(8) Lazy Girl and Ugly Girl

Chapter 46: Three Invitations to Zhang Guolao

Zhang Guo was originally borrowed from Guangzong of Xingzhou, named Mr. Tongxuan, and hid in Zhongtiao Mountain in Shanxi, refining elixirs to maintain health. He often travels between Jin and Fen, riding a donkey upside down and traveling around the world.

Legend has it that Zhang Guo became an immortal queen in old age and could travel thousands of miles in a single day while riding a magical donkey backwards. On this day, we returned to Zhongtiao Mountain.

There is a town called Xiling in Zhongtiao Mountain. There is a famous beauty in the town, but people don't call her a beauty, but call her a"lazy woman". This beautiful woman's surname is Bei and her given name is Jin Li. She has been pampered since she was a child. His father, Bei Yucheng, was doing big business outside and made a lot of money. His family was very rich and built three two-story buildings. Her mother, Jin, had not given birth to a son, so she regarded her only daughter as a blessing. She hung many gold and silver chains on her daughter's body. When she walked, the jewelry was so numerous that it made a clanking sound.

The beauty Bei Jinli is a lazy woman. I was too lazy to get up in the morning, so I didn't get up until the sun was shining red on the window. She was too lazy to tidy the house, too lazy to wash her hair, too lazy to do the laundry, and never cooked the dishes. Reluctantly, her mother, Jin, asked two maids to serve the lazy woman according to her father's instructions. How lazy is she? She is so lazy that she has to be fed by a maid even at the age of sixteen, like a young girl.

Although lazy women are lazy, they are as beautiful as flowers and jade. For hundreds of miles around, everyone knew that the Bei family was wealthy and had a beautiful daughter, who was astonishingly beautiful. Officials, educated people, wealthy businessmen, etc. came to visit her on a blind date. When I saw that Jinli girl, I was fascinated and my blood was boiling. After that, it was heard that Bei Nu was too lazy to eat and needed to be fed. She slept all day without taking a single step. They are all too lazy to take care of themselves, find it difficult to take care of them, and find it difficult to live together. Their marriages and relatives are all in trouble.

Jin, the mother of lazy girls, was extremely helpless because of this. She burned incense and prayed to Buddha countless times, and kowtowed many times, but she still couldn't change the status quo. He told his father Bei Yucheng that he knew there was Zhang Guolao in Zhongtiao Mountain, so he went to ask for help.

Bei Yucheng invited Zhang Guolao, but he didn't see him for the first time. The second time he brought five hundred taels of silver in a cart and went to invite Zhang Guolao, but he was turned away. Three times, Bei Yucheng learned that Guolao would not accept any money, so he had no choice but to kneel in front of Zhang Guolao's door. It was snowing heavily, and the snow covered both sides of his body. The merchant was still determined to kneel in the snow, not afraid of the cold.

A boy reported it to Zhang Guo, and Guo Lao went to see it. Sure enough, he saw that Bei Shanghao had good intentions and sincerely invited him. Then he went up to him, called Bei Yucheng, and expressed his willingness to date, and try to cure his daughter's laziness.

Bei Jinli was very disgusted when she heard that a Taoist came to cure her laziness. Even more stubborn, he covered his head with a quilt and pretended to sleep. Guo Lao then beat the fishing drum and sang:

The beauty of a bird lies in its feathers, and the beauty of a man lies in his conscience.

A diligent person will run three times, but a lazy person will have his tendons broken.

Having a lot of money is not valuable, but being diligent in all your limbs is valuable.

If you can't get rid of the disease of laziness, it will actually harm yourself and others.

To find the road to blessing, diligence is the shortcut.

When a tree receives a rope, it becomes straight; when a person is willing to change, it becomes clear.

You should study hard, one virtue is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

If you fall into laziness, you will become faint and torture your spirit.

Traveling far distances requires you to keep fit. Climb high to enjoy the scenery.

A heroic woman has perseverance, but a lazy woman has no ambition.

When the lazy girl heard the last sentence, she became angry and impulsive. In a flash, he took off the quilt, put on his pajamas, rushed out of the bedroom door, and said angrily to Zhang Guo:"Who doesn't have a heart!? I have a heart! How dare you insult me!" Guo Lao didn't panic. Busy and not angry, he said in a sanctimonious manner:"I am referring to a lazy girl. My lady, everyone says that you are a hard-working woman. You get up early and go to bed late, and you still do the maid's work. They all praise you. How can you doubt yourself?" Do you think you are a lazy girl?!"

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