Young Master, disappeared into the underworld"Fire Pit Hell", and saw only a smoky atmosphere. Many bones were burned in the fire pit, and the smell of stinky meat hit her face.

Wukong said:"Cruel and cruel! Those who were taken from the Yang world were thrown into the fire pits of the underworld and burned, making them cry like ghosts and wolves howling." Xiao Mei could clearly see what he had done in the past ten years after taking a quick look at it. What kind of evil did those desperate guys do in the past ten years?"Hua Xiaomei took a sharp look, looking through the eight half-dead strugglers in the fire pit, and sighed:"Oh, these guys who are about to be burned to death were malicious arsonists in the Yang world a few years ago.. Among them, the first three were those who set fire to the mountains and forests, killing nine good people; the middle two were those who set fire to their enemies' homes, killing seven people; and the remaining three were careless and set their houses on fire, causing fires in the neighborhood and killing eleven people. Wukong said:"So that's it. Evil will be punished with evil." Looking around, there are at least 12,800 large fire pits in this"Fire Pit Hell". All told, within a hundred years, tens of thousands of people who caused fires were tortured in fire pits."Xiao Mei said:"Exactly. It smells bad, let's go!"Having said that, I took Wukong with me, rode the auspicious auspicious clouds invisibly, and flew through time into the"Tongue Pulling Prison"

《In"Tongue Pulling Prison", there is a fishy smell, and there are countless red-haired ghosts, green-faced ghosts, dog-headed ghosts, donkey-faced ghosts, and fanged ghosts. They are all at one post for every ten steps and a sentry for every hundred steps. They are the ghosts who are imprisoning the executioners for their evil work..

Wukong said:"So cool, so cool! Little Meizi, the tongues that were pulled out are also piled up in mountains. Why do so many people who came from the shackles of the Yang world have to suffer the torture of tongue pulling?!" Hua Xiaomei said:"Brother Sheng, Mei Zi Ling uses the"Eighteen Eyes Technique" taught by his master to travel back in time and space. Looking at three eyes, he can see that the person whose tongue was pulled out caused great disaster in the first thirty years." Wukong said:"Thirty years, the Yang world A whole generation. Why has it caused great disasters?"

Hua Xiaomei lowered her voice and said,"It's all because of the tongue." Wukong said,"Haha, a three-inch tongue, soft and not runny, is just inside the mouth. It's only about one or two weights, what big trouble can it cause?" Xiao Mei said:"Don't underestimate the one or two weights of soft tongue in your mouth. Anyone who has a slippery tongue, greedy words in front of the emperor, and kills loyal ministers; anyone who uses a three-inch tongue , those who confuse good and evil and frame good people; those who use their tongues to defraud money; those whose evil tongues cause chaos and create havoc, making the people uneasy; those whose official tongues violate the law, causing harm and casualties to the common people; those whose red tongues commit adultery, Those who sow discord, cause wars and cause death...those whose tongues cause murders will sooner or later be sent to the underworld's"Tongue Pulling Prison" to suffer tongue pulling torture."

Wukong said:"Wow, I can't stand it anymore.. The fishy wind is blowing in this prison, and the blood is raining in that prison. We are here to find the Dingyin Divine Sword. If we can’t stay for a long time, we should leave quickly!" After that, Xiao Mei took the flower and came out of the"Tongue Pulling Prison". Suddenly seeing the plaque"Prison of Sword Mountain" hanging in front of him, Wukong said:"I know it. Needless to say, in this"Prison of Sword Mountain", the person who was stabbed to death by the sword peak and hung on the mountain of sword must have been holding the sword in the Yang world. Those who kill people and do evil." Hua Xiaomei nodded and said with a smile:"Whatever evil you do in the Yang world will be used in the underworld. Those who harm others will destroy themselves, and there is no need for strong winds to push them away. Reincarnated in the animal world, no children and no grandchildren."

Move forward. Let's go and pass by"Intestinal Prison". Wukong's blazing eyes were golden and clear. He glanced inside and saw that those who were bound tightly and tied with ropes were being tortured one by one. He sighed:"Wow, it's cruel and cruel! Just beat him to death. Stomach removal is too cruel!" Xiao Mei said:"Brother Sheng only sees the cruelty in torture, but he doesn't see how cruel the torturer is when he harms others in the human world. Now." Wukong said:"How can the people whose intestines were removed harm people in the Yang world?" Xiao Mei said:"These people who had their intestines removed and had their stomachs broken were all caused by poisoning in the Yang world in the past few years and killed people! A good person's stomach and intestines are poisoned and he dies of pain. Therefore, it is also a kind of retribution to shackle these poisonous killers into the vagina, disembowel their stomachs and drain their intestines, and let them taste the pain and suffering in their stomachs. Eat the evil fruit!"

Walking further, I suddenly saw a grand palace with glittering gold. A multi-character plaque hung high on the main entrance, with five giant characters engraved on it: The Great Bank of the Underworld. Wukong and Xiaomei are side by side, with their heads thin and auspicious.

But see: the golden light and silver light are connected to the lamp, and the top is bright and the bottom is bright, and the inside and outside are bright.

Money, treasures and jewels are all sorted, and boxes and cabinets are full of them.

How many hell coins are there? Millions, trillions, trillions.

The Yin Division dispatched ghost generals with ox-headed and horse-faced patrols.

Suddenly, some banknotes floated in the dark sky. Hua Xiaomei stretched out her sleeves, rolled up one in her hand, unfolded it, and saw printed on the face:"Universal banknotes for heaven and earth"",""All roads lead to each other." There is also the Jade Emperor's head on the side, stamped with the Jade Emperor's seal. It reads"The wind is rising and the water is rising."",""Peace Money", and the title of"Underworld Money", the handsome number:"One hundred million yuan". Hua Xiaomei said:"It's a counterfeit coin!" Wukong said:"There are also counterfeit coins in the underworld?""Xiao Mei said:"It exists in the Yang world, and it also exists in the Yin world. It's not surprising. Wukong said:""The Big Bank of the Underworld"? There was no need to stand guard, so it was quite quiet."Xiao Mei said:"This is a bit strange. In the past, this house was like a bustling market, with prosperous transactions, huge deposits and withdrawals, and ghosts coming and going."

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