Qin Yue comforted him

"Friends, don't get excited"

"I'm not saying you had a hit and run."

"You did hit someone, but you didn’t know it because you were not the first person to hit someone."

"About ten days ago, you went out to work in the suburbs"

"There was a bump in the car at that time. Do you remember it?"

The old driver tried his best to remember, but he couldn't remember clearly at all.

"Master Qin, I really can’t remember! No impression at all!"

Qin Yue knew that the old driver was not lying.

He really had no memory.

But this was a tragedy. Otherwise, how could the old man come to the door?

Qin Yue said:"At that time, it was probably night At ten o'clock, an old man was crossing the road and was hit by a vehicle!"

"The speed limit in this lane is 80, and all the cars are very fast!"

"This car actually knew that it hit someone, but there was no surveillance around, so it hit and run!"

"The old man was not dead yet. He struggled to get up on the road, but the second car came quickly. Also because of the road conditions, it didn't feel anything and ran directly over it, completely killing the old man!"

"Then eight cars passed by in a row!"

"You are the fourth car"

"This old man, like a rag, was constantly being crushed and almost stuck to the road. If a female driver hadn't driven slowly and the headlight was swept over his head, I'm afraid there would only be a human patty left on the ground the next day!"

"Now, this old man died tragically, and all cars stained with his blood will be killed by evil spirits. As for why, he only appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared. Of course, it was because after you passed by, the fifth car ran over him. He is also looking for a fifth car to take revenge!"

So saying.

The old driver Zuo Zuozu's face was pale.

On the top of his head, big beads of sweat were flowing out.

He could even imagine that scene!

Not only him.

The netizens present were all filled with chills.

It can be imagined that in One late night.

There was an old man, hesitating on the edge of the road.

This kilometer is in the suburbs. It is flat and straight. Many cars use this road. It is very convenient for many people.

However, such a road , but separated the villages on both sides of the road.

Maybe he was going to visit relatives, maybe he was going to play mahjong. At night, the old man wanted to return home through the road.

There were no lights and no zebra crossings.

Finally he mustered up the courage When he was walking, a car knocked him to the ground.

He was in severe pain and fell to the road. He wanted to get up quickly and crawl to a safe place.

At this moment, another car appeared in the distance. Coming at full speed


The car ran over him.

This time, the old man rolled around and stopped completely.


Another car ran over him.

The old man's bones were all broken into pieces and stuck to the road.

Blood splattered.

The clothes on my body turned into rags



"swish swish——"

In this way, eight cars passed by in one go.

The old man's body was all smashed to pieces.

Only one head was left, uncrushed, alone in the middle of the road.

This scene was finally seen by a female driver traveling at only 50 miles per hour. She immediately braked and screamed when she saw this scene.


She cried and called the police, trembling all over.

In the live broadcast room. After hearing Qin Yue's description, these people seemed to be immersed in the scene.

"Damn it, please give the female driver some psychological shadow."

"It's so miserable, it's all crushed into meatloaf!"

"Oh my god, this happened more than ten days ago, and the case hasn’t been solved yet!"

"The old man has turned into a ghost. Maybe if the case is not solved, the driver who killed him will also be killed."

"If the first driver had stopped, the old man might not have died!"

"He was not dead when the first car hit him, and he was crushed to death by the second car without even seeing it."

"I can't even imagine this scene, how hopeless it is."

Netizens think it's too miserable.

The old driver is dirty and frightened.

"Master Qin, what should I do now! Can this problem be solved?

Qin Yue said:"You are the fourth one to crush the old man, so you will also bear certain secondary responsibilities. You can turn yourself in first and explain the situation. After all, you are not the one who hit him.""

"However, your driving recorder should be able to see the third person who hit the old man. Later, you can continue to investigate and finally catch the real perpetrator."

"In this way, the old man's resentment will also be eliminated"

"I won’t continue to look for you!"

The old driver Zuo Zuozuo nodded quickly.

"Okay, okay, thank you Master Qin"

"Don’t just say thank you, don’t forget the hexagram gold"

"OK OK!"

The veteran driver Zuo Zuozuo quickly rewarded him with a big rocket.

The two of them were settled.

"Okay, friends, is there anything else?"

"there is none left!"

