Sun Wukong was shocked and said:"Hmph! The evil macaque monster dares to look exactly the same as me. I also have a hairy face, a thunderous mouth, and my cheeks are like the star of Saturn. Could it be that I am also very ugly?" Xiao Mei smiled and said:"No. Enge has a rough face, a thunderous mouth, and a slender cheek. He is neither evil nor evil, nor evil. He is upright and kind, completely different from that guy. Wukong has a funny face, handsome and unrestrained, naturally smart, extremely brave and handsome, and always has a heroic appearance. Here."

Wukong took Xiao Mei, pushed down the clouds, and said:"Look! The eighteenth level of hell has arrived, that is the"Motui Prison", where my sister was tortured, and Xiao Mei suffered." Xiao Mei. Mei said:"Never forget: the shackles are wrapped around you, the waves of blood are rolling, the fishy wind is rushing into your nose, the cold is soaking into your bones, you are tied tightly, tied with ropes, skin and flesh are torn, and blood is dripping. It makes the sky unable to see the sky, and the earth and the earth cannot respond.. The ghosts are fierce and stubborn, what a tragedy!" Wukong said:"Little charm, I am not talented, so you suffer. And your loyalty is attracting our hearts and souls. Tell me, do you hate me? What are you saying from the bottom of your heart?"

Xiao Mei said sincerely and enthusiastically:"Wukong, your blazing eyes attract people to justice. It is worth the grief and anger to shed tears for you. The sun and the moon are floating, it is difficult to stop loyalty, and we will share the dangers. Without Brother Sheng, there will be no way. Without Xiao Mei, I am not grateful enough, how can I hate you? With all my heart and courage, we are like-minded, forever and ever, and will never change." Wukong was happy after hearing this, and said:"What are the sorrows and joys in the world? The ebb and flow, what is this life? From now on? , let us run for justice, break through the shackles, join hands in the end of the world, save lives and heal the wounded, it is also interesting and fun." She smiled and said:"We are of the same mind, and I am willing to follow you! There is no evil and no presumption, and happiness is ordinary. The sadness is gone, wipe away the traces of tears.. Hand in hand at the end of the world, the meaning is endless."

Wukong looked straight ahead with his fiery eyes and said in surprise:"Wow, one after another strange light? Sprayed out from under hell, could it be the sword light you want to pursue? Thousands of silver lights, the cold air is approaching." Xiao Mei said:"Hey, the strange light is shooting out from under the hell. Is the Yin-Suppressing Divine Sword under these eighteen levels of hell?" Wukong said:"This is difficult! I can only see the sword light, but not the Yin-Suppressing Divine Sword.."

Xiao Mei said:"How did Brother Sheng know that there was such a strange sword?" Wukong said:"Xiao Mei didn't know something: in her early years, she became a Taoist apprentice by playing tricks. She made a raft alone and floated across the West Sea to the border of Xiniu Hezhou. Landing for a visit At that time, I suddenly saw a beautiful mountain. After asking the woodcutter, I found the three-star cave in Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and the setting moon. After many hardships, I finally saw the immortal in the cave, named Patriarch Subhuti. I have to say something good or bad, Master Zufang accepted him as his disciple. One day, after the disciple had gained knowledge, he asked his master: Where can I find a good weapon? Can it be used easily? The master once talked about the origin of the"Dingyin Divine Sword", so he said that weapon, I can't get it. I always feel that this is a riddle. I have kept it in my mind for many years, but I can't solve it and my mind is not smooth. Therefore, I have to find out what's going on. I have an idea of ​​whether I can get it or not. I want to give it a try.."

Xiao Mei said:"This is the first time I heard the name of a great master: Master Bodhi. He is such a great born god." Wukong said:"No one in the three realms knows the fame of my master! Who is my master? Let me tell you, Xiaomei, and never tell anyone else." Hua Xiaomei said,"I will keep my promise! I will never reveal the name of my ancestor." Wukong said,"Mei'er, the eighteenth level of hell, we only have to I have seen Molui Prison. It is strange and mysterious. You might as well take a closer look and see who is suffering in the other prisons."Xiao Mei said:"This body is inconvenient."Wukong changed his body and turned into a young master again, saying:"How does this body look like? Is it a good match? Hua Xiaomei was very happy to see that he had become handsome and handsome, and said with a smile:"A perfect match." We turned into a pair of beauties, like a pair of mandarin duck souls, and the group of ghost guards were not disturbed."

This pair of beautiful men and women were flying around, using their invisibility spells to cross into the Hanging Tendon Prison. Suddenly, they saw rows of people hanging upside down, like racks selling pork and mutton. Their naked flesh and bones were so dazzling. Wukong said:"Xiao Mei, The many dead souls in"The Prison of Diaojin" were subjected to such torture. Could it be that they were wronged and still had no way to correct them. Those ten kings of hell have coaxed us to settle accounts with them! Hua Xiaomei said:"That's not the case." How can Brother Sheng not see clearly that these dead souls have all committed sins? Wukong said:"What crime did you commit?""Xiao Mei said:"Brother Saint, the people who are being tortured here are thousands of hanged ghosts. They are all those who have evil hearts in the world of the world, forcing kind people to hang themselves, and causing death. Therefore, after the good man comes to the underworld and is reincarnated in another body, the King of Hell will take the evil man who persecutes his beloved and hangs him sooner or later and takes him to this hanging prison to be tortured, and he will never be reincarnated.

Wukong asked in surprise:"It's strange, Xiao Mei, how can you see through it, but I can't?" Hua Xiaomei said:"Brother Eng, I don't know. I once worshiped the Queen of the West as my master. My master was really powerful. He taught his disciples the"Eighteen Reforms of Women" and also taught the"Eighteen Eyes" to his disciples. One eye can see the past ten years, and eighteen eyes can see the past one hundred and eighty years."Wukong said:"It's strange, and you can look backwards? Can we turn back time? Magical."

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