The Legend of Wangniang Mountain (Volume)"White Snake Gaiden", summary of content (background): The four major ancient legends love tragedy stories are: White Snake (Southern Song Dynasty); Cowherd and Weaver Girl (ancient times); Meng Jiangnu (Qin)

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Ying Taiwan (Eastern Jin Dynasty). These stories that have been passed down among the people for thousands of years are well-known to every household. Among them, the magical love story of the Legend of White Snake has even more twists and turns and has become an eternal masterpiece.

《The story of"The Legend of White Snake" originated from Jiyuan County in the late Tang Dynasty, because Fahai was from Jiyuan. The West Lake in Hangzhou at that time was large and desolate, formed by the confluence of two Jian rivers in the north and south. According to legend, the White Snake and the Green Snake are the incarnations of the two Jianhe Rivers and have been practicing for thousands of years. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Xu Xian, a doctor in Xu Village, was practicing medicine. He passed by the broken bridge of the West Lake and met two beautiful girls: Bai Suzhen (the incarnation of the white snake) and Xiaoqing (the incarnation of the green snake). They gave him an umbrella in the heavy rain, and what happened later"Xu Bai" deifies the love story. During the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking realgar wine is Fahai’s plan. Suddenly, after drinking realgar wine, the pregnant Bai Suzhen revealed her original shape and turned into a giant python and white snake.…………Gratitude and resentment, joys and sorrows, separation and reunion, thrilling…………Bai Suzhen gave birth to a son who was the reincarnation of Wenquxing. His nickname was Xu Mengjiao and his official name was Xu Shilin. Master Fahai, after she gave birth, suppressed Bai Suzhen, the white lady, under the Leifeng Pagoda in South West Hunan in the name of getting rid of the snake demon.…………

《White Snake Gaiden》———The legend of Wangniang Mountain is also a subsequent mythical story that happened on the bank of West Lake. The story begins at the foot of Tianmu Mountain in the west of Hangzhou. It tells the story of a woman named Hong from the village at the foot of the mountain. She drank water from the Qingshui River and accidentally drank red snake eggs into her belly. Later, she gave birth to a girl, whose nickname was Hong'er. She gave her a scientific name: Hong Hongjiao, but her origin was that she was reincarnated as a red snake... Her mother, the Hong family, was reluctant to abandon the"snake girl who turned into a human being" and raised her with love and care. A girl with a face as beautiful as a peach blossom and a red dragon met the young master Xu Mengjiao, whose scientific name is Xu Shilin. This Mr. Xu is the son of Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen. The two fell in love at first sight, dreaming of a dragon meeting a red dragon, and God's will of"the fate of two dragons". They fell in love with each other, and many touching and magical stories happened.………………

(1) Hong'er is born with filial piety first.

Chapter 1: A freak baby girl.

The poem says:

As soon as the world is born from heaven and earth, devils and snakes are in chaos.

I don’t know how thick the sky is, who is the monster and who is good.

The customs in Jiuzhou are all normal, and pregnancy in the tenth month will also give birth.

Faced with the ruthless sword of words, my mother was saddened by this.

It is said that there is a mountain beside the river, there is a temple on the mountain, and there is an old monk telling stories in the temple. What are you talking about? The story is: It snowed in the mountains and the old turtle froze to death; the old turtle complained to the monk; the monk sold tofu to his aunt...

There is indeed an old monk in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, named Wu Jie, who likes to tell strange stories. Weird things, his story is quite rich. During the reign of Emperor Gaozeng, he wore soap clothes and long trousers. He often wore a crow-green sash around his waist and wore a pair of monk shoes. After washing his hands, he squatted in front of the cliff of"One Line of Sky" to talk about the past and present. In the temple, there are those who are in charge of the affairs, such as overseeing the temple, overseeing the temple, being in charge, and being diligent... I always like to listen to the previous paragraph when I pass by the cliff of"One Line of Sky".

In the middle of the night on New Year's Eve, the old monk Wu Jie told such a strange story. It is about a surprising and strange thing that happened between the Tianmu River and the Qiantang River, not far from the East Tianmu Mountain and the West Tianmu Mountain. The story begins with what the old monk said... There is a village at the foot of the West Tianmu Mountain. , the village is located next to Tianmu River. There was a woman named Hong who was doing farm work. She was tired from digging and became thirsty, so she went to a stream to drink water. After that, she suffered from abdominal pain for half a year, but medicine did not work. The year before the year before last, her husband had drowned in a flood, but the doctor was superstitious that she was pregnant. Hong didn't trust the doctor's judgment to his death. However, it is no wonder that Hong was just ten months pregnant and gave birth to something that looked both human and inhuman. After giving birth, there was no one around, so Hong cut the umbilical cord independently. It looked like a red girl, resembling both a human and a giant salamander or a snake. Facing the strange female baby also frightened Hong, and she was so lonely that she wanted to throw the baby girl away. He thought it was a piece of flesh from his own body, so he adopted him.…………

The news that Hong gave birth to a monster was spread from one person to another, and it became a hot topic of discussion in many villages. Many folks and neighbors persuaded Hong:

"Throw away the demon fetus now………Otherwise, it will bring disaster to the whole family!"

"If we don’t kill the demon fetus, our village will be in trouble."

"My daughter is worthless, just throw it away! I’ve seen too much, not to mention he’s a freak!"

"Besides, the women who give birth will be given away when they grow up. They are like water thrown out, and they cannot carry on the family line and carry on the incense. Giving birth to a freak is a disaster!"

"In a daughter's family, when she grows up, she cannot go to school or hold an official position. If she marries a chicken, she will follow the chicken, and if she marries a dog, she will follow the dog. The children they give birth to will also have the same surname as the man! What's more, she's a little witch"

"Throwing it into the wilderness to feed wolves is not a sin or a crime. The Lord of Hell in the underworld will not take this seriously, nor will he bring disaster to you... The people in the village will be safe, and they will still be your people for the rest of their lives. What's wrong with throwing it away or burying it?!"

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