Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

979 Angry Over Small Thing...

Jiang Yuyan went to her car, and Lu Lijun went towards his car. Sitting inside the car, Lu Lijun was about to turn his car to leave but then noticed Jiang Yuyan's car was still there, and the driver got out of the car, looking troubled with something.

Lu Lijun waited to see what happened. The driver opened the car's bonnet to check something, and Lu Lijun understood there was an issue with the vehicle.

Stepping out of the car, Lu Lijun went to them, "What happened?"

The driver bowed to Lu Lijun, "I think there is some issue with the engine."

Jiang Yuyan stepped out of the car too, "Get the mechanic fast."

"Boss, it will take some time as we are on the village side," the driver informed apologetically.

"Don't you check the car often? How can you be so irresponsible with it?" Lijun raised his voice on the driver as it pissed him off.

The driver bowed again, apologetically, "Apology, fourth young master."

"I didn't know this way your boss San Zemin trained you," Lu Lijun commented.

"It's fine. Sometimes things like this are bound to happen," Jiang Yuyan tried to ease the situation before Lu Lijun could burst on the driver even more.

"Get in my car."

The driver and Jiang Yuyan heard the commanding voice.

Lu Lijun didn't repeat what he said and turned around to go towards his car.

The two knew what Lu Lijun meant. The driver bowed to his boss apologetically as if asking her to leave with Lu Lijun.

Jiang Yuyan went towards Lu Lijun's car, where he opened the door for her, and she sat inside on the front passenger seat, and Lu Lijun sat in the driver seat.

Looking at the cold gut who looked pissed over just a small thing, Jiang Yuyan sighed.

'He sure took after his brother,' she thought and looked towards the cemetery, 'You must be happy seeing him. He is like you in many ways, and soon you will feel proud of him," Her expressions turned apologetic, "I'm sorry to keep him away from you for so long.'

"Seatbelt," Lu Lijun spoke coldly, pulling Jiang Yuyan out from her conversation with Lu Qiang.

Jiang Yuyan put on the seat belt as she heard Lu Lijun talking, "No wonder even the driver is irresponsible."

Jiang Yuyan preferred to stay silent, not arguing over it. Though he looked angry, it was out of worry about her.

They left the place. The journey was about to be long and both were yet to have breakfast as they went to visit Lu Qiang early morning. Before seeing him, it was impossible for the two to even think about anything else.

"Did you have breakfast?" Lu Lijun asked.

"No," she replied.

On the way, Lu Lijun stopped the car at one restaurant almost after a half-hour as they reached the locality, which had nice restaurants on the roadside.

Both stepped out of the car. The restaurant looked nice and surrounded by greenery.

In front of the restaurant's door, the guard bowed and opened the door for them, where Lu Lijun signaled Jiang Yuyan to enter first and then followed her.

The attendant inside the restaurant welcomed them and led their way towards a four-seater table.

The attendant was about to pull out the chair for Jiang Yuyan to sit, but Lu Lijun stopped him, "It's fine," and he himself pulled out the chair for Jiang Yuyan.

The attendant looked at him puzzled but then didn't mind, thinking he must like to do it for his wife.

Jiang Yuyan looked outside as the walls were made of huge glasses. The greenery outside was pleasant to make anyone feel less tired.

Just as the two sat in the chairs, Lu Lijun's cell phone rang. Noah's name flashed on the screen, and Lu Lijun received the call.

"Hmm," Lu Lijun responded.

"Hmm? Is this how you answer calls? What's going on? You didn't answer my calls before." Noah asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. Why did you call?" Lu Lijun asked.

"Why would I call you on this day, huh?" Noah asked.

"Thank you," Lu Lijun replied, knowing the reason behind the call.

Noah sighed, "You won't even let me wish you now."

Lu Lijun smiled a little as he looked at Jiang Yuyan, who didn't pay attention to what Lu Lijun was doing.

"Happy birthday," Noah wished.

The restaurant's attendant came to them and seeing Lu Lijun busy he turned to Jiang Yuyan.

"Ms, what would you like to order," the attendant asked.

Jiang Yuyan opened the menu card and started talking, which Noah heard.

"Is that president Lu?" Noah asked.

Lu Lijun stood up from the chair and excused himself to go away.

"Hey, I heard it right," Noah insisted, not getting an answer from Lu Lijun.

"Hmm," Lu Lijun agreed.

"Explain," Noah ordered.

Lu Lijun turned silent for a while. He would have said no to it, but he didn't want to turn down his friend.

"We went to visit my elder brother," Lu Lijun replied.

"Ohh, it's his birthday too," Noah knew about it.


Noah asked, "Are you okay?"


"President Lu?" Noah asked again.


Lu Lijun just hmmed to everything as he wished to return to Jiang Yuyan sooner, not willing to leave her alone for long, "Talk to you later."

Noah agreed, and Lu Lijun returned to the place where he didn't see Jiang Yuyan.

He looked around to search for her. The attendant noticed Lu Lijun and came to him, "Sir, your wife went to the washroom."

Hearing it, Lu Lijun left stunned but could say nothing and sat in the chair.

The attendant left, and Lu Lijun picked up the glass of water to ease the sudden dryness he felt in the throat and to calm his heart.

He loosened the tie and tried to relax. He didn't want to understand why he turned like this suddenly. He could have just denied what that attendant said and, if not, then just sit normally as if it was nothing.

Lu Lijun saw Jiang Yuyan returning to their place. He stared at her for a while, but just as the distance between them reduced, he averted his sight and looked outside through the glass wall.

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