But it was said that Old Man Li was cutting the branches of wild grass with a sickle when he suddenly found a piece of new soil, so he dug down with a hoe. He dug out his sleeves, dug again, and saw a man buried, so he reported it to the government.

People from the county government came to investigate and found out that someone had seen this man and immediately identified him as Huang Shen. The Yamen also found out the rumors spread by his wife, and pursued him again and again. They interrogated Lu Jichi and chased out Rong. This Rong man's name was Rong Wuxiu. He was so frightened that he trembled all over in court. He confessed the murder of Huang Shen after three times. A few days later, Rong Wuxiu, Lu and Chi were escorted to the execution ground and beheaded in public.

Zhang Guolao liked to walk among the people, so when he heard about the murder case, he beat the fishing drum and sang passionately:"

I have cultivated with my heart to cross the same boat, and I have cultivated my virtue and righteousness to sleep together."

We do not seek the most expensive gold and jade, but we only hope that all our children will be virtuous.

Dead trees sprout new shoots in spring, and no one is young again twice.

Don't be greedy for beauty and seduce other people's wives. If you are arrogant and indulge in sex, you will eventually be cut off.

It is wrong to benefit oneself at the expense of others. Don't be afraid of difficulties in the journey of life.

Never take ill-gotten gains, and don't take advantage of your friends' wives.

Good people should listen to what good people say, but don't talk to bad people.

Choose a place where singing is high and sing loudly, and you will be happy when you plow the fields diligently.

Zhang Guo rode his donkey upside down and walked along while conveying love. As I was walking, I saw a man crying by the roadside and stopped walking. When he got off the donkey's back, he saw a fifty-year-old man and asked:"You are so old, how can you still cry like a child!"

The man said:"Elder, my mother is dying. How can you not cry sadly?"

Guo Lao asked:"How old is your mother? Is she hopeless?"

The man said:"My mother is seventy-two years old. She is full of diseases and takes more than a hundred medicines a day. It's been years and it's still not working, I'm afraid I won't survive."

Guo Lao said:"Oh, I take more than a hundred medicines a day, what kind of medicines are they?"

The man said:"There are seventeen medicines for stomach medicine; twenty medicines for tuberculosis. Three kinds of medicine; twenty-eight kinds of medicine for treating waist and bone disease; twenty-four kinds of medicine for treating heart disease; thirty-one kinds of medicine for treating kidney disease; medicine for treating headaches……"

Guo Lao interrupted his series of words and said:"There is no need to go into details. They are all misuse of medicines and overuse of medicines! Diseases come from overuse. After getting sick, overuse of medicines will turn a living person into a dead person!

" Said:"Do you know medicine? How can you say such big words?!"

Guo Lao said:"I am also half-baked. I think I don't understand medicine. I still know a little bit. But when I heard it, I realized that the prescription is definitely Big mistake!"

The man said:"What is your last name? To save my mother, please come to my house and see if my mother can be saved?" Old Guo said:"Old man, my surname is Zhang and my first name is Guo.……"

When the man heard this, he was shocked and knelt down and worshiped:"Oh, Zhang Guolao? His name is like thunder, it turns out he is the old saint! It is a blessing to be born late, and you will meet an immortal on the way."

Guo Lao said:"Get up, get up quickly! There is no need to brag about being a saint or not. What is your surname?" The man stood up and said as a courtesy:"Mr. Zhang, my surname is Yu, and I call her Liu. Please come to my house as a guest." Guo Lao said:" That’s fine, let’s go take a look first, I don’t know if we can still save him." After saying that, he followed. The white donkey didn't need to be led by a rope. Don't pay attention to it. It didn't run around. It followed Zhang Guo obediently and walked forward.

When I arrived at Yu's house, I heard miserable moans when I entered the hospital:"Son, please prepare for your funeral...I can't survive this...it hurts me to death...ah...it's like a ghost is clawing at my heart and lungs." ……It hurts……"

After entering the inner room, Qi'er rushed forward, grabbed his mother's hand, and started crying too. He said tearfully:"Mom, you must never think about death... You have to hold on! You have to live." Then he said:"I have invited Zhang Guolao for you. He is a well-known savior in the world who rescues people in distress." His mother, Mrs. Liu, could no longer open her eyes and could only touch them with her hands. Guo Lao put down the fishing drum he was holding, together with the towel box, and put them aside. He held Liu's wrist, took his pulse, and said:"The evil poison is quite serious. It's not a ghost grabbing the heart and liver...it's the accumulation of blood stasis caused by extremely poisonous evil poison. It is necessary to open the blood vessels, and when the stasis and poison are released, it will naturally be relieved." His son Yu Mou said:"Don't worry, Master Taoist. Just treat her. Please save my mother's life."

Guo Lao then opened the towel box and took out the medical utensils. Then he touched the acupuncture points on Liu's back and massaged them for a while. He also used instruments to scrape and massage, and then moved his palms skillfully for a long time on his abdomen and chest. Only a crisp cry of"ah-ah" was heard. Liu vomited and vomited out a pool of black blood, which smelled very bad.

His son Yu was shocked and shouted:"Mom - what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Liu said:"Mom is much more relaxed. After vomiting, it was like a piece of flint fell from my heart."

Zhang Guolao collected the utensils and put them in The scarf box is carried on the back of a donkey. He gave Liu's son a lot of instructions, wrote a prescription for medicine, and then left. Yu took the money as tribute, but Guo Lao confiscated every penny and said,"Leave it here to get medicine for your mother." Then he got on the donkey and left. Yu was very grateful, knelt down and worshiped, and often bit his head.

Yu's mother, Mrs. Liu, recovered from her illness in three months after taking the prescription medicine prescribed by Guo Lao and receiving treatment from her son.

Zhang Guolao only took a small amount of money for his efforts to the very rich; he never took any money for his efforts to the poor. Previously, the scholar's wife, the beautiful wife, turned into a monster and intercepted evil things; later, the monster was restored into a beautiful wife. The scholar took the silver ingot to express his gratitude to the old man, but was rejected...

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