Outside the gate of the inner court, there are the magistrates Wu Zhuyin, Liu Lin, Li Jixian, Gou Baoshan County Magistrate, Yu Jisheng, Chief Secretary, Yu Shiwei County Lieutenant, Fu Dafa Li Zheng and Shu Duoneng Li. Zheng and Gan Jinshengli are Zheng and other members. They all waited calmly and patiently, hoping that the governor, Beibei, would come forward quickly and accept the generous gifts. Only in this way can you keep your official career and get benefits this year. Some people are eager to be promoted to an official position. To put it bluntly, bribes and money are all used to buy officials or gain access to officialdom. Among them, there are also those who sell their official positions by giving away treasures and selling their own small official positions in order to obtain a higher official position.

Hua Xiaomei hid in the dark, extremely angry, thinking:"This corrupt government office! It actually buys and sells officials, bribery is popular, and selfishness is exposed! The laws of the Tang Dynasty have been completely lost in this state, how ridiculous!" She said After a moment of sharp eyes with Wukong, he waved his long sleeves and a strong wind blew up. The gift lists written on various brocade boxes for the owners of the boxes were blown all over the court by strong winds and floated up in the air. A dozen officials suddenly became a mess and scrambled to grab their own gift sheets. Wukong hid in a dark corner and only blew his breath. The gift sheets slowly floated in the air. The bribers were so anxious that they grabbed and grabbed them, but they couldn't catch them. Magistrate Li, Chief Secretary Yu, and Gan Li were stomping down on the courtyard ridge and fell to their feet. Fu and Shu were bumping into the wall, causing their noses to be bruised and their eyes to be swollen.

After teasing, Sun and Hua were secretly amused. When the wind stopped, the officials from Zhizhichi found the gift list in their own box and hurriedly pasted it on, sighing loudly. Wu County Magistrate said:"Where is the strange wind and ghost wind! Fortunately, it did not blow out into the wild." Master Yu said:"This is a humble position with few gifts, so it doesn't matter. Mr. Wu has a box full of gold and silver orbs, and the gift list is full of details. In fact, there is also a name note. If the wind blows into the hands of strangers, and they are used to appeal to the officials, and the Tang Dynasty imperial court comes to envoy ministers, they will be exposed." County magistrate Liu Lin said:"How could it be! The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so this The state failed to take care of it. Besides, Mr. Wu has someone in the court, and he is a powerful official, what should he be afraid of!" Magistrate Li said:"I admire it! I admire it. Brother Wu is rich and powerful, with gold and silver mountains not to mention. He has in-laws in the court and a waist. It is also hard, neither the sky nor the earth is afraid. Although the court prohibits sleeping on flowers and willows, getting drunk on paper and money, and squandering money, and it is forbidden to fool around with idle flowers and weeds, but who doesn't want to enjoy such blessings. We are small officials, don't If you don't enjoy it, you only have a few years in your life!" Magistrate Wu said sternly:"My family is an upright official. This county is called the 'Incorruptible County Magistrate', and they all regard me as the 'food, clothing, and parent' of the people in the county.’,‘The great master of Qingtian is here. How can you pick flowers and climb willows! Drunk to death and dreaming of life? Gou Baoshan County Magistrate, a subordinate of County Magistrate Li, spoke vigorously to his master and said with a smile:"As the saying goes, if you are born under a flower fence, you can become a ghost." Life is full of flowers and trees, even if you lose everything, you should still have fun for a while, otherwise, your life will be in vain. County magistrate Li Jixian deliberately joked and said,"Wow!" Be bold! Be bold!!If the governor hears this, he will punish him. Mr. Beida is an upright official, honest and dedicated, meticulous, empty of selfishness, public-minded, and full of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness. Besides, Mr. Wu is upright and has never been corrupt. He also said that our junior officials are all first-rate and upright officials who are not dirty, corrupt, or sexually involved with women. They all follow the example of Mr. Bei and County Magistrate Wu."All the officials were silent. The county magistrate, chief registrar, county lieutenant, and the lieutenant were all listening attentively. Their hearts were not broken, but they smiled and talked cheerfully:

"Exactly, neither greedy nor corrupt, light-hearted

"We can all be regarded as honest officials among honest officials. Although I am a young official, I have a very honest mind.

"Now, this five-color betrothal gift is reasonable and not a bribe.

"There is no need to have three hundred taels of silver here, so what about gifts and bribes?!

"Be bold, you can’t do this! The laws of the Tang Dynasty are ruthless and iron-clad

"There is someone behind our scenes! The waist is strong. Afraid of being blamed, I won’t come to the public to offer treasures or money.

"Yes, before last year, everything came and went secretly. As a result, we meet each other every time, isn't it true that we hide our ears and steal our bells? Why be sneaky. Nowadays, no one knows who! Mr. Beida is here, and there are powerful ministers in the upper court and backstage. What are you afraid of!

"In fact, there are no outsiders in this area, and the law does not govern everyone. Everyone who comes here is the same, and they come here to give up their wealth and seek official positions. I want to sell my minor job and buy an upgrade. A high-ranking official position is overwhelming, so why not buy a high-ranking official position and sit there for a while?

"The gift is so heavy, Mr. Bei will definitely give him face, and he will have the opportunity to be the county magistrate.

"Why didn't Mr. Bei come? When are you waiting?

"The governor is very busy, working hard for the people, and must be reviewing memorials.

"Maybe, Mr. Beibei went to private visits to the people, but it was a hardship for the officials.

"Dear brothers, good things come hard, but patience is the best policy. I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and even eat braised pork. I can’t just chew raw meat!

"Yes, yes! The sun is now as high as a bamboo pole. When the sun is shining, Mr. Pei will appear!


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