You will never see such a spectacular sunrise in the city.

Only when standing on a high mountain and overlooking the sea can the sunrise landscape be so stunning.

In just a few minutes, everyone, including Chen Luo, was conquered by this extremely beautiful scene. Although Chen Luo was not as excited as the two girls, there was a hint of emotion in his heart.

The most beautiful moments of sunrise are these few minutes. As the sun gradually rises, although the scenery on the horizon is still mesmerizing, it is no longer as shocking as before.

Tang Xin took a breath and turned around to see if Wang Bingcai and the others had climbed up.

Wang Bingcai bent his legs and waist, maintaining the embarrassed posture he had just stood up, staring at the horizon with wide eyes, and a luggage rack on his back.

At this time, Wang Bingcai's dull eyes, shocked expression, already messy clothes and hunched posture... he looked like a migrant worker who had entered the city for the first time.

Tang Xin stared blankly at Wang Bing for three seconds, and then burst into earth-shaking laughter. The sound came so suddenly that Wang Bingcai, who was unsteady on his feet, almost sat down on the ground in fright.

Chen Luo looked back and couldn't help laughing. Wang Bingcai's current appearance was indeed too funny.

Lin Xiaohan was immersed in the sunrise scene and did not look back to see Wang Bingcai making a fool of himself. Wang Bingcai, whose heart was bleeding, finally felt a little better.

Gao Daxiong and the three of them climbed up carrying large and small bags. As soon as they dropped their things, the three of them sat down on the ground and couldn't get up.

Chen Luo stretched and walked back and glanced around. The top of the mountain was a small but very flat grassland, which was perfect for camping.

Of course, you must clean up all the trash afterwards, otherwise such a beautiful place will be ruined.

"Sister, I want to sleep a little bit. I had a bumpy day yesterday and I am so tired."

Tang Xin rubbed her forehead and said to Lin Xiaohan. Her eyelids were all narrowed. You can imagine how sleepy she was.

Li Xiaowai, who was almost exhausted, suddenly wanted to curse. Damn, you were so comfortable in the car yesterday. You have been sitting for a day, but you are still tired, so what can I do if you are driving?

Lin Xiaohan glanced at the ground. Of course, you can lie down directly on the green grass, but it is morning now, and there is dew everywhere on the grass. You can't just lie down. You 'll catch a cold if you lie down and sleep.

So she looked at Chen Luo:"Chen Luo, please help set up the tent. Xiaoxin wants to sleep.""

"pitch a tent?"

Chen Luo subconsciously lowered his head and looked between his legs. His expression suddenly changed. He bent his waist slightly, not daring to stand so straight.

"Nima, don’t I just set up a tent now? It’s ready-made. Do you want it?"Chen Luo thought depressedly. Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

"Ah, Brother Bigfoot, what's wrong with you? Is it a stomachache?"Tang Xin couldn't help but be confused when she saw Chen Luo bending down.

Chen Luo threatened the dishonest little Chen Luo in her heart, but unfortunately it had no effect, so she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Yes, my stomach hurts a little and I can't straighten my back."Chen Luo said awkwardly

"Let me help you take a look. Xiaoxin also spent some time in the school hospital. Tang Xin's energy was slightly shaken, and she actually ran over to help Chen Luo take a look.

Chen Luo was startled, and simply sat down on the ground, waved to Tang Xin and said,"No, no, I'll sit down for a while." alright……"

Wang Bingcai, who was sitting on the ground to rest, was already laughing when he saw that Chen Luo refused to help Tang Xin set up the tent, but was looking for excuses to shirk.

Looks like it's time for me to show off again!

Wang Bingcai was about to recommend himself and let him pitch the tent, but suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

Chen Luo has a good relationship with the two girls.

But why didn't Chen Luo even set up a tent for Tang Xin?

Could it be that?

Wang Bing remembered the first time he met Chen Luo. At that time Chen Luo was dressed like a migrant worker. What could a migrant worker know?

