Fang Mingxu suddenly became speechless.

You know, Lin Bian is indeed brave, completely different from Fang Mingxu.

He dares to do anything from dancing on graves to going into haunted houses at night.

But now, there is really a ghost around him

"Linbian, do you really not feel anything? Have you been having cold sweats or feeling damp lately?"

That said.

Lin Bian did feel it.

After all, it's autumn now!

The air is crisp and clear.

It's not hot in Hangzhou, but he likes to sweat a lot recently.

And it's not hot sweat but cold sweat.

It's cold every day.

These days. When he got up, he even felt that the pillow was very wet.

After saying this, his heart skipped a beat.

"President, how did you know?"

"How can I know? What I saw is that there is a female ghost next to you. She has long hair, her face cannot be seen, and she is wearing a red one-piece conservative swimsuit."

The people present were stunned!

Then, a person whispered:"President, haven't you watched the group recently? A sophomore girl died in our school swimming pool. She went to the swimming pool with her boyfriend at night and drowned."

"And this thing?

He looked at Linbian suspiciously and said,"Isn't your girlfriend from outside the school?" You cheated!"

"Damn it, you are cheating on me!"

"I'm single!"

"Are singles so proud?"

"Go, go, stop talking about these useless things, then why did you get into trouble? Lin

Bian was also speechless and said:"Because she went to the swimming pool with her boyfriend. In the end, the man went out to make a phone call and she died. There were rumors that the man had cheated on her, but his girlfriend didn't want to break up and kept pestering her. He, so he wanted to kill the other party!"

Fang Mingxu's eyes widened.

"Some people believe this, not to mention there are so many people, how can they kill people in public?"

"It can be drugged. The girl drank water, passed out while swimming, and then drowned. A perfect crime."

"Then what? The forensic doctor didn't come? What does this have to do with you?"

"We went to the swimming pool, invited Bixian, and asked her if she was killed."

"The result was an ×;!"

"Busy work in vain."

Fang Mingxu thought of what Qin Yue often said about him.

People are addicted to food!

The ignorant are fearless

"Okay, the boy is fine, but something is wrong with you. You are all unlucky now, and you must be unlucky in things recently. And you, Lin Bian, the water ghost is haunting you now!"

But he turned his eyes around and suddenly discovered that there was one person in this group of people who was particularly different.

This was a beautiful woman named Tang Xiaoxiao.

She had a very hot and plump figure. She was a famous social butterfly and had a boyfriend all the time. Yes.

According to herself, she is very psychic.

So she also joined the mysterious society.

Now Fang Mingxu saw the other party. He actually found that the other party did not have bad luck, but had a golden pink color. It was very unique.

Even, here Among the golden pink, there was actually an old man's shadow with kind eyes.

This situation was too weird.

But before he could speak, Lin Bian said quickly:"Fuck me, President, are you serious? Don't be. joke!"

"But to be honest, these days, I keep dreaming of drowning. I wake up every time and feel that my pillow and quilt are very damp."

The more he said this, the more Lin Bian felt that Fang Mingxu was not joking.

This time, he was really a little scared.

After all, he had never encountered such a weird thing before. No matter how courageous he was, he still had a sense of awe.

"President, President, please save me!"

Lin Bian came over quickly and wanted to hug Fang Mingxu's thigh.

Fang Mingxu almost jumped up.

"Don't come here, really don't come here!"

"Look at you, this is obviously Mr. Ye's love for dragons. Even if you want to find supernatural events, don't seek death! Did you get it on yourself?"

"You are really not afraid of death!"

"But what's the use of calling me? I don't know how to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits."

"Don't come over here. I'll ask Master Qin first how to deal with this matter."

After hearing this, Lin Bian felt relieved.

"That's right, go find Master Lin, go right now!"

"Where are you going? Master Lin is out of town. I will send you a WeChat message first to ask if he is busy and let you know about the situation."

Fang Mingxu sent a V letter to Qin Yue and explained what happened here.

Qin Yue had just had lunch.

Everyone didn't want to continue shopping in the afternoon and went back home!

They needed to borrow some equipment and The stones they solved today will be cut and processed.

Some of them may be sold directly to earn back the money.

The other part will be made and polished by themselves and sold as finished products.

So Qin Yue started grinding the rough stones in the hotel!

Seeing Fang Mingxu’s V The content of the letter also shook his head.

These young people are really not afraid of death.

Afterwards, Qin Yue made a video call to Fang Mingxu.

Fang Mingxu answered it instantly.


As soon as the call was connected, everyone from the mysterious club gathered around, their eyes shining brightly.

"Wow, he is a living master"

"Master Qin, I am your fan!"

"Master Qin, you are so handsome!"

"So excited, so excited, so crazy!"

Qin Yue smiled

"I heard that one of you is haunted by a ghost. Who is it?"

Now is not the time for a fan meeting.

Lin Bian quickly came over.

"It's me! It's me! Master, it’s me!"

Qin Yue nodded.

Looking at the other party, he saw that the other party was full of bad luck and surrounded by evil spirits.

But the most dangerous moment has not yet come.

Qin Yue said:"You have strong yang energy, so there is no danger at present. Fortunately, you have been here these days. I didn’t go swimming or go to a place by the river, otherwise something would definitely happen."

Lin Bian suddenly glared.

He actually made an appointment with someone to go swimming this afternoon.

It's okay, okay!

"Master Qin, what should I do now?"

Qin Yue said:"This female ghost died unexpectedly, and she has no resentment. She will not harm you for the time being. When the first seven days are over, she may leave on her own!"

"However, anyone who is entangled with dirty things is a hidden danger, just like you have a benign tumor. Although it is not fatal, it can turn into malignant at any time."

"If you are still worried, go back with Fang Mingxu and buy an evil talisman, but it will cost 2,000 yuan."

"Lose money and avoid disaster!"

"Of course, you can also ask Xiaoyan to fight it away. Remember to transfer 500 then, just think that I have cracked it for you!"

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