Jiang Feng really felt that the current manpower could open a store, so he decided to open a store.

But Xu Mingqiang misunderstood. He felt that Jiang Feng wanted to take the opportunity to take his parents over.

Xu Mingqiang naturally agreed directly.

This is the boss’s family matter and has nothing to do with business advice.

After chatting.

Xu Mingqiang directly contacted the members of the group:"Send me the stores we have selected."

"Okay, boss. Huh? Are we going to open another branch now?"

Xu Mingqiang:"Yes, Boss Jiang feels that the time is ripe and the manpower seems to be enough. Boss Jiang is more professional in this regard, so just listen to him."

Xu Mingqiang would naturally not speak ill of Jiang Feng in front of others.

Although Xu Mingqiang felt that Jiang Feng's decision was rushed this time, it did not prevent Xu Mingqiang from thinking that Jiang Feng was awesome.

In history, no matter how awesome people are, they will make mistakes. , Xu Mingqiang still felt that Jiang Feng was the most talented person he had ever seen, but this time he was a little more impatient.

The team members were a little excited:"This guy, this is my first time to build a brand, I feel like driving a rocket"

"At this rate, how many branches will we have to open before the end of the year? If business is so good, just take off!"

"Make big money!"

In addition to giving Xu Mingqiang a 1% dividend, Rong Lijun also gave all members of the team 1% of the money.

At the end of the year, the points will be divided according to performance. If the store you open can make money, everyone will get more money at the end of the year.

The team members didn’t think so much, they just thought that Boss Jiang was too good to lead them to make a lot of money! Soon


Xu Mingqiang found two suitable stores.

One was in the East District, and the other was on Changming Street. The store is located directly south of Jiangji Baozi. The location is very good. It takes about ten minutes to drive to Jiang Feng’s store.

However, the conditions of this store are a little worse and the location is relatively remote.

Xu Mingqiang provided the information of these two stores. Sent to Jiang Feng.

After reading it, Jiang Feng frowned slightly and sent a message back to Xu Mingqiang:"The location of the fifth store is not good, right?"

Jiang Feng:"As a business layman, I can tell that this location is not very good, and the configuration of the store is not very good either. Xu

Mingqiang was stunned for a moment and replied:"We can also try to see if we can open a store in a place like this.""

He was still stepping down to Jiang Feng, feeling that Jiang Feng didn't want his parents to be taken over too clearly.

Jiang Feng saw what Xu Mingqiang meant and replied bluntly:"The money we invest is to make money."

"On the basis that the location of the store is good enough, it will be fine if it is closer to my parents."

"If not, stay away."

After listening to Jiang Feng's words,

Xu Mingqiang finally understood.

He had thought wrong!

Boss Jiang didn't open a store just to arrange for his parents to come over!

He only thought of opening a new store when he really thought he could make money. Store!

Xu Mingqiang admired Jiang Feng even more and replied:"I understand, what about this location?"

He sent Jiang Feng a store on Guangming Street.

This store is what he thinks is the most ideal store. The location is good, the rent is not outrageous, and the configuration of the store is suitable for opening a new store. The only problem is that it is too far away..

It is estimated that if you drive, it will take 30 minutes to get there if there is a bit of traffic.

Jiang Feng was very satisfied:"This is the one."

When Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were at work, it took more than 30 minutes to go to work.

It's not too far.

Choose a good place.

Xu Mingqiang replied:"Okay, this is it. I'll arrange the contract now."

Jiang Feng:"It's still the same strategy as before, just change the soft decoration and the system, as soon as possible."

Yu Qing has hired a lot of people in the past two days.

After arranging more than 50 clerks in the new store, the positions can be vacated and these new people can be trained on the job.

Xu Mingqiang:"Okay, I understand."

After the negotiation was completed,

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Song Jin:"I plan to open a new store. It is expected to open soon. Can you come with my dad?"

Song Jin was playing a game. When she saw Jiang Feng's news, she was a little surprised and didn't care about playing the game.

She quickly replied to the message:"Huh? When was it decided? Why don't I know?

Jiang Feng:"I just decided. I'll send you the location. It's about 30 minutes away from our home."

Song Jin took a look at the place and replied:"This place is quite good.""

As a layperson, she could tell that this place faces the street and is surrounded by several residential areas.

The shop is not big, but the shop was built in 2007 and is not old. It is a very good place.

Jiang Feng returned Said:"Discuss it with my dad? You go to this store as the store manager and help me keep an eye on the purchases in other stores.

Song Jin:"He said it's no problem. As long as you need it, he can move it at any time.""

Jiang Jianye has no requirements on where to live.

As long as his son is in need, he can help Jiang Feng at any time, no problem.

Jiang Feng:"Then you guys pack your things and come stay this Friday. Let's make do with the rented place first. I think I'll be able to move soon."

The furniture is all ready.

The building materials Rong Lijun used for Jiang Feng are all the best in the world.

Shengrun Group made them themselves. It's okay to paint the fish tank, pour water, and raise fish. That kind of thing.

After the installation is completed, Rong Lijun will arrange a CMA test to confirm that there are no contaminants, and then Jiang Feng can move in.

There is no need to slowly disperse the formaldehyde.

Song Jin sighed lightly and replied:"Okay, this We'll go there on Friday."

She is actually a bit nostalgic.

However, her son is the most important thing.

Moreover, moving to a big house, she and Jiang Jianye will not disturb Jiang Feng and Rong Shuang. In this state, she still prefers to live away from Jiang Feng Closer.

After the negotiation was completed,

Jiang Feng put down his phone, hugged Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou and fell asleep.

Two days passed by in a flash.

Friday afternoon.

Under the eyes of countless neighbors, the store next to him finally finished decorating.

A few workers When chatting with Jiang Feng, he kept complaining

"This is the weirdest job I've ever had."

"I feel like I have become a big star. Hey, that guy is surrounded by a sea of ​​people, all staring at me. He is so energetic at work."

"Boss Jiang, stop coveting your regular customers. I feel like they are almost eating us up.

Jiang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"I've worked hard on you these past few days.""

It's really not easy for the workers.

They work two shifts a day and can work for 20 hours.

They also have to be overseen by eager customers who watch their work.

The workers left quickly.

Jiang Feng picked up his mobile phone and sent Rong Lijun a message. Message:"The renovations are done, I checked, and the game is ready to start.

Rong Lijun replied instantly:"Okay, I'll contact you now."

Rong Lijun:"Do you need someone to help you?" Will it be too tiring?"

The competition is about to begin. What Rong Lijun is worried about is not the outcome, but whether his son-in-law is tired.

Jiang Feng:"I am in good condition and can compete at any time. Rong

Lijun contacted Colicchio, confirmed the time, and sent a message back to Jiang Feng:"How about eight o'clock tonight?" You have time to prepare the stock ahead of time."

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