But Qin Yue does have a way!

That is Anshenhua.

Anshen flowers can be made into incense, which can be used to drive away evil spirits after being lit.

Demonic possession is also possible.

You can even light the Anshen Flower to strengthen your soul.

The soul affects the spirit, mood, etc.

A strong soul can withstand any setbacks and come out of grief.

Just some overkill.

Naturally, Qin Yue would not make a loss-making business

"If you want treatment, I'm afraid you need some special means. One hundred thousand yuan, are you willing?"

He Tian's parents are not short of money.

If it were other masters, they would definitely think he was a liar.

But Qin Yue is the only one who has let his son talk so much in the past two years.

This one hundred thousand yuan, for For their family, it’s nothing.

"Master, just treat me!"

He Tian's father agreed.

"Xiao Zi, bring the incense burner."

Xiao Zi brought an incense burner over.

Qin Yue took out a stick of incense.

The incense stick was white. As soon as the incense was taken out, a refreshing fragrance spread out, refreshing people.

Qin Yue did not Instead of using a lighter, I used spiritual energy to put a little bit on the incense. Then, the incense actually burned.

The middle-aged women were very shocked.

Of course, after entering the store, they were always shocked by many things.

The first was Qin Yue Their appearance, and the fact that Qin Yue called their son's name just now.

The two of them had never said the child's name.

But now, as the incense burned, the shock in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

This fragrance, It's not like the smell of ordinary incense candles at all.

It's more like the smell of perfume.

This smell made several people quiet down.

In the store, even Fang Mingxu stopped typing and absorbed the smell of the incense.

Feeling himself His soul has been sublimated.

His head is getting clearer and clearer.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can see objects one meter around him.

This is a kind of spread of the soul's tentacles.

He Tian's expression also follows the fragrance. The richness gradually became calmer instead of numb.

After the peace, there was sadness.

He felt the world, and the sounds that he could not hear before could gradually be heard.

He understood that he was alive.

He came out.

He saw to his parents

"Dad, Mom!"

He opened his mouth and called out


When the middle-aged woman heard this, she cried.

"Xiaotian, mom is sorry for you!"

"Mom didn’t know you were sick!"

"Mom still blames you, it’s all mom’s fault."

He Tian's father hesitated to speak.

In fact, he was also at fault in this matter.

"From now on, you can do whatever you want. When you grow up, I won't interfere with you anymore!"

The son has wasted two precious years. This is their punishment.

Let him reflect and never ask for too much in the future.

"If you like that girl, go after her"

"You can get into the same university as her"

"No, if you want to take the exam, then take the exam. If you don’t want to, don’t take the exam. Mom won’t even force you!"

The family of three hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Qin Yue burned out the soothing incense.

This incense is still very precious.

It is really a waste to light it like this.

But this incense was made by himself, and this was the first time. After using it, he had some other ideas.

Later, a person who bought talismans entered the store and was shocked to see the three of them crying.

"Well, I came here at the wrong time?"

Qin Yue smiled

"The visitor is a customer. What does the boss want to buy?"

"My girlfriend wanted a beauty charm and asked me to buy it. She also said that I could only come in if I really wanted to buy it.

Qin Yue glanced at him and said,"Are you sure she is your girlfriend?""

The boy was immediately embarrassed.

"Yes, she is the girl I want to chase."

Qin Yue shook his head and said speechlessly:"You can only come in if you really buy it. Doesn't she really buy it? So you can't get in? This customer, I remind you, you have no chance with this girl."

At this moment, the boy felt as if he was struck by lightning.

He is also a native of Hangzhou and knows that Qin Yue is a very accurate fortune teller and Internet celebrity.

If it were not for the formation at the door, this place would have been trampled to the ground.

Unexpectedly, he After arriving, I actually received such news

"Master Qin, do you mean that I have no hope? This girl actually had a pretty good conversation with me."

Qin Yue said:"I'm just kindly reminding you that if you really want to tell your fortune, you have to pay for it!

The boy gritted his teeth and said,"Master Qin, I want to do the math.""

He said this, and He Tian's family also restrained their emotions and stopped crying.

They also knew that Qin Yue, as a famous master, should be very busy.

They did not want to waste Qin Yue's time.

"Master Qin, you may need a bank card for 100,000 yuan. I will transfer it to you."He Tian's father said

"Okay, Fang Mingxu, please entertain these people"

"Okay, Boss He, this is the bank card number! You three, do you want to buy some talismans to go back to?"

"Yes, what talisman do you have here?"

