The next afternoon, Uncle Wang drove to a stop at the entrance of Shenglan College. After the three of them unloaded their luggage, Uncle Wang drove away.

"Brother Bigfoot, are you and that guy Wang Bingcai reconciled? Why did Wang Bing agree to go camping with you? Tang

Xin asked Chen Luo that she still couldn't figure out why Wang Bingcai was so cheerful yesterday.

Chen Luo said casually:"It's just a classmate. Don't think so badly of Wang Bingcai. What happened in the past is in the past.""

"Yeah?"Tang Xin glanced at Chen Luo suspiciously, then walked up to Lin Xiaohan. The two of them were chattering, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Chen Luo smiled and thought to himself:"Only Wang Bing dares not to let me come. I'll beat him up. Isn't this simple? By the way, I don’t know whether they were happy or satisfied with the hospitality I gave them last time."

There was a loud roar of an engine on the street. Chen Luo looked up and found a BMW MINI, driving towards the school gate in a hurry. The

BMW MINI is a large family car, not expensive, but this car in front of him The car was obviously modified, and I'm afraid a lot of money was spent on the engine alone.

The car swayed coquettishly in front of the school, and then stopped.

After the driver's door opened, a pair of legs wearing plaid suit pants stretched out After getting down and stomping on the ground, the owner got out of the car completely. Wang

Bing patted the non-existent dust on his clothes and walked towards Chen Luo and the others with a smile.

The car door opened behind him, and Li Xiao Wai and Gao Daxiong hurriedly followed, and there was also a tall and thin man with an unfamiliar face, who must be Wang Bingcai's younger brother.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!"Wang Bingcai said to Lin Xiaohan with a smile, but there was no look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh, the car is nice! Wang Bingcai, how many kidneys did you sell to buy them back?"

Tang Xin walked around the car with interest and asked Wang Bingcai with a smile. Wang Bingcai's mouth twitched,"Why don't I have to sell my kidney to buy this car? Damn it!"

"Okay, let's get in the car. Lin Xiaohan said, carrying her backpack and carrying a suitcase in her hand, she walked towards the trunk.

Tang Xin nodded, picked up her luggage and walked over.

On the contrary, Chen Luo stood there leisurely, moving. They didn't even move.

Wang Bingcai's eyes lit up. Two beauties were busy carrying luggage there. Chen Luo, why didn't you go up and help?

Wang Bingcai was so shaken that he walked towards the two girls like there was wind under his feet, and his mouth was excited. He said:"Xiaohan, Tang Xin, let me help you carry your luggage. How can you two girls carry such a heavy thing! Lin

Xiaohan shook his head:"Let's take it ourselves, so I won't bother you."

Wang Bingcai said:"How can that be done? There are so many things and they are so heavy!" The trunk of the car is so high, how can you put it in there? Don't be polite, let me do it! Don't you expect Chen Luo to help you carry your luggage?"

As he said this, he glanced at the indifferent Chen Luo and said with disdain:"There is no gentlemanly demeanor at all."

When Gao Daxiong and the other three saw Wang Bingcai's diligent look, they immediately knew that it was time to flatter him.

"Lin Xiaohan, let us help you get it, we are strong!"Gao Daxiong laughed.

Li Xiaowai pushed out his skinny chest and said contemptuously:"Look at how gentle our talented brother is. Unlike some people, who just watch beautiful women working hard without helping, and have no pity for her at all.!"

That little guy who was like a stick had a drake voice, and he was also sarcastic towards Chen Luo:"Xiao Wai, it's wrong for you to say that. You can't compare anyone with our talented brother! Who is our talented brother?"

Gao Daxiong rolled his eyes while listening, secretly annoyed that he was not as eloquent as these two guys. What a great opportunity to flatter him, but it just slipped away.

Wang Bingcai felt extremely comfortable being praised by the two men, and his tail was proud. He was about to jump to the sky. He glanced at Chen Luo casually and suddenly felt that this guy was not so scary anymore.

"Brother Cai ran through several red lights today in order to drive here quickly. Hey, it will be troublesome later!"The male duck sighed and said.

Wang Bingcai waved his hand and said with a smile:"Ma Gan, you can't say that!

As long as I can pick up the two beauties Xiaohan and Tang Xin in time, it doesn't matter how many points I deduct. The worst I can do is take the make-up exam then!"

