At the same time, six people died

"The leader of the Spades Foundation is also dead!"

"He said he had a cardiac arrest and suddenly collapsed in the office. When he found out, his body was hard!"


This news made them tremble.

It seemed that there was a ruthless pair of eyes staring at them.

"The chairman of the Crown Foundation, Wang Guanzhong, is also dead. He was a real estate tycoon in Shensha City."

"This is going to be an earthquake!"

As the news spread to each other, they discovered that at the same time, the managers of six foundations died.

And these six foundations knew everything.

They were all plunderers.

What celebrities donated, They led everyone to donate, and in the end the money was moved and they earned it back.

But now, six people were killed suddenly at the same time.

Everyone felt horrified.

"In the face of such a catastrophic disaster, God can't bear to think about making a fortune for the country. This is all retribution. This money is so hot that you can't touch it!"

"Let’s see if there are any other funds that are still going strong. Let’s see if the purely charitable ones are okay!"

"Boss, I heard about it. The humanitarian fund is fine."

"I have never heard of this fund."

"It is said that it is out of humanitarianism and directly raises funds for the families of the victims. It is a foundation that survives after the disaster. It currently has a fund of 100 million, which is considered a big foundation!"

"Then turn around"


At this time, the Humanitarian Fund was also confused.

Their foundation was actually a small foundation, and its main manager was the chairman of a knitting shoe and hat company named Wei Xihe.

Their company, also a company in Shensha City, has always been determined to for cheap and affordable household products.

This time, 5 million was donated internally to establish a foundation.

However, each foundation can actually be found on the APP, and the donation details must be strictly displayed to the outside world.

However, there are actually some restrictions on using this money. There are a lot of tricks.

Wei Xihe also knows that the current top donations are all advertised with celebrities.

In addition to the company's 5 million investment, his small foundation also has internal employees who have donated 20,000 yuan one after another. Money.

It’s not mandatory.

There are also passers-by who come to donate.

But he really didn’t expect that someone actually spent 100 million in cash and donated to their foundation. He was stunned on the spot!

When the accountant came, his legs were all wet Shaking.

Wei Xihe was even more shocked when he saw the name of the donor.

"God predicts Master Qin?"

"Wait, isn't this person the fortune teller who predicted the earthquake?"

"He was still in the disaster area a few days ago, but he is gone these days!"

"I have a friend in the disaster area. It is said that after he left, all he dug up were corpses and no one alive!"

"He is very smart!"

"Then why did he choose us?"

"No matter what, make a call first!"

Wei Xihe thought for a while and called Qin Yue directly.


"Hello, Master Qin, I am the president of the Humanitarian Foundation. My name is Wei Xihe. I just saw your donation to us. But we, to be honest, our Humanitarian Foundation is very small. We currently only have three people. We cannot Responsible for so much money!"

Qin Yue also smiled when he heard this.

"Of course I have my reasons for choosing your foundation."

"Xiao, just recruit people!"

"Start the foundation"

"However, if you don’t use the money for practical purposes, or if you are a member of the foundation and want to embezzle it, then be careful with your life!"

Qin Yue said this and hung up the phone directly.

Wei Xihe was completely confused.

Before he could continue to ask, his phone rang again.

It was actually a foundation coming to contact him.

Suddenly he wanted to The money from his account was transferred to Weixihe's Humanitarian Foundation.

Not only that, Weixihe finally understood what was going on.

To put it bluntly, these foundations are all trying to make money for the country.

Overdrafts of netizens' money Love, wanting to expand one's pocket.

As a result, in one afternoon, they all died violently.

God's way is reincarnation, who will be spared by God.

Don't you understand this in Wei Xihe?

"Since you want to transfer the funds, you should also bring the people who manage them. But let’s be honest, this money is for the disaster area. Anyone who dares to touch even a cent may risk their lives in the end. Let those who really do practical things come here."

"We can only provide salary manpower according to the average level."

"It can be hard work!"

"But this is doing good deeds"

"good for yourself"

"As for those who have harmed their moral character, you have also seen the consequences!"

How dare you not listen to the other side? The president was all worried.

Soon, this foundation was connected with the Humanitarian Foundation.

Next, there were five foundations.

All the funds were transferred.

The Humanitarian Foundation raised a total of 10 Billion.

It’s simply terrifying.

According to statistics, the number of people who have died in Wangshan County is 726.

