Qin Yue also knew that the other party was a college student. If the family was not wealthy, 2,000 yuan would indeed be too much.

As for asking others to give it to him.

That certainly won't work.

There is a saying behind the backlash of heaven.

"Master Qin, let me transfer 500! Please crack it for me later"

"Um! Fang Mingxu said again at this time:"

Master Qin, look at me, a member of the club, she is so strange. When I looked at her just now, there was pink light around her, and there was an old man!""

Fang Mingxu turned the phone, and then let Tang Xiaoxiao enter the video.

Tang Xiaoxiao was also surprised.

"President, what do you mean, I didn't go to play Pen Fairy. What's more, grandpa, do you think there is a dirty thing next to me?"

Tang Xiaoxiao is not as courageous as Lin Bian.

In other words, those who are ignorant are fearless, and those who know are very fearful.

Tang Xiaoxiao is right. She is really a bit spiritual, so she is even more afraid and awe-inspiring.

Bixian She didn't dare to touch anything.

She didn't participate in the event at that time.

Qin Yue looked at the soup and smiled, also surprised.


"This classmate has the word"laugh" in his name"

"If you are destined to love, you will attract peach blossoms, and your love will never end, and as soon as the last relationship ends, you will start a new relationship immediately."

Tang Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly widened.

"Master, what you said is so accurate!"

"However, I am really either a libertine or a very strange person. Every time I break up, someone always treats me well. I can't help it, so I agree and continue to fall in love!"

"Now people outside say I have seamless connection! I actually can't refute it"

"But when we were in love, I really didn’t do anything to feel sorry for my boyfriend!"

"The next boyfriend will be the one they pursue me."

Qin Yue can naturally understand

"This girl has a destiny!"

"Immortal fate is a wonderful thing. In modern terms, blood and soul actually carry some mysterious power."

"For example, genes, if parents have expertise in one aspect, so will their children!"

"The inheritance of the soul is very mysterious. To put it simply, it is reincarnation!"

"This girl should be the virgin whom Yue Lao sat down on. She was a peach blossom demon who became an immortal in her previous life!"

"The word for smile starts with the word bamboo, and below it is yao, which is also the same as the word demon."

"Your love luck is very good, even widespread, so there are always people to confess to you, and you will never lack a boyfriend in your life."

"Even if this man treats you badly, some disasters will happen after breaking up!"

Qin Yue said this.

Tang Xiaoxiao reacted immediately and said in surprise:"Master, you really guessed it right, haha!"

"My first love was in the third year of junior high school. We were not in the same school in the first year of high school, so he started to deal with me and was cold and violent. He broke up with me in the last month. However, I heard that he fell down while playing basketball and broke his bone!"

"I even went to see him!"

"When I was in high school, I had a boyfriend. He was a scumbag. He chased me for only three months, and then he got married to someone else and cheated on me. As a result, he had a bad stomach after eating spicy hotpot, so he went straight to the hospital and had his appendix removed."

"My second boyfriend in high school had a very bad temper and often cursed. After we broke up, he went out drinking and got alcohol poisoning!"

"It seems that every one of them has a bad ending."

What a bad end.

You girl still wants others to die!"

"I'm really worried about your current boyfriend!"Fang Mingxu was trembling next to him.

In fact, he had also thought about Tang Xiaoxiao. After all, Tang Xiaoxiao had a good figure and good looks.

Now that he looks at it, he is lucky that he is not with her, otherwise, if they break up, This is too miserable!

"Huh, if he treats me well, of course nothing will happen. Master Qin, do you think my current boyfriend is my perfect match? Can you get married? Tang

Xiaoxiao asked.

"In fact, every peach blossom you have is a good match, so don't worry, but whether two people can support each other and spend a life together depends on themselves. Sometimes, taking a step back will make the world brighter."

Tang Xiaoxiao was thoughtful when he heard this.

"However, although your physique is different from other people, you are also much more sensitive than others. You will encounter a lot of dirty things and be affected by them."

"But you don’t have to worry, immortality is protecting you"

"And, let’s talk about the future! You are very suitable for a matchmaking career!"

When Tang Xiaoxiao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, it seems true. After I went to college, there were more than ten couples of male and female friends that I helped create. They all invited me to dinner, and some even gave me small gifts. Moreover, they all seemed to be doing well."

"Matchmakers are also very successful. There are so many single men and women now. It is said that matchmakers are very profitable."

"Thank you, Master, for the tip. Master, do I want to give you fortune-telling money?"

Qin Yue shook his head

"No, you are different from others. Even if I don’t say it, you may do the same thing, but you will act a few years in advance. This is what I said proactively. You don’t need money to avoid disasters. Why do other people have disasters? Because they know the secret, but they can't bear the pressure of the secret being revealed. You're fine, you can handle it!"

Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed.

In fact, when you are born, you are different.

But as you grow up, you feel that you are one of the ordinary people.

Being recognized by others and being different from others, Tang Xiaoxiao Naturally very happy

"Thank you, Master Qin, thank you!"

Qin Yue smiled

"You're welcome"

"correct! Your current mysterious society has provoked too many things and is full of bad luck."

"Later, soak mugwort, hibiscus, osmanthus, and kumquat in water, wash your hands, face, and feet. Well, there is actually a more convenient way. After you have done it, pour it into a watering can, and spray it when you have nothing to do!"

"From now on, you must have a sense of reverence and stop seeking death!"

With Qin Yue's words, of course the members of this mysterious society would not dare.

But this does not mean that the mysterious society will be disbanded. On the contrary, they are even more obsessed with this field.

Because they have come into contact with it, ordinary people cannot enter at all. circle, with guidance from a master

"I don’t dare anymore! I don’t dare anymore!"

"Thank you Master Qin"

"I will never dare to commit suicide again."

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