The outdoor tent itself is designed to be small, convenient and strong, so it is not easy to set up. The outdoor tent brought by Lin Xiaohan and others is still the best kind. Although Wang Bingcai has gone out many times, there is no guarantee that it can be set up in one go. This kind of tent can be successfully set up, let alone Chen Luo!

So Wang Bing made up his mind in an instant to use this incident to humiliate Chen Luo!

Wang Bingcai smiled sinisterly in his heart, so he stood up and said,"How about I build it? This outdoor tent is also a technical job, not just anyone can do it!"

As he said this, he glanced at Chen Luo and said, Extremely proud

"Oh, come on then."Tang Xin didn't think much about it, so she agreed.

"Tang Xin is tired, Xiaohan, I think you are tired too, how about you two set up the tent together? Wang

Bingcai asked Lin Xiaohan with a smile. Lin Xiaohan said lightly:"Xiaoxin and I have a two-person tent. You only need to set up one." But since you like setting up tents so much, why not help Chen Luo do it by the way?

Wang Bingcai:"Damn it."……"

"I have never pitched a double tent like this."Wang Bingcai felt depressed for a moment.

Then he found the backpack where Lin Xiaohan and the others put the tent, and took the unopened tent bags, one large and one small, with both hands. After finding the right place and squatting down, he was ready to start setting up the tent. Got it

"So what, Chen Luo, how about you take care of your tent? You see, I have to help Xiaohan and the others with double tying, so I’m too busy, right? This thing is very easy and can be done in two minutes. Doesn’t your stomach hurt? When the time comes, you can get into the tent and rest!

Wang Bing then spoke to Chen Luo and shouted in his heart:"You really want to sit aside and watch me busy?" How can such a good thing happen? I'm going to make you make a fool of yourself today!"

Chen Luo sat for a while, and little Chen Luo also calmed down a lot. He was no longer afraid of making a fool of himself when he stood up, so he didn't think much and nodded. He really wanted to use his tent to Wang Bingcai, saying To be honest, he wasn't happy yet.

Chen Luo walked over, picked up the small package with both hands, and squatted down not far from Wang Bingcai.

"There's not much fun in this mountain. How about this, Chen Luo, let's compete. Who can set up the tent first? What do you think?"

Wang Bingcai's eyes flashed and he said to Chen Luo

"OK, OK, I like watching the game."Tang Xin's sleepiness suddenly faded a lot, and she clapped her hands and shouted,"But Wang Bingcai, yours is for two people, and Brother Bigfoot is for one person, so you are at a bit of a disadvantage.

Wang Bingcai laughed and patted his skinny chest:"It's okay!" I have confidence in myself!"

Chen Luo opened the package. Listening to Wang Bingcai's words, he thought with some laughter and tears:"After doing this for a long time, it turns out that you want to see me make a fool of myself?"

Competing to build a camping tent?

Chen Luo couldn't help but laugh. He remembered the days when he used to live in the open air. During that time, he used local materials to build a simple residence every three days, not to mention a small camping tent.

"OK, boring anyway."Chen Luo nodded, agreed to Wang Bingcai's invitation to fight, lowered his head and began to work.

Wang Bingcai was so excited that he felt so happy:"Nima, you really dare to agree to me!"

Chen Luo and Wang Bingcai were about to compete, so everyone naturally gathered to watch.

Gao Daxiong and the other three were naturally full of confidence in Wang Bingcai, while Tang Xin was a little worried about Chen Luo.

"Come on, Brother Bigfoot. If you win, I'll open a can of potato chips for you! It doesn't matter if you lose, Wang Bingcai just goes out to eat, drink and have fun, so he should be good at this!"

Wang Bingcai's hands shook and he cursed in his mind, Damn, what are you talking about?

Chen Luo squatted on the ground calmly and moved his hands quickly. Although he had never set up such an exquisite wild tent, the tent The finished product of this thing is basically the same after being built. As long as you work backwards, it can be completed quickly.

Chen Luo's hands-on ability is by no means bragging, and he quickly got busy.

