The village owner persuaded Hong to burn the freak baby girl to death. He also invited witches to show up and practice the magic, saying:"Burn the monster baby to death, and the monster problem will be eliminated! People from the sky and the earth worshiped the three gods in the altar, killed the monster baby from the mortal world, and rode out of the gate of heaven on a celestial horse. The sky was clear and clear. , the earth is full of spirits, six soldiers and six soldiers, the evil spirits will be killed without mercy!" He also cursed:"One sound of heaven and earth will open, two sounds of sun and moon will shine, three horizontal strokes of the ancestor's sword, four will open the palace of ghosts and gods.………One law and five thunder orders, two must respect the altar and court."The witch's shining sword stabbed here and there in the thatched cottage, slashed south and north, and roared. She wrote a talisman, burned it to ashes, and turned into a bowl of water. She asked Hong to drink it, and held the sword straight. He stabbed the strange baby. But Hong held it in his arms, hiding the baby girl from killing her, and begged:"Grandma, Senior Sister Shen, please... don't kill her... she is a piece of flesh on my body... I can't bear it... Please, don't kill... don't kill my daughter... If you want to kill, kill me too... Even if you die, it will be clean!

The old witch said angrily:"Hong, you are a little evildoer, but you protect him!" no! Open the gate of heaven and kill ghosts! Kill the ghost soldiers! Break the ghost belly! Cut the ghost road! Damn it! Make a spell and trap the little monster first!"So he drew five talismans and pasted them on all sides. Then he hurried out, hung a talisman above the door, and stormed away.

There was a Liu family woman who was close to the Hong family and often came to see her. On this day, it will be The little baby picked it up, unwrapped it, and looked at the baby girl in detail. He said,"This baby is really different. Hmm, what's the name?" Hong said,"If you are all red... how about calling Hong'er?" Ms. Liu was horrified and said:"Hong'er is just Hong'er, her name sounds nice." But I looked left and right, up and down, and it looked like a villain, a giant salamander... and... the most similar.……"Mrs. Hong asked in surprise:"What does it resemble...Why don't you say what it resembles most?" Ms. Liu said:"Oh, I dare not say." Ms. Hong said:"It doesn't matter, you and I are like sisters. Tell me, I won't. Blame Sister Liu."

Ms. Liu's face turned pale and she said,"It looks like... it looks like a red snake." Ms. Hong was shocked, but she gritted her teeth and said,"It's a snake kid? How could this happen? Oh my god... no. Yes... it's definitely not a red snake! It's my red girl." Mrs. Liu said:"There are so many snakes up and down Tianmu Mountain. I encounter them as soon as I go out! Sometimes I encounter several in a day, on the road The snakes were coiled up in circles, with their heads raised, trying to bite me. I am most afraid of snakes, and I will encounter them as soon as I go up the mountain. I don’t dare to fight snakes. The more they hit me, the more they hit me, and they even take revenge! There is a three-niu boy who fights snakes. A python with thick legs was bitten to death by dozens of snakes... Oh! You said it was not a red snake, but your husband has been dead for three years, how can you be pregnant?! This is not a red snake. What is it that gave birth to you in your belly!?"

Hong was speechless and doubted herself:"Oh...well, Sister Liu is quite right...but I still don't believe it, the snake got into my stomach. , how can I not feel it? No! Never! It has been more than three years since my husband died the year the Jinshan Temple was flooded. It is also said that the flood was caused by the white snake demon! What is the name of the white snake demon? Madam Bai Suzhen, she killed me Husband, I hate the white snake monster! But this is my own flesh and blood, it could be a red snake!"

Mrs. Liu said:"Sister Hong, I am sure it is a snake fetus! Let me ask you, how did you get pregnant? ? Did you notice anything at the beginning?" Hong said:"Oh! My husband died three years ago! Last year, I was tired from digging and was so thirsty that I went to the river to drink water. I used to hold it in my hands. , I was hot and thirsty that time, so I got into the water to drink... I felt stomachache when I got home afterwards... But the water was as clear as a mirror. Could I drink a snake in front of my eyes? How could I! No! Never! Ms.

Liu exclaimed:"Oh! Sister... Oh my God, it's a snake egg... It's a small snake egg that's invisible to the naked eye... Snake eggs as big as hemp seeds were drunk into the stomach! Let me ask you, human beings." How was it born? It didn't come from a man... you can't see anything! Once it entered your stomach, a big baby was born! Hey, it was the snake eggs that got into your stomach! It's absolutely true!"

Hong After hearing this, Shi's face changed with shock, and he couldn't say a word for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said firmly:"I want to raise even a snake baby transformed from a snake egg! Let's see if it's a human or a snake? Anyway, it's my flesh and blood! A piece of living flesh from my body! Sister Liu , I am a woman who lost her husband at a young age, and lost my daughter again at a young age. I am helpless and extremely poor. How will I live in the future... No matter how hard and tiring I am, I still have to raise her. Big!"

Exactly: the birth of a baby girl looks different, like a giant salamander like a red snake.

If you don't know the ghosts, you will see ghosts. The poor family's thatched house will shine with strange light.

I don’t know if it’s a sin or a mistake, no matter how evil the devil comes, I don’t know if it’s a sin or a fault.

A piece of flesh from my mother's body, I would rather die than abandon it in the wasteland.

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