"Brother Cai, you are so good, you are indeed a real man. Gao Daxiong quickly gave a thumbs up, which was considered flattering.

Li Xiaowai sighed and said:"Why is there such a big gap between this person and others? Our talented brother does not accept any gentleman more than anyone else." Ah, a gentleman's education, but when it comes to being a human being, why are they so different?"

Wang Bing almost got drunk after hearing this. Damn it, I did the right thing to bring you three with me. It really makes me proud!

Tang Xin and Lin Xiaohan resisted the urge to vomit and insisted on carrying their things to the backup. The location of the suitcases did not allow a few people to help.

Wang Bingcai became depressed and decisively reached out to grab the two women's luggage:"Put it down, put it down, I'll come, why don't you two listen to my advice? It's such a heavy thing!" Tang

Xin glanced at Wang Bingcai with a smile:"Wang Bingcai, do you really want to help us carry our luggage?" Wang Bingcai nodded and said:"

Yes, this can still be false!" Tang

Xin pushed Wang Bingcai to the side:"Okay... the first two of me and the eldest sister can handle these little things. The portion you want to handle is piled behind Chen Luo."

Wang Bingcai's eyes widened:"What?""

He looked towards Chen Luo. Chen Luo moved his body in cooperation, revealing a pile of things behind him.

Cosmetics, luggage, camping tents, and even ovens and luggage racks were all piled there. It was really piled up. As high as a hill, the visual impact is quite shocking.

Wang Bingcai was dumbfounded. Damn, are you going camping or moving? Is it necessary to bring so many things for camping?

Tang Xinhe Lin Xiaohan put the luggage in the spacious trunk together and asked with a smile:"What, you regret it? Wang

Bingcai waved his hands with a mournful look on his face:"No, no, I will go move with them right away."……"

Wang Bingcai is not particularly stupid. Now he knows why Chen Luo didn't move these things immediately. Damn, his feelings are just waiting for him to take the bait!

Gao Daxiong and the three of them felt as if they had eaten flies. Looking at the mountains of big and small bags, their legs felt a little weak. The total of these things must be at least a hundred kilograms, right?

The two women got into the car. Tang Xin stuck her head out and said to Wang Bingcai with a smile:"Wang Bingcai, our eldest sister likes people with gentlemanly demeanor the most! Since you said you can help us move, The move is about to be finished, we can’t ask others to help!"

Wang Bingcai nodded in agreement with a forced face, and he and his three younger brothers began to carry things listlessly.

Chen Luo glanced at the four porters casually, patted his clothes, and lazily walked to the BMW with his hands behind his back, showing no intention of helping at all.

"This bastard!"Wang Bing almost shed tears at this moment, and he hated Chen Luo half to death.

"Brother Bigfoot, come on, I've saved a seat for you and opened a can of Copico for you!"Tang Xin was chewing potato chips and waving to Chen Luo happily. Wang Bingcai, who was carrying the grill with Li Xiaowai, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Damn it, Xiaowai, you didn’t eat for damn noon, you could die if you put more effort in it!"The extremely depressed Wang Bingcai immediately vented his anger on Li Xiaowai, who was so angry that his balls ached.

After struggling for a full twenty minutes, Chen Luo died several times while playing a mobile game. Wang Bingcai and the others have finally finished their work.

"Girl, finally...finally, the move is finished!"Clicking" the trunk lid closed, Gao Daxiong held on to the car and panted for a while, almost crying with excitement.

Wang Bingcai was as tired as a dog, and climbed into the passenger seat half-dead, mouthing He shouted feebly:"Xiao Wai, Ma Gan, you two guess the game, the winner will drive... I can't drive.""

The BMW slowly left the school and drove towards the camping area on the mountain.

Looking at the four people who were half-dead, Tang Xin and Lin Xiaohan still couldn't hold it back and laughed unethically.

At this moment, Lin Xiaohan thought of He made a not-so-elegant remark - pretending to be a lightning strike, asking you to pretend here, is it cool?! The destination of this camping trip is a resort on the mountain.

From Shenglan College to the resort, there is a long way to go There are so many winding trails and mountain-ring roads, and the distance is so long that the people sitting there don’t feel much. But Li Xiaowai, who won the guessing game and came to drive, almost died of exhaustion.

In the early morning at the mountainside resort, the BMW car finally slowed down. It came to a slow stop.

