Guo Lao was on the shore and picked up the long bamboo with which he played the fishing drum, and the four of them landed on the land like riding clouds. The four members of the family were extremely surprised. Their clothes were all clean, and they realized that this old Taizu was an extraordinary person. They knelt down and worshiped:"Great Immortal, Old Immortal Master, it's amazing. How come not one of our family members died when they drowned?" Are you more energetic?!"

Guo Lao said with a smile:"It's just for fun, don't praise me." Li Jisi said:"Master, your magic is miraculous. This is a fact, not a boast. Since the mage has such amazing skills, Duan, the sinner Li Jisi can also find a way to survive. He still hopes to be taught a lesson, and he also longs for advice and guidance to Mingjin."

Guo Lao said:"Let you jump into the water to wash away the dust, and it will also wash away the filth in your heart and mind. In fact, she Three, it's good to wash away the dirt. Only by practicing the heart of not being afraid of death can you live a better life. As for you asking me to teach you a lesson and give me some guidance... you must be trying to change your past. If you want to be reborn and change your mind, bear the pain and chop it off. There is still a way to deal with the ugly tail of dishonesty."

Li Jisi knelt down, kowtowed, and said,"Please enlighten me! Don't say cutting off the tail, even cutting my heart, I dare to endure it. After hearing this, Mr.

Guo became cruel and said:"Cut your heart? No need to! Your heart is not completely evil. Besides, take out your heart and let her three family members see it. The flesh and blood are blurred in your heart." How can you bear it!" As he said this, he recited a formula, and a yellow-brown light flew out of the bamboo tube.

Jin and her children were listening with interest when they suddenly saw a brown-yellow tail sticking out of the back of the owner's buttocks."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.……"Yelling.

Guo Lao said:"Don't be alarmed! Have you seen it? It's an ugly tail that is unfaithful and offends others! The harshest people say, 'I can bear it', so let me cut it off for you. However, I have said it first, but it is extremely painful." Hey! Don’t you want to cut me?"

Li Jisi knelt down and begged:"Cut! Cut! No matter how painful it is, infinite pain, ten thousand times more painful, please help me cut it off, sir." Here you go." Mrs. Jin and her children also knelt down and begged.

Guo Lao said:"Get up, everyone! Let me try to cut off this ugly and unfaithful tail as soon as possible."

A family of four stood up, and the children were so frightened that they hugged their mother and hid behind aside. Zhang Guolao used the magic bamboo board that was used to knock fishing drums, and used it on the back of Li's buttocks, aiming at the roots of the long tail, and hitting it hard. The ugly tail was cut off to the ground, and the blood was everywhere, and the fishy smell spread everywhere. Li Shi screamed"Wow!" and broke into a sweat in pain.

Guo Lao said:"You have endured even the most extreme pain, but you still want me to cut it off. Do you regret it?!" Li said:"I don't regret it, I will never regret it! It's just that it's still bleeding, what should I do?"

Guo Lao said:"This is easy!" He said, spitting on the wound a few times, and the blood stopped flowing. In an instant, the wound healed, like somethingDidn't happen.

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