"Then hurry up and get the matter done, otherwise, you will not be able to drive peacefully in the future. Now this evil spirit can only appear at a specific time. If it turns out that his ghost power is strong at a non-specific time, you should be careful!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"If that doesn’t work, go buy Biangan perfume!"

"Good master!"

Qin Yue didn't say anything about asking the other party to buy evil charms.

Because the old driver had no money.

This time he hit someone, so he surrendered. Although he was the fourth one to hit him

, all eight people must be killed. Pay compensation.

Otherwise, the wronged souls will not let them go.

As a humanitarian, it is possible to compensate 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

And this old driver is probably going to make trouble with his ex-wife again.

This kind of scum.

Qin Yue thinks that saving a life is enough. It was detrimental to his morality.

So I didn’t try to persuade him much.

"Goodbye water friends!"

Qin Yue hung up the video

"Okay, today’s three destined people have all been settled."

"The live broadcast room ended immediately!"

"See you all next Monday."

Qin Yue said hello to other netizens.

Naturally, these netizens couldn't bear to leave him.

"Master, why are you so heartless? Why don't you stay and chat?"

"Wow, time goes by so fast"

"My youth is over!"

"Goodbye Master Qin!"

"I hope that next time the live broadcast will be broadcast, those who are destined can have a little time in the world!"

"I want to watch the Green series!"

Amidst everyone's discussion,

Qin Yue still left the live broadcast mercilessly.

Only netizens were left, wailing in the blacked-out live broadcast room.

But they were also discussing the previous things.

So although the live broadcast room was closed!

But the popularity was actually It hasn't dropped yet, it's still several million. It really makes the top anchors of Tiger Shark now helpless.

Who makes Qin Yue so capable?

After quitting the live broadcast,

Qin Yue also felt free.

After thinking about it, he found a Donation platform.

Responsible for participating in the reconstruction of Wangshan City.

I want to donate 100 million to express my feelings.

Money is already waste paper to him.

But he counted it with his fingers, and his expression suddenly changed.

"These people are really greedy!"


At this time, a capital foundation was formed.

The senior executives inside looked at the donations on the platform and smiled from ear to ear.

"In just five days, 370 million in cash was prepared"

"There is also a big celebrity platform to encourage fans to donate to our foundation!"

"Later, the money can be invested in construction and can be borrowed from banks to leverage more funds."

"Then we are building commercial housing, providing better services, and harvesting the subsidies from those refugees!"

"Kill three birds with one stone!"

The person in charge burst out laughing.

The other shareholders were naturally also smiling.

The person in charge was very proud.

But while he was smiling, his face suddenly froze.

Then he fell down suddenly.

The other shareholders were suddenly shocked.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Wang, what’s wrong with you?"

"Quick, call 120!"

"send him to hospital"

"No more anger, Mr. Wang is dead!"

"Heart stopped!"

Everyone panicked.

Soon, 120 came.

On the stretcher, in the ambulance, the doctor had connected the electrocardiogram


A straight line appeared on the machine.

My heart stopped beating for five minutes.

However, the doctor still worked hard to save her, notified her family members, and rescued her for 40 minutes before giving up.

The cause of death is most likely cardiac arrest!

When other shareholders heard this, their faces turned dark.


"If Mr. Wang dies, what will happen to the project?"

"Yes, who is responsible next!"

"Let me do it!"Another Mr. Li stood up.

The main reason was that it was 300 million yuan! It was so greedy.

For this money, this project could not be let go.

Just the next moment.

Mr. Li suddenly covered his heart.

Falling to the ground with a bang

"ah! Doctors, nurses!"

"Save someone, he fell again!"

The doctors and nurses quickly ran over, lifted Mr. Li onto the cart, and pushed him into the emergency room.room. and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot.

The rescue lasted another 40 minutes.

The doctors shook their heads helplessly and pronounced him dead.

At this moment, the shareholders of this project suddenly felt horrified.

"Retribution, this is all retribution!"

"I won’t be involved in this matter!"

"Me, I quit too"

"I can invest 10 million in it in the early stage and hire celebrities to fuel the fire!"

"Do you still want this money? I have a life to make money, but I have no life to spend it."

"No more, no more!

"Who wants to take over now?"

"Damn it, do you want to die? Transfer the money to other foundations"

"OK OK! I'll get in touch right away."

It's just that after contacting him, the caller's face turned pale.

"died! All dead!"

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