Wang Bingcai, on the other hand, was a little dumbfounded

"Damn, this thing is different from what I used to build."After discovering that this double tent was very different from the camping tents he used to play in, Wang Bing became depressed.

"This, where is this hook?"

"Why are there two extra rivets?"

"Damn it, this... which side of this tent is right, and which side is wrong?"

"Damn it, how do you match these sets of aluminum bars?"

Wang Bingcai instantly turned into a problem baby. Questions popped out of his heart one by one, and soon there were small beads of sweat on his forehead.

Next to him, Tang Xin said to Lin Xiaohan:"Sister, why are you doing this? At that time, I had to choose this kind of tent. The boss said that if you are not good at science, you will not be able to read the instructions. Wouldn't it be very troublesome to set up?

Lin Xiaohan said:"This kind of tent is safe!" You didn’t even read Wang Bingcai’s manual?Teng is very impressive, maybe he can do this."

Wang Bing just heard what the two said, and he suddenly felt like dying.

What, a bad science student can't read the instruction manual?

If only I had such a little bit of talent in science, my grades would still be like this. Is it bad?

Moreover, Lin Xiaohan said that she can do it without taking the manual, so she can't go find the manual and read it.

Damn it, this shabby tent may not be able to be set up according to the manual. What's more, he can't read the manual.

What should he do now? Wang Bingcai's face turned pale.

"Brother Cai, what's wrong? Can't you fix it?"

Gao Daxiong looked at Wang Bingcai scratching his head and scratching his head and hesitating, and he came over and asked stupidly.

Li Xiaowai and Ma Gan couldn't help but cover their eyes, and Wang Bingcai became angry instantly.

Damn, you opened your mouth like this, Shouldn't I tell others that I can't handle it? He glared at Gao Daxiong fiercely. If Wang Bingcai hadn't been busy setting up the tent, he would have gone over and kicked him.

Chen Luo held up the aluminum frame in the tent and pulled it out. The rivets were firmly planted on the ground. He clapped his hands and stood up, stretching out comfortably.

"I'm done with my work. I'll go in and take a rest."Chen Luo smiled slightly at the two girls, and without even glancing at Wang Bingcai, he got in, put his hands on his arms, and closed his eyes comfortably.

Wang Bingcai stopped what he was doing and looked at Chen Luo After setting up the tent, he was dumbfounded again.

Nani, is this the end?

He looked at his tent, which had some appearance, but failed in many places, and his face suddenly turned dark.

He failed to show off and was beaten instead. What a slap in the face!

At this moment, Wang Bingcai was ready to die, and his whole person became listless.

"Bigfoot wins!"Tang Xin clapped her hands and cheered. She walked up to Wang Bingcai in a few steps. When she lowered her head and looked down, her face fell.

"Wang Bingcai, what are you doing? Forget it, don't do it. My eldest sister and I are here, you go and ride your own!"

As she said this, Tang Xin reached out and pushed Wang Bingcai. Wang Bingcai almost sat on the ground because he couldn't squat properly.

Seeing Lin Xiaohan coming over, Wang Bingcai didn't dare to look at the mess of his masterpiece anymore. He stood up dejectedly, greeted his three younger brothers angrily, and began to set up his tent.

"Ah, sister, I can’t understand this manual. Come and take a look!"

"Oh, let me take a look, oops, I don’t understand this either... We are majoring in liberal arts. What should we do? Go and call Chen Luo"

"Sister, don’t disturb Bigfoot when he’s sleeping. Let me take a look.……"

Suddenly, there was a loud crunching sound of violent disassembly in Tang Xin's tent, and then Tang Xin's cheerful voice rang out.

"Sister, it’s done! I directly connected them with brute force, hahahahaha, I am such a genius!"

"Ah, Xiaoxin, why are you so violent? This is a newly purchased tent...but it seems to be quite strong!"

Wang Bingcai, who was squatting on the ground to set up a tent for himself, fell forward and hit his head on the ground.

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