Originally, He Tian was a very smart child who studied very hard and always ranked first in the class.

It was just a setback that overwhelmed him, who had been under high pressure at home for a long time.

Now, he has regained his consciousness.

Naturally, I will start studying hard and will be admitted to a higher education institution next year.

Moreover, I completed the double major in three years, graduated early, and was admitted to graduate school.

After that, he studied for a doctorate and even joined the scientific research department of a flower grower to contribute to new energy.

A real top student!

As for the girl he likes, naturally they are not together.

Some things, if you miss them, you miss them!

On the contrary, it was Han Fang who came this time.

I got Liang Bing’s V signal through my buddy and officially added Liang Bing’s WeChat account.

And that night, I asked the other party to eat Shabu-shabu.

"Date me? Appointment alone?"

"Yes, who else would it be?"

Liang Bing was blocked by these words.

She originally wanted to say why not ask Wei Xin? But she held it back.

For the sake of their acquaintance, they went to have dinner together again, so Liang Bing agreed.

Not only that, but this time Liang Bing paid for it because the boys paid for the last barbecue.

So Han Fang struck while the iron was hot and sent blood ginseng liquid to the other party.

"Let me tell you, this is recommended by our Hangzhou Internet celebrity Master Qin, it is absolutely awesome!"

"It can’t be some three-no product!"Liang Bing also didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It was the first time I saw a boy giving health care products.

"Absolutely not, let’s try"

"You drink first. If you don’t die, I’ll try again."

"Just drink!"

Han Fang actually didn't know what Qin Yue's health product was.

But after taking a tube, his eyes widened.

The feeling of energy rushing into his limbs and bones was too obvious.

"Good stuff, really good stuff!"

Actually, when the test tube was opened, Liang Bing was a little shocked by the aroma of blood ginseng. In fact, her family came from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and she was very familiar with the smell of medicinal aroma. So she also opened a tube and drank it. She went down.

For a moment, she only felt warm all over her body. Not only that, this energy was injected into her lower back.

Although she looked healthy on the outside, in fact, she had sprained her waist before. She usually felt sore, so she went for a massage. , even when she went to the hospital, it didn’t work.

She didn’t expect that a small tube of health care products could actually bring such an effect to her.

"This is simply a miracle medicine!"

Liang Bing was shocked.

She wanted to try again, but Han Fang quickly stopped her.

"You can only drink it every other week, please read the instructions"

"This is so useful!"

"Look, I said this is a good thing!"

"Isn’t it expensive to buy it for so much money? I’ll transfer the money to you!"

"100 yuan is your reward for treating me to dinner, but next time I treat you, don’t argue with me."

Han Fang made an appointment with Liang Bing for dinner next time. After going back and forth, the two of them became familiar with each other, and they almost broke the window paper.

A month later, Han Fang gave Liang Bing a beauty charm and asked for his girlfriend.

Liang Bing naturally I agreed.

I even posted the beauty charm in my circle of friends.

"I’ve never seen someone ask someone to be his girlfriend and give him beauty charms!"

But as soon as I posted this on Moments, it immediately attracted the likes of countless friends.

"It’s so sour, is it Master Qin’s beauty charm?"

"Holy shit, so generous? It’s 10,000 yuan!"

"Sister Bing is single, best wishes.

Wei Xin:"I also want a beauty charm, QAQ!""

Then, Wei Xin thought of one of the fish in her fish pond. She quickly took a screenshot and sent it to the other party.

"My sisters’ boyfriends have all obtained talismans. You said before that you also wanted to visit Master Qin. Have you gone?"

"Gone!" Han Fang replied

"Did you ask for it? ? ?"Wei Xin was very excited.


"Wow!"Wei Xin expressed her surprise.

But the next moment, her smile froze.

"The talisman in the picture you sent is what I asked for. I gave it to Liang Bing."


Inside the divine calculation shop.

After Qin Yue finished calculating Han Fang's affairs, he smiled.

To facilitate a marriage, Tianji has given a lot.

Marriage is also a major event in life.

It can change a life.

However, illness is also a big deal.

The matter of He Tian also reminded Qin Yue.

Anshenhua has such wonderful uses.

However, Qin Yue felt that making incense was a waste.

Plus today, the smell after burning the soothing floral fragrance.

Let Qin Yue come up with an idea.

Make the Anshen flower into perfume.

After diluting, spray on body.

It smells good and is convenient.

Thinking of this, Qin Yue called Zhai Xinren

"Boss, the sales are overwhelming, with a total of 60,000 yuan in sales in one day!"

