Zhang Guolao rode his donkey backwards and sang:

The wind and rain meet on the first day of the new year, and the plague in the village worries all the people.

If the Qingming wind blows from the south, it predicts a good harvest.

The men of Sanzhuang kept digging the mountains, and after three months, the mountains were still stubborn. Everyone sighed and gathered around to express their opinions.

Master Li said:"Master Wang, Master Liu, this rocky mountain is as hard as iron, and it really can't be dug. Even if we dig deep and throw away the surrounding rocks, the more we dig below, the bigger the mountain will be. What can we do?""

Master Wang Zhuang said:"There is a line in the lyrics of the immortal master Zhang Guo: 'Wisdom and courage will lead to great joy when moving mountains.' Wisdom comes before courage, but we are just digging bravely. How can we move mountains and bring great joy?"

Zhuang Zhu said"Yes! The two village owners, all the heroes and warriors, are all offering their suggestions. If you have any tips, please come up with your ideas!"

Liu Xulu, a native of Liuzhuang, stood up and said sonorously:"Three village owners, our family I have dug many times, digging down from all sides. They are all pieces of rock, like iron plates, with no cracks! Wan Sheng heard from hearsay that there is a road that can be exploded with medicine. If you have a diamond eye, pour the medicine into it and explode it bit by bit. Is it possible to open the stone as you wish?"

Mr. Yin-Yang Shan Pengsi immediately took over and said:"Wonderful! Wonderful, wonderful! There has been such a medicine for a long time! How about giving it a try?"

Just as he said this, Zhang Guolao fell unconscious. He arrived on a donkey, followed by the doctor Luo Bizhi. Everyone was surprised and hurriedly came forward to salute and circled around.

After Guo Lao saluted everyone, he said:"I just heard that medicine was used to try to open the mountain. It is really a wise idea." Liu Xulu stood up and clasped his fists in salute and said:"Master Immortal, I heard from other people that there is a medicine that can explode and open eyes." Can you open a mountain by pouring stones into it?"

Guo Lao didn't say anything, but the doctor Luo Bizhi said:"Yes, this kind of medicine has been around for a long time. It is a miraculous thing discovered by Chinese people from alchemy. Oh, there was Du Zichun who discovered the secret of gunpowder. This doctor can't explain the matter, the old immortal master must know it, please give me some advice." Everyone wanted to hear the next page, and they all looked at Guo Lao eagerly.

Zhang Guolao stroked his beard, looked at the sky, and said:"It happened in the early years of the Sui Dynasty. There was a man named Du Zhichun. He went to visit an old man who made alchemy in the deep mountains and forests. The two became good friends and discussed the opportunity. Unexpectedly, it was getting late. The mountains and forests were deep and dense, and it was difficult to reach. Du Zichun stayed in the alchemy room at night and slept until midnight. He was awakened by the cold wind, so he set up dry firewood, lit it, and used the fire to keep warm. Unexpectedly, when adding grain, , knocking over the nearby bowl containing medicines such as sulfur and saltpeter. The medicine fell into the fire and exploded with a"bang" sound, bursting out of the flames and shattering the nearby bowls and pots. The flames exploded. When it penetrates the roof, the entire alchemy room is reduced to ashes. This is called: the medicine that catches fire."

Dr. Luo said:"What the old man said is conclusive, and this doctor has heard ancient legends, and it is exactly the same. Then The drug that can catch fire almost killed Du Zichun. Since then, it has been spread: saltpeter, sulfur, and saponaria are mixed together and can explode when ignited, which is very powerful. Inadvertently, Du Zichun invented gunpowder!"

Mr. Yin Yang Shan Pengsi He said:"The medicine sage Sun Simiao once wrote an"Elixir Sutra", which tells that the three medicines can be ignited to cause fireworks." Guo Lao said:"Yes, since the alchemists discovered gunpowder that burns fast and violently, It was used in military battles."

Village official Li Zhuangzhu said:"Old immortal master, I heard that the boss is also an alchemist. He must be proficient in the matching of medicines. I hope my ancestors can give me some advice on Mingjin. Can it be used to open the stone mountain?"

Master Wang Zhuang said:"If we can use the combination of three medicines to blow up this stone mountain, our three villages can open the stone bit by bit and move this stubborn mountain. Why is it so difficult!"

Zhang Guolao remained calm and said:"Yes, I have been refining elixirs for many years. I have sulfur, saltpeter, and saponaria seeds! Those three flavors must be carefully refined before they can be turned into explosives. But it is not enough to open this stubborn mountain. It will take the three villages to combine and buy some more, and then we can open Shishan."

The owner of Liu Village said:"We have a surplus of grain and property in Liu Village. If we squeeze a little between our teeth, there are not many people who get together. When I return to the village, I will make a notice Villagers, gather money together, and then work with Li Zhuang and Wang Zhuang to buy those three medicines, and there is no doubt that the mountain will be opened."

Wang Zhuang and Li Zhuang responded in unison, and all the strong men knew what they were doing, and gained confidence. They each packed their hoes, Leaving in a hurry.

Zhang Guolao rode his donkey upside down and galloped, chanting a love song:"

Zhongtiao Mountain is full of green people, and generations of descendants have been born."

There are many circles in Wangfang Mountain, and generations of children and grandchildren have cultivated fields.

How can water bring good fortune, and how can mountains bring wise descendants?

How could a person with a distinguished writing style know that Tianma's crimes are often followed by others?

If the seasons can be judged according to this, I will be an immortal in the same year.

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