(11) Gunpowder Creates Mountains

Chapter 65 Wang Liu Li Sanzhuang

There are three villages in Zhongtiao Mountain that are relatively close to each other, each in three locations, forming a triangle. Sanzhuang is quite large, and people often come and go, but they have to pass through a place in the center: Nushi Mountain.

These three villages are called: Wangzhuang, Liuzhuang and Lizhuang. When people from Sanzhuang travel to and from Sanzhuang, they must pass through stubborn rocky mountains that block the road. There are ditches on both sides and the path hangs high, making it very dangerous.

The Liu family and his wife also had a small paddy field next to the stubborn mountain, and they also hated the stubborn mountain for getting in the way. Once it rains, water will rise from the ditches and the stubborn mountains will block the water, and the water will flood the farmland. This couple dreamed of moving mountains and wished they could flatten them to the ground.

The owner of the Liu family, Liu Xulu, is thirty years old and in his prime. He is a native of Liuzhuang. His wife is Lu: Lu Zhenying, 26 years old. She has a ten-year-old son who is called Gouwa and an eight-year-old daughter who is called Lingling.

Liu Xulu had some courage and heard the story of"The Foolish Old Man Moved the Mountain" in"Liezi Tang Wen", so he and his wife planned to dig out the stubborn rocky mountain with a hoe. The couple dug for months before they dug a small hole. The deeper they dug, the bigger the mountain of rocks became. However, the couple was not discouraged and kept digging.

This matter spread to ten people and hundreds of people in Liuzhuang knew about it. It spread to Wangzhuang and Lizhuang and alerted the village officials. The owners of the three villages, Wang, Liu and Li, discussed together and decided to work together to remove the"tigers" from the three villages.

On this day, Sanzhuang gathered hundreds of strong men to dig out the stubborn stone mountain. The more they dug, the bigger the stone became. The stone was so hard that it could not be moved or moved. Many people were discouraged. Everyone wanted to move the stubborn rock mountain, and some people declared:"Why bother to go to war! There is Zhang Guolao in Zhongtiao Mountain. Please invite the immortal to come, and you can move this stubborn rock mountain without any effort!" Some people asked:"As long as there is Zhang Guolao in Zhongtiao Mountain. I heard that Zhang Guonai was a poor Taoist, how could he move mountains?!"

The person who reminded Zhang Guolao that he could move mountains was a Yin-Yang man who was good at reading Feng Shui. His surname was Shan and his given name was Pengsi. Shan Pengsi said:"Hey! Do you know what happened on the Zhaozhou Bridge during the Sui and Tang Dynasties? Prince Chai and Zhang Guolao once made a bet that they could move three mountains and five mountains and put them on a cart. This bet was thought to carry three mountains and five mountains. The chariot was able to crush the bridge built by Immortal Lu Ban, but in the end it only broke a bridge." Wang Tianli, the owner of Wangzhuang, smiled and said:"Yes, Mr. Wang has also heard this legend. That old saint Zhang Guo can move three mountains and five mountains, but moving this little hill is nothing.

" The owner, Li Renjie, said:"If that happens, how about sending a few people to the deep mountains of Zhongtiao to pay homage to Master Zhang Guo?" Liu Shizheng, the owner of Liuzhuang, raised his hands and said calmly and frankly:"I agree! I am a The owner of Xiao Liu Village is willing to spare no effort to go and worship the immortal master."

Just as he said this, suddenly, there was a crisp sound of horse hooves, getting closer and closer. Everyone looked and saw a horse riding from a distance. It was not a horse, but a donkey carrying an old man with a white beard.

Liu Xulu was surprised and said loudly:"Look! Talk about gods, and the gods have arrived. That is the old immortal master Zhang Guo who rode a donkey upside down and traveled around the world! Wow! All the villagers put down their hoes and were looking at them when they heard the clear sound of fishing drums being played, saying Lovely singing the words of Zhou Gong interpreting dreams, drifting in the wind:

The star is pregnant with the Lord and has a precious son, the clouds are rising in all directions , and the dream is auspicious.

The sunrise brings light and good things come, and it is beneficial to everyone to level the fields. When it rains on the road, there is wine and food, and the position moves when climbing cliffs and boulders.

Thunder comes from the ground Things come true, big trees suddenly break, and life ends. Sitting and lying in the forest, the illness is about to recover, and traveling to the mountains to see the good spring and summer. Going up the mountain to destroy the forest is evil, walking in the fruit forest to increase food and clothing.

Broken mirrors show people scattered, combing hair and washing face, but there is no crying..

Holding a hoe in hand will bring rewards, and being wise and courageous in moving mountains will bring great joy.

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