Mrs. Li bowed her head and said,"Thank you, old immortal master. From now on, the sinner Li Jisi will put integrity first, be honest with others, and will not commit the same crime again." Seeing that the official was fine,

Mrs. Jin brought her children over to express her gratitude. Endless. Guo Lao said:"Don't thank me! You have to reborn, change your mind, and go to hell to be unforgettable. Only then can you change your past and be a new person."

Jin was startled and asked hurriedly:"Old Immortal Saint , going to hell means death! If the official dies, our children and mother-in-law will not survive! If we want to go to hell, let’s go down together, so as not to be left behind to starve to death and make our relatives and neighbors laugh."

Guo Lao laughed and said:"Woman Man, you don’t understand! If I let him go to hell, there is a way to survive. You must know: Man is inherently good, but the evil heart of extravagant selfish desires is often accumulated and corrupted, and his human nature has also changed. Therefore, You have to go to hell to know that life is rare, remember it forever, bite your fingers and wrists, and then dare to give sweat, tears, and blood! Only then can you dare to wash away the dust from the heart, remove the dirt from the chest, cut off the ugly outer tail, and then cut it off It's poison inside. Only if you work hard can you be a human being again and become a new person who is beneficial to the public."

Li Jisi lowered his head and said:"Forget it, my dear, let me go to hell! I won't die once. , I don’t know how to behave as a living person. The Holy Master Ancestor said it clearly, let the sinners who are serious die in hell."

The children were frightened after hearing this, and their mother did not let the noise go out. Jin saluted and said:"Since the officials have spoken first, we have to listen to the head of the family to make the decision. Then please ask the Taisheng Patriarch to arrange the dojo!"

Guo Lao stroked his beard, calmly and said:"Since you and your wife have this determination, I will also Just go to this dojo. Wait a minute, your whole family is blindfolded, don’t look at it yet!" The four members of the family stood on the ground together, each of them covering their eyes with their clothes.

Guo Lao said:"You have to close your eyes tightly!" He asked again:"Have you closed your eyes tightly?" Everyone responded:"Close your eyes tightly - close your eyes tightly."……"

Guo Lao then cast a spell, recited the secret, shook the thick bamboo tube of the fishing drum, and a ray of black light shot out from the fishing drum and fell to the ground, which turned out to be a coffin. Guo Lao used the bamboo board used to beat the fishing drum to dig into the soil, and there was a large grave pit for people to be buried.

Guo Lao said:"Okay, let's all put down our hands and open our eyes and look!" The four of them opened their eyes and were shocked to see a coffin and a pit. Guo Lao said:"After your family is buried, don't cry. Being in the coffin once is worth reading for ten years! If you don't stay in a coma for the rest of your life." After saying that, he raised his hand and the coffin lid opened by itself; Put Li Jisi into the coffin and close it. The strange thing is that this coffin is different, it has many small holes for ventilation. Guo Lao kicked the big coffin into the pit. With a flip of his hand, the pile of soil buried the coffin.

I don’t know how many hours passed, another night………………

Jin Heji held a child in one hand and was anxious. It was already dawn. Suddenly I saw my teacher and ancestor riding a donkey upside down and flying away through the clouds and mist. Just as he was thinking:"It's over, the baby's father is afraid he won't survive." Suddenly, the soil in the tomb shook, and the coffin lid lifted up the thick soil from bottom to top, and it collapsed. From the coffin, a living husband Li Jisilai walked out. He insisted:"The past me is dead, completely dead! Soul! I want to be a righteous man again! Be a good man again.!!!"

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