The two immortals were working so hard, but they never thought that the rhesus monkey was hiding in the dark, eavesdropping and making bad plans. The six-eared macaque was afraid of being discovered, so he transformed into an insect, a pumpkin, and a cow. The golden bull, as small as a thumb, flew to rest on the tree behind them without being noticed. Wukong said:"Mei'er, you haven't eaten, so you must be hungry. I'm waiting to go and prepare some delicious food for you to enjoy. Don't run around, I'll come back when I go." Xiao Mei smiled and said:"Go quickly. Come back." Wukong smiled and left quickly.

The magic-eared macaque was secretly happy. When the great sage walked away, he plucked out a few vellus hairs, threw them into his mouth, chewed them up, sprayed them out, recited a mantra and called"transformation", and then he turned into seven butterflies and eight bowls of delicacies from the mountains and seas. The demon monkey shook his body again and transformed into Sun Xingzhe, calling softly and softly:"Come on, little charm! Look, the elder brother has brought some top-quality dishes for the younger sister. Come on, come on." Let’s have a meal together. Here is Yaochi’s fine wine. Let’s have a cup of wine and have a good time." Hua Xiaomei turned around and looked back. Sure enough, she saw a table of wine and food placed on the big stone slab, and a pair of red jade chopsticks. The aroma hit her face, and she couldn’t help but salivate. , greedy beyond words. As she approached, she smiled and said:"It smells so good. I'm greedy when I smell it. It's so fast, I got it in a blink of an eye." The Monkey King, transformed into a thief-eared monkey, helped Hua Xiaomei sit beside the stone slab. , smiled and said:"Sister, I have known for a long time that the great sage somersaults thousands of miles... They are all Dragon Kings of the East China Sea, and they are giving you excellent food, famous dishes and wine. Eat quickly, it is a rare first time to have a meal together." With that, he handed over Jade chopsticks and her. Xiaomei is not a sharp-eyed person, everything is fake. She is also hungry, so she eats and drinks quickly, pretending that Wukong is accompanying her to dine.

After a while, Hua Xiaomei had eaten and drank enough. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable in my stomach and intestines, so I got up and went to the forest to clean my hands and said,"I don't feel well. How about I go to the jungle to relieve myself?" The fake great sage asked:"Well, could it be that the food is not clean? I ate it. Nothing is wrong. Go ahead, I'll take care of these." Xiaomei walked and said,"Thank you, Brother Sheng." Fake Wukong smiled and said,"You're welcome, sister." After Hua Bumei went to the forest, the magic-eared macaque looked around. , when Sun Dasheng didn’t come back, he thought:"It’s time to go! Then Sun Wukong must be very fast to get food and ride on the clouds. If he finds out, it will be bad." When she was young, Hua Xiaomei struggled out of the forest and kept shouting She cried out:"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me to death." The fake great sage helped her sit down and said,"Sister, what's going on?" Xiao Mei said,"She must have eaten the delicacies just now." The fake Wukong said:"I ate it too, why is everything okay? Well, my sister must have suffered from the evil cold. I'm going to get some medicine for my sister!" After that, he hurried away. Xiaomei clutched her lower abdomen and said,"Go back quickly!" The fake traveler then walked away and disappeared in an instant.

The Monkey King transformed by the magic-eared macaque is exactly the same as Sun Wukong. How can Hua Xiaomei tell the difference? The six-eared macaque returned to its original form, laughing to itself in the hidden forest. It vomited out the food it had eaten in its stomach, which was just a few monkey hairs. Then it took it back to its body and started chanting mantras and performing rituals. This spell was even more evil, causing the food that Hua Xiaomei ate to turn into five poisonous insects: snakes, scorpions, centipedes, toads, and spiders, which bit her in the stomach. The pain was so severe that she rolled on the ground, feeling dizzy and losing her mind. I just feel like the world is spinning and thousands of knives are piercing my heart.

But it was said that Sun Wukong came back, carrying a large bag of delicacies, full of joy, and eager to have a good meal with Meier. But what happened was contrary to expectations. The traveler was still a few miles away from the lakeside when he heard Hua Xiaomei screaming:" hurts me to death."……"Wukong hurriedly flew to the front of the cloud, put down his pocket, and stepped forward to ask:"What's wrong? Who hit you?!" Hua Xiaomei was dizzy from the pain and confused. She opened her eyes and saw the Great Sage coming back, then closed her eyes again. , said fiercely:"Monkey Sun!, why don't you kill naughty gave me something other than used five poisonous trick me into eating...and poisoned me."……"The Great Sage was so angry that he stamped his feet and knocked his head, his face was embarrassed, and he said,"Wow, Xiao Mei, you saw it wrong! You thought wrong! It's too late to fool you, how can I harm you?!" Xiao Mei The pain was so painful that his soul was about to break, and he said sternly in a daze:"You slutty monkey... stay away... who doesn't know that you have a wrong idea?"…………He actually resorted to immoral means! snort! How dare you come with a bag of fake medicine...I don't need it……"Wu Qingkong thought:"Unjust...I am wronged, grandson." Then he went to untie his pocket and said:"Xiao Mei, this is a delicious food for you. How can it be fake medicine? Take a look." Open the big door When I looked at the bag, I saw that the delicacies were gone. They were all five poisonous insects: snakes, scorpions, centipedes, toads, and spiders crawling out of the bag.

Hua Xiaomei opened her eyes and said sternly:"Sun Wukong! You have piercing eyes... Who can deceive you... I see clearly, it's all your wrong ideas... All the five poisonous pests got into my belly... You're going to bite me to death." Wukong was helpless and couldn't say anything. Hua Xiaomei said angrily:"Humph! I call you Enge, and you actually do such a thing!? You said you would bring food and medicine. What is in your pocket!?" Wukong screamed in anger. He said:"Wow, how could it be like this?!" Then he spit out streams of flames, burning all the five poisonous insects into ashes, and disappeared in an instant.

It turned out that the magic-eared macaque was hiding in the dark. When he saw Sun Wukong carrying a bag of food, he used a magic trick to pluck some hairs and turn them into poisonous insects, replacing the food. Wukong hurried on his way, taking care of everything. Then, the five poisonous insects that were burned to death were nothing more than macaque hairs, which evaporated into the air along with the hair flames, and the Great Sage could not trace them. The six-eared macaque drove away in the clouds, reveling in misfortune in the wild forest. It laughed so hard that it fell forward and backward, and was thinking about evil. Suddenly, a few miles away, a flaming golden hoop flew up in the air by the lake. I knew it was the Ruyi golden hoop thrown by Sun Wukong. It was grilling the surrounding areas in mid-air and exploring its surroundings. Then he used the invisibility method and came hundreds of miles away like lightning. He stood on the top of the mountain and listened carefully to the sound.

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