There is Dongwan Town in Zhongtiao Mountain. In this small town, there is a young man named Qu Cangjiao. His family is extremely poor and extremely miserable. His parents both died successively due to serious illness. Qu Cangjiao and his two sisters were left behind. After all, all the sisters were married, which was very painful for the helpless young man Qu.

Qu Cangjiao makes a living by collecting firewood. Before dawn, I would cook some porridge and plucked wild vegetables, take a rope and a machete, and go up the mountain to chop firewood. Only in the deep mountains and old forests can we find dry firewood. There are wolves and leopards there, as well as snakes and pythons, and there are tiger footprints in the ditch, which is very dangerous.

I often feel hungry as soon as I go up the mountain. The porridge we ate early in the morning has been digested long ago, so we can only hold on, tighten our belts, and chop wood with sweat. On this day, when the sun set, a large pile of firewood was cut. As I was walking on my back, I suddenly heard the roar of a tiger and leopard, and I hurriedly ran down the mountain on my back. He was able to outrun the mountain beasts, a leopard as big as a calf and a baby, and caught up with him. In front of him was a rock cliff, dozens of feet high, and behind him was a ferocious leopard chasing him. He was walking on the cliff edge path.

It's too late, but it's soon. The leopard has pounced on Qu Cangjiao and bit him. In a hurry, he freed himself from the bundle of firewood and fell towards the leopard. The beast was pinned down by the firewood on his waist and was stunned. However, he quickly broke away and pounced on the leopard fiercely. Qu Qiaofu had no choice but to jump off the cliff. The leopard looked again and again, but had no choice but to return to the mountains.

Qu Cangjiao jumped off a high cliff, his life was high, and he was put on a big branch. He did not die, but only suffered some superficial injuries. It was already dark and midnight. I struggled to get home in the dark, and the sky was already numb and bright. Qu Qiaofu was so frightened that he had no intention of sleeping. He was worried that he would lose his life. Most of the money for parents' medical treatment was borrowed from debts. Counting the many copper coins, there were hundreds of taels of silver. What should I do if I die and cannot pay off this family's debt?

Qu Cangjiao couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of this. However, when people are unlucky, bad things happen one after another. On this day, three creditors came to the door and said,"If you don't repay the debt, your house will be confiscated." They also said:"This house is not worth a few taels of silver, and the items are not worth a few taels of silver! I will destroy you, a woodcutter." We are slaves, our creditors are from three families, and whose family are we slaves to?"

Qu Cangjiao suffered such humiliation, but his heart was strong and he did not shed a single tear. He paid off his real estate and household belongings for only ten taels of silver, and still owed a huge debt of ninety taels of silver. What should he do? He didn't want to be a slave, so he packed up his bags and ran away, determined to make money to pay off his debts.

He visited three locations and wanted to work. The first was a restaurant. The owner asked him to work as a waiter, but he didn't have a smile on his face, his mouth wasn't smooth, and he couldn't sing high-pitched songs to attract customers. He was fired after three days. When he left, he was not even given a penny of wages, only ten steamed buns for his head. Qu Cangjiao had no choice but to admit it.

The second location is Lijiashan Kaifashi. This is a way to survive by selling brute force, and you also need to be clever. Wheel sledgehammer, punch holes, open stones. Qu Cangjiao had never used this big hammer before. It weighed a full twelve kilograms. After three days of swinging the hammer, his arms were swollen as thick as his thighs and there were more than ten blood blisters on his palms. The supervisor saw that he couldn't swing the hammer and almost smashed a man's hand instead, so he reprimanded him and stopped him. When leaving, the owner said,"Three days of food is enough for you. You are not worth a meal for doing such a stinky job!" The third place to go was the iron workshop. There is only one middle-aged man in this blacksmith shop. His surname is Niu and his given name is Shengtian. He has been blacksmithing for ten years and has hired four apprentices. Ushi Ikuta has a broad waist and broad back, a square face, and a long black beard. He looks very strong and is a loyal and honest man.

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