Make fights the donkey, but he doesn't know that it is a magical donkey and can change its shape. He scratched left and right, forward and backward, advancing and retreating. The skirt of the clothes that was raised behind the buttocks was also raised several times, as if a strange tail was constantly rising, and everyone couldn't help but laugh. Someone shouted:"Hurry up your tail, attack from behind, hurry up, hurry up!" A woman shouted:"The donkey is spinning, don't miss this opportunity, draw your sword quickly! Raid your tail!" The crowd did not know the real name of this Westerner. Ma Dou, people outside the country call him a foreign devil. Everyone present today calls him"Tiao Tail"! It seems that the title given to the swordsman of Tsuna is just a nickname.

It doesn't matter how people scream or bray, as long as the donkey is killed and the donkey is sold for two cents and can pay for the inn, everything will be fine and he can sit back and relax. Therefore, if you use all the skills you secretly learned in China, grit your teeth and gear up, you will still see blood. Then he jumped and bounced, pretending to attack the left side of the donkey's abdomen, but actually stabbed the donkey's right side, secretly thinking that this sword strike would penetrate its belly, even the intestines would leak out, and it would definitely kill him. Did you know that the donkey made a big spin and raised its hoof?When you squeeze your sword arm, the sword will fall and fly into the sky. Everyone looked up, fearing that the sword would fall and hit them. The sword that flew into the sky stabbed down without any bias, falling right on Ma Dou's head.

He raised his tail in a hurry and quickly raised his shield with his left hand to block. The sword chirped and penetrated the shield. Fortunately, Ma Dou threw it quickly and was not injured. The sword penetrated the center of the shield. Make tried to pull out the sword with both hands, but he couldn't pull it out even though he exerted all his strength. Pulling and pulling, the tail of the clothes is lifted up and up, just like a rooster pecking at rice. Everyone laughed and couldn't help but laugh again and again.

He raised his tail and yelled:"Pulling out seedlings to encourage growth", and then shouted:"Sword comes out of laughter". He thought that with these two tricks, he would pull out his sword with a whirring sound, so that he could kill the donkey, but he couldn't pull it out again. A passer-by whom I once knew laughed and said,"Tail-up! You declare in public that this shield is the hardest and strongest, and that even the most powerful sword in the world cannot pierce it. Even the divine sword cannot pierce it. How can you pierce it?! Haha!"."

Ma Dou sighed and said awkwardly:"This... this, oh, this swordsman's sword is more powerful than the Divine Sword! How can Mo Xie, your general in Middle-earth, compare. Therefore, piercing a hole in the shield is not enough. It's strange, not surprising." As he was walking away, his back clothes and armor were raised again, and everyone was laughing again. Ma Dou swordsman didn't care about people's laughter, he stepped forward and raised his sword and shield to smash the donkey's head. The donkey sneezed and sprayed white saliva all over his face. With his tail raised and eyes closed, he cursed:"Ghost! Monster donkey! You can't fight and you are afraid of death, so you dare to spit venom at grandpa! Look at me killing you poisonous thing, skinning you, pulling out your hair, and cutting your flesh Cut them into pieces, wash away the poison, and sell them for a lot of money. Boil the bones into oil and sell them at a high price!" Zhang Guolao hid among the crowd, pretending to watch the fun, finding it funny, amusing, and extremely happy.

He raised his tail and was very angry. He took off the hem of his robe, wiped his face and rubbed his eyes. He raised his sword and shield with both hands and smashed the donkey's head. The donkey quickly turned around, kicked with both hooves, and kicked the shield and sword away, falling far away. Ma Dou was anxious and unarmed, so he grabbed the reins of the donkey. After grabbing the rope, he pulled it back, thinking that it was holding the donkey's nose. How could it be so stubborn? Unexpectedly, the donkey couldn't be pulled, so both sides pulled the reins straight and tried their best. The hemp swordsman was no match for the donkey. His face was sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes pale, and he couldn't pull the donkey away. He tried harder, but the donkey pulled him over, threw him to the ground, and was slapped on the ears by the donkey's tail.

When everyone saw this, they burst into laughter, secretly thinking that this donkey was strange, but they did not know that it was a magical donkey. You can't kill the donkey by raising your tail, but you will make everyone laugh at you, which makes you feel unlucky. He got up, picked up bricks from the corner of the yard, and smashed the donkey's head repeatedly. The brick didn't touch the donkey's body, but it turned around and hit Ma Dou. He couldn't hide and couldn't defend himself. The raised tail was hit by flying bricks on the shoulders and arms. He screamed in pain and did not dare to use any more bricks. The audience was even more surprised. They had never seen this before. They hit the donkey and then flew back to hurt themselves. They couldn't help but whisper to each other and started talking...

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