If rated, each person will receive a compensation of 1.3 million.

However, this number is definitely not calculated in this way.

The compensation will Depending on whether the person who died was a family worker, the impact of the death on the family, compensation for the injured, etc.

This requires very complicated procedures and the cooperation of the flower grower's data department.

But Weixihe will definitely complete it seriously.

However, this This change has naturally attracted the attention of the majority of netizens.

Even now, celebrities are very involved in donating money. If this little girl donates, and that little flower doesn't, they will be criticized. If you donate too much, you will be said that you don't understand the rules.

If you don’t donate too much, you will be accused of donating just this because you earn so much.

Under such circumstances, the donation details are almost stared at.

These can be found.

Qin Yue is now on the cusp of the storm.

Naturally, there are people I'm curious. Although the person who first predicted the disaster went to the front line, did he donate money?

You know, by virtue of predicting the disaster, the sales volume of Qin Yue's Taobao store was very scary.

As a result, these people I checked.

I was stunned for a moment.

100 million!

Master Qin, the divine calculator, actually donated 100 million.

This matter was quickly posted to the media and became the top trending search topic in the blink of an eye.

【God calculated that Master Qin donated 100 million! 】

Under this message.

Netizens exploded

"The master is awesome, I’m a fan!"

"How did he make so much money? Are fortune tellers that good?"

"Don't worry about the gods' affairs!"

"Has no one noticed that this humanitarian foundation has raised 1 billion? Oh my god, I don’t even know money anymore!"

"Several foundations have connected with the Humane Foundation!"

"Insiders, thank you for the invitation. It is said that the presidents of several other foundations have died violently, and insiders all know that these foundations are very dark, but celebrities took the lead in donating, and fans also followed suit, but no one exposed them!"

"Do celebrities also get scolded for donating money? Take care of yourself"

"Li Ziyan donated 10 million this time to help rebuild Wangshan. She has always participated in charity and does not want to be so slandered."

"Oh my god, it feels like there’s something going on here!"

B shouted, and more netizens began to speculate.

Especially about the sudden death of the president of the foundation.

It's shocking.

"Damn it, I’m a fan of Master Qin, Master Qin couldn’t have done this, right?"

"Master Qin once deprived a domestic violence man of his longevity in a live broadcast room. These people could not have embezzled charity funds. Master Qin found out and took them away directly!"

"This is something Master Qin can do!"

"Hey, I advise you to delete all the posts above. This is just empty talk and can easily cause trouble for Master Qin!"

"Yes, doesn’t this mean that Master Qin kills people?"

"Stop talking, stop discussing!"

"Please delete the post!"

Soon, this post was also reported and deleted.

However, a large number of screenshots were still circulated and discussed. For a time, it caused a shock on the Internet.

After all, those foundations and other shareholders.

Although I don't know how violent it will be. I wonder if Qin Yue did it.

But they don’t dare to act rashly.

No one can touch the money unless they die!


Qin Yue naturally saw these messages, but he did not let Xiao Zi delete them.

Let these people guess.

At least I know fear.

In fact, this time Qin Yue took action.

It really caused a shock.

People who have wealth feel fear.

But they still want to make money.

Afraid that Qin Yue would settle a score with them, he simply secretly found people from the Special Bureau to put pressure on Qin Yue.

But now, how could people from the Special Bureau dare to take action against Qin Yue?

After all, the blood ginseng liquid mastered by Qin Yue is now a must-have for everyone in the Special Bureau.

Even the other side perfume gives them the ability to protect themselves.

It's very easy to deal with ghosts.

By buying these things, they were accepting Qin Yue's kindness.

Some people did not give up and asked Zhang Shaoze of Longhu Mountain.

I heard that someone was asking about Qin Yue.

Zhang Shao ZedunCool down

"Master Qin is so powerful that I can't even see through him. If any of you want to touch him, I'm afraid it's no different than seeking death."

However, Zhang Shaoze did not dare to take over this matter.

It does not mean that some people did not dare to take over.

Among them, those masters in Hong Kong Village were unable to sit still!

After all, before the rise of Qin Yue, the masters in the Central Plains were all silent Silent, even living in seclusion, never bubbled up.

As a result, Qin Yue shined this time, and other masters were obviously liars, but they all got a piece of the meal.

How could they not be angry about this?

The inheritance of the sect, pay attention to one thing Authentic.

Qin Yue can't let Qin Yue take it all away!

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