On this day, Blacksmith Niu was worried: after his apprentices set up their own business, they had no assistants. I was very relieved to see Qu Cangjiao come to my door, and I was so happy that I took him in as my apprentice. But while working, I saw something was wrong with the disciple's arm. When he opened it and looked at it, he found it was quite swollen and there were blood blisters on his hand, so he asked about it. Qu Cangjiao told everything.

Blacksmith Niu felt very sympathetic after hearing this. He used the medicine that was always available for healing wounds and bones to treat his apprentice first and temporarily stop him from surviving for a few days. After more than ten days, Qu Cangjiao's injuries and swelling were all healed.

Qu Cangjiao learned to blacksmith and worked very hard. He is smart and quick to learn. He never imagined that he would be able to find food by working on the railway and not go hungry or begging. He is considered lucky. However, I never expected that after only three months of studying, one day, bad news came: the master was dead.

It turns out that the blacksmith Niu loves to drink. He has a wife and two children. Although his life is difficult, he is doing well. That day, I was having a drink with my relatives and got very drunk. I fell down on the spot and never got up again.

Qu Cangjiao was learning blacksmithing, and his skills were just beginning. It took three years to become a disciple, and he was only three months old, so he couldn't afford to keep up the facade. Customers didn't believe him, so there was no work to do, and soon the blacksmith shop closed. Niu Blacksmith's wife took her children and went back to her parents' home to live a hard life. Qu Cangjiao had no choice but to find another way to survive first, then to get rich, and earn money to pay off foreign debts for his parents.

A series of misfortunes and setbacks made Qu Cangjiao, who had just turned eighteen, feel helpless and dejected. He even thought about death. But because of that debt, he didn't dare to die. He was carrying a big baggage on his back, and there seemed to be a bigger and heavier baggage in his mind. Sometimes he wanted to move forward with all his strength, but sometimes he felt discouraged, like a grain of quicksand or a scarecrow, no matter how hard he saw the tide, it would rush wherever it went. go?

Qu Cangjiao staggered and fell, and suddenly he heard someone beating a fishing drum and singing. This is exactly what Zhang Guolao said while riding his donkey backwards, banging and singing:

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to travel to the tiger mountains.

The road is not far, and the work is not accomplished without hard work.

If a man does not learn, he will be foolish; if a bell does not strike, it will not ring.

Put away the sorrow in your heart and light up the lamp in the cold window.

Don’t always deceive yourself or deceive yourself into blindness.

Quantitative changes will eventually lead to success, and hardship will produce elites.

After Qu Cangjiao heard many truths, he bowed his head and said,"Old senior, what you said makes sense. Listening to these songs, I will be enlightened. Thank you very much." Guo Lao stopped and said,"Looking at your face, I know you." Heart. You boy must have encountered a catastrophic disaster. Your forehead is gray and black, and you are bumping into walls everywhere."

Qu Cangjiao said:"Exactly." Guo Lao said:"No need to be polite, get up and speak, and you can elaborate. What kind of misfortune have you encountered?" Qu Cangjiao stood up and said:"Sir, I have had a series of misfortunes. I was driven away as a waiter in the shop; I was fired again as a stonemason; I finally found a master blacksmith, but I learned After only three months of mastering his skills, the master passed away again. How come you are so unlucky in life? The juniors were so anxious that they had their own names: Cangjiao Cangjiao!

Zhang Guolao stroked his beard and smiled slightly, saying:"Boy, don't be discouraged. , don’t belittle yourself, don’t mess with your real names and experiences! Since I said that I hit the meaning of the words and made you understand, you should act according to the reason of the words.’,‘Tribulation produces elites'. It is not like this that talents can be produced."

Qu Cangjiao bowed deeply again and said respectfully:"Sir, my father, Qu Nanshan, who was born late, and my mother, Duan Sanlin, who was born late, have both passed away. During his lifetime, his two elders suffered from many illnesses, and most of the money spent on medicines was paid on credit. Someone kindly lent the Qu family two copper coins, which should be returned without delay. But the young man is so incompetent and has no future. He can't even find his own job. He is hungry and cold. How many years and months can he repay the debts? Guo

Lao calculated with his fingers and asked his birth date and said with a smile:"Boy, you are blessed in life. It will be bitter first and then sweet. Don't underestimate it." The future is boundless, and it also depends on the coincidence between the human heart and the sky, the inside and the outside. Luck depends on each individual to find it. There is it everywhere in the world. There are disasters, but also blessings; there are poverty, and there are riches; there are bad times, but also good luck. As long as you have perseverance, keep your conscience, open your mind, and refine your skill, nothing will happen! Qu

Cangjiao listened to the truth and remembered it firmly. He knelt down and bowed his head and said:"Master, you are really an immortal who shows you the way. I have memorized it all and will go and execute it!" The four hearts are ambitions, seeking success, nothing to mention."After bowing three more times, he stood up, but Zhang Guolao was nowhere to be seen. He saw dust flying in the distance, and the white donkey was as fast as a celestial horse. He and the old man riding the donkey backwards disappeared into the cloud and mist mountains.

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