All kinds of small worlds are dazzling, but Jiang Ran's goal has always been only one, that is, to be big, a laboratory, who doesn't like a big one?

Moreover, the Dao that Jiang Ran has comprehended now is strong enough, and for him, it is already completely capable of supporting the transformation of a world.

His goal isn't the biggest, but at least it's not bad.

One world after another, after Jiang Ran plunged into a world, the scene in front of him changed again, and he suddenly found that he had come to a new world.

However, this small world is different from other small worlds, the whole scene is shocked, it is completely a huge pothole, the charred part of the ground seems to have undergone violent burning, and the ground on the periphery has completely become cracked due to drying.


Jiang Ran felt a little strange in his heart.

His perception wandered in this world, and soon he walked through the edges, and he suddenly found that the size of the world in front of him was actually about the same size as the largest world described by Zhou Ju, or even a little bigger.

Jiang Ran was very satisfied with this size, but he was a little curious in his heart, why this world was completely a ~ wasteland aura.

He looked towards the center of the whole little world, and then he finally understood why the world was—it was.

In the center there is a much more damaged land, and in the center of the land there is a huge stone.

Feel the breath of this stone that does not belong to this world.

"This is a meteorite?"

Jiang Ran's heart was a little clear, probably knowing why he was like this here.

It may be that a meteorite fell here before, but it was actually wrapped and cut by the original Lord of the Holy Land, forming such a small world.

So according to this, you still earn a meteorite?

Any luck?

Jiang Ran shook his head and smiled dumbly, this can only be said to be his own strength, it is basically impossible for anyone to master such a big world when he has just become a martial saint.

Now that I have the ability to control such a world, it is enough.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Ran had already chosen this small world.

He spread out his Dao rhyme and shrouded this world, so that according to the rules of the Holy Land, this small world already had a master.

As for how to transform this small world, Jiang Ran also had an idea in his heart.

He flew over the meteorite and closed his eyes.

In an instant, the sky was already changing, and after Jiang Ran's Dao Yun enveloped the entire small world, he had already made contact with the core of this small world.

It can be said that he is now the master of this world, and heaven and earth can sense his joys and angers.

And at this moment, the Dao Yun on Jiang Ran's body had already spread again, and a terrifying aura had risen from his body.

Jiang Ran raised his hand, his eyes slowly opened, his eyes were like stars, emitting a dazzling light, and a ray of light also fell from the sky and fell on Jiang Ran raised his hand.

Eventually, the light converged and transformed, becoming a long sword.

Jiang Ran held the sword and swept it gently, and a crisp sound sounded in the air.

Then in Jiang Ran's calm eyes, the huge meteorite in front of him had already split into two parts from the middle, one on top and one on the other.

The upper part is smaller, and the lower part has become a huge platform.

Jiang Ran planned to use the platform below as a platform for his lectures, and also as a place for him to practice.

And what is the above part intended for?

Jiang Ran also had an idea early on, and the Dao rhyme on his body surged again, turning into white light and devouring the upper part of the meteorite in front of him.

Although these meteorites are not important to Jiang Ran, they can be regarded as precious forging materials, and since they are available, Jiang Ran will naturally not waste them.

White light wriggled in the air, shrinking. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finally, in a silent explosion, the white light exploded, scattered around the central platform, and finally fell to the ground, and the white light gradually faded.

When the sword light faded, their shapes became clear.

It's a sword blade with a handle.

Of course, these sword blades Jiang Ran were not carefully forged, and they were only the most rudimentary sword embryos.

However, Jiang Ran had already punched a trace of Dao rhyme into each blade, and over time, they would all turn into the sharpest blades in the world.

0 begging for flowers

And the more periphery, the stronger the Dao Yun that Jiang Ran entered, which can also play a role in resisting other martial saints from peeking into his world, although he doesn't think that others will come to his small world without interest, but the heart of guarding against people is indispensable.

After doing all this, Jiang Ran looked at his big platform again, feeling that something was still missing.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ran beckoned again, and suddenly a stone rose on the ground around the platform.

Jiang Ran flattened it with his sword light and landed in the center of the platform. []

Then he came to the edge of the platform, his finger was a sword, and on the side of the platform were three words.

Ask the sword platform.

Although Jiang Ran did not inject any Dao rhyme, because of Jiang Ran's influence, the words of these three words are already sword intent, and anyone who looks at them can see that these words are extraordinary.

Jiang Ran looked around with satisfaction, finished.

Although simple, he is not a person who likes cumbersome, and the simpler it is, the more it can reflect his heart towards the Tao.

Okay, now it should be possible to start classes.

Jiang Ran did not hesitate, and after confirming that there was no problem, he had already walked out of the small world.

Then he walked out of the inside of the Holy Land again, and as soon as he went out, Zhou Ju came to Jiang Ran's side in a flash, and said with a smile:

"How's it going, you've already picked it?"

"Once you've picked it, it's time to start preaching. "

Jiang Ran nodded.

"Oh, your little world has been transformed, although the sermon is not divided into occasions, but if you can successfully transform, you can demonstrate, the effect will be much better, you don't need to worry, you can wait until your small world is transformed before teaching. "

Zhou Ju said, he said in his heart, he is still a young man, and it is understandable that he wants to show his strong mood, but as a senior, he still has to persuade him.

"I've finished the transformation, and although it's simple, it's still able to cooperate with my teaching. "

Jiang Ran said.

"So fast?"

Now it was Zhou Ju's turn to be surprised.

Many people don't spend much time picking up the small world, but it takes countless hours to transform the small world.

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