
The doubts in Zhou Ju's heart did not fade at all, but Jiang Ran obviously didn't want to say more now, so he didn't ask more.

"By the way, since you have now become a martial saint, then according to the tradition of the Holy Land, you are going to start a class to teach your own Tao for three days. "

Zhou Ju said.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean. "

Jiang Ran nodded, although he knew what was contained in the depths of this holy land.

But now he has such an achievement, in addition to his own perceptions, a large part of the credit comes from the perceptions written by those predecessors in the library.

Jiang Ran knew that he was standing on the shoulders of giants, so he was not stingy with his feelings.

In an era where the Tao is constantly diverging, it is always foolish to work behind closed doors, and only the collision of different ideas can lead to more ideas.

Zhou Ju nodded, relieved in his heart.

In fact, this tradition of the Holy Land has always been controversial.

Some people are completely reluctant to tell their own sermons, and this matter is of course the people who are on duty every year.

If Jiang Ran didn't agree, he would probably be a little difficult to do.

However, seeing that Jiang Ran agreed so quickly, and even behaved very positively, he couldn't help but nodded.

"By the way, before you talk about your 920 own Dao method, you should go to the inside of the Holy Land to choose a small world, and then you can accept the grandmasters and go to your own dojo to listen to your teachings. "

Zhou Ju continued, this is also the rule of the Holy Land in the past dynasties, why the interior of the Holy Land is classified as a forbidden land, not because there is a huge secret in it, but because these small worlds are too dangerous for the grandmaster, there was no forbidden place before, just to warn these grandmasters, every year there will be cases of being lost in the small world and dying.

But after reaching the realm of Martial Saint, everything is different.

The collision of the edges of the small world will produce some different spatial turbulence, which is unbearable for the Grandmaster powerhouse, and only the Martial Saint can withstand it.

"I wonder what kind of strange things are in this small world?"

Jiang Ran was a little curious, for him, although he had more or less guessed how the small world was structured, he still didn't know what was strange about it.

"Hehe, this thing is very useful to us. "

Zhou Ju smiled, pretending to be mysterious.

Jiang (adde) didn't say much, and kept an expectation in his heart.

Following Zhou Ju, Jiang Ran soon came to the side of the law enforcement building, where there was the dividing line between the inside and outside of the holy land demarcated by the law enforcement building.

From the outside, the interior of the Holy Land was actually very empty, and the most conspicuous thing was the huge Tianyuan Tree in the center.

Then there is the huge gate in the center of the root of the Tianyuan tree.

"It's a hall that only the Lord of the Holy Land can enter, and it's useless for you to be interested right now. "

Zhou Ju opened his mouth to explain, he had always been curious in his heart, what existed in that hall, but he had never seen it.

Jiang Ran nodded, and followed Zhou Ju across the dividing line.

The moment he stepped into this world, all the scenes changed.

What appeared in front of Jiang Ran was countless whirlpools, and looking at the center of the whirlpool, it seemed that he could see some different scenery.

When each vortex collides together, a slight distortion is noticed.

This distortion should be spatial turbulence.

"Each whirlpool here represents a small world, and the one with the aura of the Tao on it is the world that already has a master, and you can choose whatever you don't have. "

Zhou Ju said.

Jiang Ran nodded, released a trace of his breath, and looked at the small world around him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as he touched the small world, Jiang Ran was instantly attracted by the whirlpool, and the scenes in the entire small world were exposed to Jiang Ran's eyes.

The whole small world is not big, of course, this is compared to the whole world, the size of this world is about the same area as a certain island country.

The whole area is an endless desert, standing on top of the desert, Jiang Ran can feel the scorching aura.

"These small worlds are big and small, and that's medium. The largest I know is ten times bigger than this. "

"Is there a difference between these little worlds?"

Jiang Ran felt the breath in the small world and asked.

"There isn't much difference, it's worth noting that the bigger the world, the easier it is to get out of control, but with your strength, it should be more than enough to deal with these. Of course, if you have to talk about the difference between them, it may be that the scenery of each small world is different. "

Zhou Ju continued to explain, with a smile in his eyes at this time.

"Now you must have felt the strangeness of this small world, right?"

Jiang Ran nodded, under the investigation just now, he had already roughly figured out what the use of the small world was.

As Jiang Ran guessed, this small world was not completely independent of the outside world, and the aura and Dao above were basically connected.

However, although there is a connection, the whole world is more or less independent in it.

But for them, the martial saints, the spatial strength of these small worlds is not as indestructible and unshakable as the heaven and earth outside.

And this is the point that allows them to fill this world with their own Dao, and finally to make this space completely their own dojo.

And in such an environment, in addition to being able to help him play, it is also a private space that can make him a martial saint completely, as long as you don't die, this will always be your home field.

In addition, Jiang Ran was still able to try a lot of new things in this small world.

It's like an excellent laboratory officially awarded by the Holy Land.

"How's that, interesting, isn't it?"

Seeing the light flashing in Jiang Ran's eyes, Zhou Ju smiled.

"Indeed, can I choose the little world I want?"

Jiang Ran asked.

"Naturally, as long as you can bear it, you can choose the ownerless small world, and as for the teachings and teachings mentioned before, you can wait until you transform your world. "

Zhou Ju said with a smile.

Jiang Ran nodded, his breath soon came out of the small world, this small world is too small, for him, the bigger the laboratory, the better.

Soon, Jiang Ran plunged headlong into the ocean of small worlds, looking around for the small world he liked.

Zhou Ju naturally didn't bother Jiang Ran, and soon left, leaving Jiang Ran here alone.

Jiang Ran's investigation speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to investigate many small worlds.

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