get Hong'er, no one can get it!" Anyone who competes with me in the Yingdiao Mansion for the honor has no choice but to die! Moreover, I want you, Xu Shilin, to die in an unexplained way so that you can’t find any clues!" How could all this escape the Yingdiao King? The eldest son Yingdiaoshan came to his father's eyes and said that his younger brother was not. The old eagle head summoned his second son to the Golden Eagle Palace, got furious, blew his beard and glared, saying sternly:"Bold, impudent! How dare you associate with the witch!"

Ying Diaoshui was so frightened that his face turned waxy, and he knelt down and begged for mercy, saying:"Dad...Dad...I, I, I have not...have any contact with that Hong'er." Wei's father said sternly:"Let the little goblin go! Is this a lie!? Bold, bold, bold!" This series of"bold"", so frightened that his son lowered his head and said nothing.

The Eagle Eagle King was fierce and said sternly:"Idiot! Do you dream of making friends with Hong'er? Hahahaha - a joke! My son, you are no match for the red snake spirit! Only your father and I can defeat her! In terms of martial arts, you and Your brother can't even get the upper hand." Eagle Diaoshui grunted:"Dad...Dad...Eagle Claw Kung Fu is the skill to subdue snakes...Snakes are most afraid of eagles." The old Eagle King's eyes suddenly grew fierce, He said with a ferocious smile:"Hey, yes, snakes are most afraid of eagles! She can be used as a croaker for practicing! But you two brothers are not successful! Color has special functions. It will use color to confuse you, and then use it to defeat you. You. My son, daddy only needs you two to succeed me! Can daddy let the little goblin capture my young master?! Let daddy subdue her! Your daddy is different. Your daddy’s eagle claw carving skills are not good. It’s easy to say that he is the best in the world, and he can capture a little red snake demon girl alive! However, my father has an even more glorious move, which is to cut off her food supply first! To win without fighting can be called a miracle!"

Big Tyrant! King Yingdiao attacked Qiantangzhuang and tripled the rent, and tripled the rent of surrounding tenants. Anyone who resisted was plotted against, and the life of the tenant farmers became even more miserable. There is Xu Shilin's poem as evidence:

The evil wind sweeps across the world, blowing in the desolate sky.

The land is full of tenant farmers, who never return home at dusk.

The cattle are flying in the field, and there are people behind the plow.

I work three acres of land every day, and I never feel tired despite all the hardships.

The child's clothes were in rags and his body was covered in gray from tears.

My mother has gone to work far away, and it is hard to stop crying for a long time.

Youth loves to bloom, and be chased by young ladies in the forest.

Butterfly honey blooms slowly, smiling and kissing at night.

Suddenly there is a rent and tax increase, and there is a life-and-death struggle.

How long will the struggle of poverty end? Year after year.

Old farmers deserve a break, but this has not been the case since ancient times.

Before dying, move your body diligently and enter the earth to eliminate your sins.

I am ashamed of my conscience and raise a glass to the moon.

Determined to forge ahead, how can I fall asleep at night with worry?

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