Tang Xin happily rushed out of the car, turned on the flashlight, and ran towards the top of the mountain with a bulging backpack full of snacks.

"Let's go, eldest sister, go to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise. Watch the sunrise on the mountain. The scenery is so beautiful! Brother Bigfoot, come together!"

Chen Luo and Lin Xiaohan each carried a small backpack and followed Tang Xin towards the top of the mountain. Three flashlights were shining everywhere, and soon the three of them walked out for several meters.

Wang Bingcai was immediately distressed. Damn it, Miss, why don't you invite us to come with you?

Tang Xin's voice came over:"Wang Bingcai, you guys come together, but you have to bring a grill, luggage rack and tent. We want to barbecue and camp, so bring It’s up to you to figure out which things to do! Wang

Bingcai had a clever idea, his face suddenly darkened, and he asked at the top of his lungs:"Can we not go to the top of the mountain?" Tang

Xin laughed loudly:"The sunrise is so beautiful, so beautiful, and so romantic!" Wang Bingcai, you still claim to be a gentleman. Don’t gentlemen even understand this? Also, let me tell you quietly, my eldest sister is a sentimental person. During such a romantic time, she may agree to some conditions that you have never dared to think of before!"

Lin Xiaohan was almost mad to death. She really wanted to find something to stop Tang Xin's mouth.

Maybe the eldest sister would agree to some conditions that you never dared to think of before!

Tang Xin's words Directly hitting Wang Bingcai's heart, he suddenly became excited. Is this Tang Xin hinting at something? Damn it, forget it, let's go up the mountain first. Maybe Lin Xiaohan will really agree to be with him if he sees that he is working so hard and being so sincere. What about dating?

Wang Bingcai, who was extremely excited, took his three younger brothers carrying large and small bags and began to walk up the mountain with difficulty.

"Ah, sister, look there, the lights are bright, it should be Binhai City, right? Brother Bigfoot, look for it, can you find where our home is?"Tang Xin's voice was extremely cheerful, pointing down the mountain and jumping and laughing.

Lin Xiaohan smiled and said:"Longlan Mountain is not in this direction. Xiaoxin, it seems you are going to be disappointed, but maybe we can find the location of the school! Chen

Luo put his hands behind his back and said with a leisurely smile:"What is there to see in the city? Look at the river. It is bright and beautiful because of the moonlight and lights.""

"Ah, really, so beautiful!"

Listening to the cheerful slapstick of the three of them, Wang Bingcai, the three men behind him, let out a grunt in his throat, and tears of grievance almost burst into his eyes.

Wang Bingcai weighed the tent weighing two to three hundred kilograms. Barbecue grills and miscellaneous things were piled up like a mountain. They looked bigger than his whole body, like a monkey being pressed down by Wuzhi Mountain. In addition, the mountain road was extremely difficult to walk. At this moment, Wang Bing staggered, and almost lost his footing along the way. I fell down five or six times!

Damn, why, why can Chen Luo travel with two beautiful women, and I am a rich and handsome man, but he can only be a porter!

Wang Bingcai wants to strangle him to death now Chen Luo.

After the three of them walked for more than an hour,

"Go to the top of the mountain! There is a large piece of grass on the mountain. Oh, the sun is coming out! Wang Bingcai, you better hurry up. If you can't catch the sunrise, you'll be at a loss!"Chen Luo and the other three finally reached the top of the mountain, and Tang Xin's voice floated over from afar.

Wang Bingcai was shocked. Damn it, I'm as exhausted as an ox. If I can't catch up with the supposedly beautiful sunrise, , Isn’t it a big loss?

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the mountain quickly. Finally, when he reached the top of the mountain, his legs softened and he fell to the ground.

Wang Bing cursed in a low voice and climbed up. He looked up and his expression was blank. Live.

The cliff faces the sea. At this time, the sea level at the end of the horizon emits a thick red light. The sky and the ocean are all rendered with a layer of charming colors.

As the sun gradually As it rises, the red light on the horizon gradually becomes brighter. Countless clouds are like ribbons hanging in the sky. The colorful colors reflected by the rising sun are particularly beautiful. The waves wave gently, shattering the light shining on the sea. , swinging around in waves.

The rising sun, colorful clouds, sparkling waves, what a beautiful sunrise scene!

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