"I recommend several people to buy health charms, kidney charms, beauty charms, and calming charms.……"

Fang Mingxu helped entertain He Tian's family.

Qin Yue asked the new guy to sit down and then poured tea

"Master Qin, my name is Han Fang, born at 5:30 on June 20, 1994."

The birthday and birth date came out.

Qin Yue laughed.

"No need to be so detailed, just look at the face"

"Oh, alright!"

He thought of something and quickly scanned the payment code on Qin Yue's desk and scanned 500 yuan.

"Master Qin, do you think that girl and I can't make it work?"

Qin Yue nodded without hesitation.

"You have been in love recently and suddenly met a group of beauties."

When Han Fang heard this, he nodded immediately with a look of surprise on his face.

"Master Qin, your calculation is very accurate. I am usually very busy at work, and I still don’t have a girlfriend. Recently, my family has been urging me, and I even doubted whether I like men!"

"Me, a straight man!"

"I don’t like blind dates. Women always ask about money and houses. This is all an exchange of interests. What I want to find is love."

"I asked my friend if he could introduce me to his girlfriend, and he invited a group of girls over for a barbecue outdoors."

"I just met one, named Wei Xin."

Qin Yue nodded.

"This Wei Xin is the most gentle and beautiful among all of you. Even your friends say she is a goddess, but she is not interested in you at all. However, she will not refuse you if you are diligent. No matter how much you do, she will not be interested. It was impossible to be with her."

When Han Fang heard this, he immediately understood

"Am I being fished?"

Obviously, this person called the goddess in their circle is a sea king.

Qin Yue nodded.

"She is not a good match, but the other girl is good and she is your perfect match."

"If you pursue this goddess"

"I'm afraid I will miss this real peach blossom." Han Fang was very angry when he heard that he was being treated like a fish. But now that he can find a girlfriend, he suddenly became energetic.

"So who is this girl?"Han Fang asked quickly.

Qin Yue smiled and said:"Can't you feel it yourself? Who do you like, ask yourself"

"Let me go, it can’t be Liang Bing, but she refused to add me on my V-mail!"

This Liang Bing is the best friend of the goddess he is chasing!

In fact, after meeting him that day, he likes this best friend more.

This girl is very cool.

She speaks more directly and straightforwardly.

The problem is, when he wants to V letter, the other party Rejected himself.

This made him feel that this girl might not like him.

Qin Yue said:"You are so attentive to her best friend. You are a good girl who will avoid suspicion with your best friend and her boyfriend. What about your best friend trying to pry her boyfriend off? It’s weird, or I’ve read too many YY novels."

"On the other hand, if a girl has a passionate fight with her best friend and her boyfriend, this kind of girl is not a good girl."

"Avoiding suspicion is what a true best friend or female friend should do"

"Fortunately, you haven't chased this female Neptune yet, otherwise your next real love might have to wait three years."

Han Fang suddenly became speechless.

"Master Qin, I can’t be so miserable, can I? I can’t find a girlfriend in three years?"

"No, you will find that if there is no good love, there will be bad love, which will ruin your money, hurt your relationship, damage your career, and bring no good results."

When Han Fang heard this, he understood immediately.

For a moment, he was also a little lucky

"Fortunately I didn't chase after him!"

"Then, master, give me a beauty charm"

"I'll send Liang Bing away."

Qin Yue suddenly laughed.

This young man is quite smart!

"Okay, do you want to buy you a kidney nourishing charm?"

"Um, is Liang Bing so fierce? Do you still need me to bring a kidney nourishing charm?"

"……That’s not what I mean, it’s just that at this age, you should take care of yourself!"

At this time, Han Fang became vigilant.

Master Qin wouldn't say that I have kidney deficiency, right?

"Then, master, bring me one!"


"Do you want to buy health care products? If you want to give a gift for the first time, don’t give it so big, just give a box of health care products!"

Qin Yue pointed at the blood ginseng liquid.

"For 100 yuan a box, I can sell you two boxes!"


Han Fang agreed and bought two boxes.

Qin Yue folded the talismans for him and put them in the kit bag.

Han Fang left happily.

On the other side, He Tian's family also bought three Jianqi Then his father bought a kidney charm, his mother bought a beauty charm, and He Tian bought a meditation charm.

Fang Mingxu also recommended the blood ginseng liquid and bought three boxes.

"Master Qin, thank you, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, walk slowly"

"Master Qin, we’ll come back when we have time!"

"Ha, no need, it would be a good thing if you don't come."

Qin Yue looked at He Tian's back.

From today on, the fate of this 20-year-old boy has changed.

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