Jiang Feng replied:"No problem."

Rong Lijun:"We can let him come back first, and then delay it for a while."

This operation can give Jamie less time to practice.

Rong Lijun is a businessman. He is really kind to Jiang Feng, but he is still very mean to others.

Rong Lijun is very good at using this small method that follows the rules.

Jiang Feng:"No, he's flying back now. We'll compete at night. His condition should actually be a little worse than mine."

Jiang Feng:"After all, I don't feel like I'm suffering much."

Rong Lijun:"Actually, I'm still suffering. , after all, you haven't visited the place."

Although Jiang Feng said that he did not suffer any loss, the old father-in-law felt sorry for his son-in-law and always felt that Jiang Feng had been bullied and was very unhappy.

Jiang Feng smiled and replied:"It's okay. I'm confident. Let's make an appointment tonight, at eight o'clock."

Rong Lijun sent a message to confirm the time with Corricchio.

Colicchio called Jamie and asked:"You can prepare to come back. He accepted the challenge at eight o'clock in the evening."

Jamie shouted in relief:"Great! I'm finally free.!"

He has really become numb these days!

The first day went very smoothly.

He successfully cut out fifteen pieces of tofu.

The next day, he increased his training a little bit, preparing to cut thirty pieces of tofu, and then cut the shreds evenly.

Then something went wrong in this link.

He can gradually cut out some tofu shreds with controllable thickness.

But when he wanted to cut all the shredded tofu into the same thickness, he felt that the water temperature was higher!

This is wrong! so hard!

It’s harder than imagined!

What's even worse is that after he finished practicing, he tried to cut the tofu shreds to the finest level he could master.

He couldn't cut the kind of shredded tofu that could go through the eye of a needle!


Cutting thirty pieces of fat tofu a day, and cutting it very slowly, is actually a very grueling job, and it can easily wear out your patience.

But Jamie felt that there was not enough time, so he added ten pieces of tofu.

After the cutting, there was no progress and I was still a little depressed.

He asked the master to perform it for him again.

Seeing the master skillfully cutting out a basin of shredded tofu, Jamie began to doubt life.

These people know kung fu!

Does he lack internal strength?

Isn’t internal strength a legend?

Isn't Bruce Lee in the movie?

But why can these Chinese chefs make such amazing dishes?!

Confused, Jamie fell asleep and ended the next day's study.

On the third day, he made a little progress, and the cut silk was washed a little more, and at a glance, it was more even.

Although it is still far from what the master made, at least it has reached the step of seasoning.

Once Wensi Tofu enters this step, it becomes much simpler.

Especially since Jamie has cooked Chinese food and is relatively familiar with the seasoning of Chinese food. only.

Jamie's previous exposure was mostly Chinese food from abroad that was adapted to local tastes.

So when he seasoned it, it was always a little weird.

The master who taught Jamie also thought it was amazing.

He was watching Jamie's heat, watching Jamie's seasoning and juice collection process.

No problem.

But the dish Jamie finally made tasted just a little bit off.

Master couldn't tell what the problem was.

Jamie can only continue to practice cutting shredded tofu first.

But now he just wants to start playing quickly.

He is still very confident in his training volume.

In the same period of time, if Jiang Feng learns new dishes, his learning speed and intensity should not be as high as him.

In other words, starting the comparison now, Jamie felt that he could still do better than Jiang Feng.

But if it is delayed for a few more days, it may not be possible.

Jamie felt like he was dying.

I've been sleeping like tofu for the past two days.

I dreamed about my wife and wanted to kiss her, but when I hugged my wife, my wife turned into a piece of tofu.

Before, he thought tofu was really magical, white and clean, and came in various forms.

It was also because he was very interested in tofu that he learned Chinese cooking.

But now, he just wants to die on tofu! finally!

The game is about to begin!

Coricchio listened to Jamie's voice and said with a smile:"Thank you for your hard work."

Jamie sighed:"It's not hard, as long as you can win. Boss Jiang really didn't go to study, right?"

Coricchio sighed Ao took a puff of his cigar:"Yes, he has been in the store, and the store is open for business as usual these days."

Jamie:"That's OK, I guess I will win."

Now, Jamie feels that Wensi Tofu is better than Marseille Fish soup is much more difficult.

However, Jiang Feng didn't even practice, so his level was naturally not much higher.

Although Jamie's Wensi tofu is average, it is a dish at least. Although the taste is a bit strange, at least it is not outrageous.

Winning should be winnable.

Coricchio was also in a good mood:"Yes, come back quickly, we are ready to collect the money."

Jamie gritted his teeth and asked angrily:"Did you tell them? After the competition, I hope Jiang Feng can Make me a Wensi tofu."

He had only thought before that if he lost, he would make Jiang Feng a Wensi tofu.

But after being tortured for three days, he had changed his mind!

No matter he loses or wins, he will let Jiang Feng make him a Wensi tofu!

He wanted to see what Jiang Feng, a bad guy like him, could do if he ordered such a dish for him!

Colicchio said:"I can discuss it with Mr. Rong, but it probably won't work. Mr. Rong is very defensive."

In the past few days, Colicchio and Rong Lijun occasionally chatted and asked about Rong Lijun. news.

Rong Lijun was extremely protective of his shortcomings.

No, he should be extremely protective of Jiang Feng.

Rong Lijun no longer wanted Jiang Feng to participate in this competition.

It's probably not possible to ask Jiang Feng to perform for them.

"Damn it, big dog."

Jamie cursed.

He is just an ordinary chef. Jiang Feng is the son-in-law of a large chaebol, the only heir, and the kind of son-in-law that his father-in-law likes very much.

If Rong Lijun really wants to protect his shortcomings, let Jiang Feng cook for him. It's impossible.

However, Jamie didn't give up completely.

Jamie said:"You should at least tell him."

Colricchio:"Okay, no problem."

Hang up the phone.

Colicchio looked at Lena:"How about, come with me to watch the game? You can see with your own eyes how your idol loses."

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