This is simply unimaginable.

It's just a health product.

The daily sales reached 60,000.

This is the quota of 6 million.

Although, this may be because Qin Yue's fans are so powerful that they drive sales.

But with the effect of blood ginseng seeds , word-of-mouth.

I believe that big sales in the future are just around the corner.

Qin Yue said:"Well, it's normal to sell out. I also have a product here. You can set up a production line and make it. I plan to make perfume."

"The amount doesn’t need to be too big"

"You come and get the raw materials from me."

"OK OK!"

Zhai Xinren quickly agreed.

In fact, he now owns the raw materials of 100 blood ginseng seeds, locked in the largest safe in the factory. He has seen the magic of this medicine.

Zhai Xinren knows that he is not working for an ordinary boss now. He was working for a cultivator.

What he made was a product that benefited the people. It would definitely cause a sensation in the medical industry in the future.

Soon, he went to Qin Yue and got the raw materials for the perfume.

"Boss, what’s the name for this perfume?"

"I feel that for perfume, it’s best to give it a classy name."

"It’s better to match it with a high-end advertising slogan"

"What special function does this perfume have??"

When Qin Yue heard this, he smiled a little weirdly

"Does exorcism count?"

Zhai Xinren was immediately confused.

This perfume is so powerful?

Qin Yue laughed.

"This perfume does have the effect of exorcising ghosts, but it also has the effect of calming the nerves, refreshing the mind, and strengthening the soul, and it is very useful for one group of people."

"People with depression"

"But this is considered a fan benefit!"

"The price is just 998. Perfume cannot be too cheap."

Zhai Xinren nodded quickly.

However, the effect of exorcising ghosts really shocked him.

Soon, he found a team to do external packaging, naming, etc., and after screening, the name was selected.

Bianan Perfume.

The advertising slogan is: Let You return to the original world.

See how meaningful it is?

If you encounter a ghost, you can spray the ghost to prevent the ghost from contacting you and return to safety. You can also get out of the closed world due to depression.


In just a few days.

Zhai Xinren has it done. The perfume was ready to be put on the shelves!

At the same time, many of Qin Yue’s water friends also received shipments from the manufacturer.

The blood ginseng liquid arrived!

After drinking it, they were all shocked by the effect of the blood ginseng liquid.

Then, crazy He praised the store in the comments.

People who are not fans of Qin Yue, when they see this news, they feel that this store must have received good reviews!

"I was really shocked. Oh my god, although I knew that Master Qin’s product must be a high-quality product, I didn’t expect it to be so powerful. After I finished drinking, I only felt hot all over my body, but my knees felt the most hot, and I even felt other The heat in the affected area was transferred to the knees. I had severe rheumatism and it was cured all of a sudden!"

"Oh my god, after reading the comments, everyone will feel the heat pouring into the injured area. I am a mother of two children. I had two cuts on my abdomen. Every time it is cold, I feel a dull pain. After drinking it, I feel warm in my stomach. Yangyang, as if wearing a warm baby, I feel much better"

"Is there no one like me who can't hold it back? After I drank one tube, I felt that my physical fitness had greatly improved. I couldn’t hold it back and drank another tube. My nosebleed started right away. I went to the hospital to stop it. The doctor checked my body and asked me if I needed supplements. Too much and nothing wrong with it."

And among these good reviews, there are also some strange comments

"Thank you Master Qin, you are simply a bodhisattva with a heart that benefits mankind."

"Thank you, Master Qin. I have already purchased the accounts of the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt, and my strength has been further improved."

"Master Qin, although I didn’t know who you were before, now, your status in the circle is definitely that of a saint."

"Thank you for the medicine, sir!"


All of them are people from the Special Bureau.

Even people in the cultivation world gradually know that Qin Yue is actually selling blood ginseng dilution.

What is this if he is not a saint?

Just when they were sighing.

In the shop.The second product is quietly on the shelves.

The other shore perfume.

Function: Used to exorcise ghosts, treat depression, and improve mental strength.

Ingredients: Anshen flower, distilled water.

Fans of Qin Yue"???"

"Hahahaha, it made me laugh so hard. What the hell is exorcism and treating depression?"

"Although it is strange, what should I do if I want to buy it for no reason?"

"No matter what, what Master Qin sells must be good."

People from the Special Bureau:"???"

"Is it the soothing flower we know?"

"Damn it, why don’t you hurry up and grab it?"

"Master Qin, you are simply our reborn parents!"

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