But it was said that Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei had collected precious equipment. Coming out of the underworld, I came to the world of bright sunshine and beautiful mountains and rivers. A group of great rivers and mountains, with infinite scenery, sitting together by the Qingshui Lake, chatting with each other, with entwined ambitions and endless righteousness. Xiao Mei said with emotion:"Brother Sheng, looking back suddenly, the past was like a nightmare and a sweet dream. Brother Eng is so thin because he is heartbroken for Mei and haggard for me. Xiao Mei is so grateful that she dares to be loyal to her elder brother. I shed tears for my eldest brother." After saying this, tears filled his eyes and burst out. Wukong said:"Xiao Mei, thank you for your loyalty. You went above and beyond for me, fought hard for me, and settled all the loneliness. You have so many words to say about your righteousness." Xiao Mei said:"Relive your sweet dreams, and your dreams come true. Meeting your sworn brother again is like a feeling in your heart.." Wukong smiled gracefully and said:"Wukong, I was expelled by the cold life and summoned by the warm life of the Butterfly Fairy. From now on, I am no longer alone. In the past, when I saw you sad, I secretly shed tears; today, when I see you happy, heaven and earth are also happy. Happy." Butterfly Fairy smiled and said:"In hell, I was once weak and powerless. With the courage of Brother Sheng, I regained my strength and regained my charm. In the wind and fire, we fought side by side; in the thunder and lightning, we traveled hand in hand."

Wukong said meaningfully. :"There are ambitions and righteousness, loyalty and support; endless memories are inseparable from hard work. I don't know what got into Shuozi's heart, making sleep the most delicious." Xiao Mei said:"I dare to be tired for you, and I am willing to wait for you. Go to From now on, every time you come to a new world, drive away sorrow and welcome popularity!" The traveler said:"From now on, we will no longer suffer the pain of hell. The loyal ones will fly together. The hearts beat together, breathe together, and share the same destiny; share the sky, share the earth, Sharing joy will never stop." The charming girl said:"That's it, hand in hand to the end of the world. The wind will not blow, the waves will not scatter, and it will be difficult to take pain as joy; there will be joy in sorrow, laughter in tears, and the spirit of loyalty can be lively.." The Great Sage said:"Only in the human world can there be endless true joy. Be happy with the people, there is a sky beyond the sky; be close and close, fluttering; lingering, and forge ahead. It's just that I was born to be aggressive, and I see uneven roads. , so I wanted to take action...I was really afraid of causing trouble to Meizi." Charming Girl said:"Causing trouble? 'That's wrong.' The road ahead is long, no matter how many risks there may be in the future, I dare to feel my heartache for the victims, dare to be willing to sacrifice for the poor, dare to shed tears for my master, dare to shed blood for the world!" Wukong said:"In the wind and rain, I am willing to be with you. Drink the same bitter water, walk the same path of righteousness, endure the same heartache, and shed the same passionate blood!" Xiao Mei said:"Wukong, the beauty of beauty, fly together; never look back after a thousand setbacks, never give up!" Wukong said:"Little Mei, we are in love with each other, and our fate is endless. Our ambitions are never exhausted, and we are reluctant to leave. As long as you are not afraid, I dare to take you all over the world!" The charming girl said:"With the great sage accompanying you, you will not be afraid of heaven or earth. Dare to risk your life to conquer the world!" Wukong said:"After listening to your words, I feel relieved. My heart is surging, my loyalty is unyielding, the road is bright, and I will conquer tomorrow bravely!" Hua Xiaomei said:"Exactly! There are so many thorns that it is difficult to stop me. The way forward! It suddenly feels like a dream, and looking back is still the same. Walking on the road of the world, there are ups and downs, although it is bitter, it is also sweet!"

Sun Wukong and the Butterfly Fairy were sitting by the lake, talking about the universe endlessly. He said a lot of intimate things, but all of them were listened to by the devil-eared macaque. The nature of this devil-eared macaque is: good at listening to sounds, able to observe, know before and after, and everything is clear. It turns out that a few days ago, the two immortals were having a dispute with Yama Junzheng of the Tenth Hall. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva claimed:"Only Taibai Venus has the final say!" Later, the treasure curtain of Taibai Venus floated down from the nine heavens, and the curtain was filled with golden light. When it was slowly falling from the sky, it was seen by the magic-eared macaque thousands of miles away. This magic-eared macaque can travel thousands of miles in a somersault. It came here on a somersault cloud and hid in the darkness by the lake. Suddenly, Sun Wukong and the little charm appeared from under the underworld and flew up, so they sneaked behind and hid to eavesdrop. The devil-eared monkey didn't expect that the butterfly fairy would come back to life from the underworld after being beaten to death. The six-eared monkey was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and was extremely jealous, thinking that Sun Wukong would definitely come to avenge Hua Xiaomei. He had no choice but to strike first and beat Sun Wukong to death and take away Hua Xiaomei. Suddenly, seeing the two of them transform into a beautiful couple, leaning on each other and talking endlessly, their jealousy doubled. But they couldn't find the right time to strike. They were worried that they would be hit hard with a stick, and both of them died under the proud golden cudgel. If a fairy dies again, what should we do? The devil-eared monkey thought deeply:"Ever since I beat the Butterfly Fairy to death, I have searched all over the world and never found anything like this... I regretted it so much that I scolded myself all day long. I didn't expect that she came back to life, which is really a great thing. As long as I beat her After the death of the monkey, Hua Xiaomei has no choice but to lean on him." Sun Wukong and Hua Xiaomei seemed to be immersed in the universe and the Milky Way.

It's exactly this:

If you are sincere and have deep ambitions, your dreams will never be empty, and you won't be afraid of demons and evil winds.

Happiness and joy follow closely, and we run vigorously and righteously.

We cherish fate and gather together, and we have the same ambition despite many hardships and dangers.

Wealth and glory are just smoke, but there is endless joy in joining hands with each other.

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