Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 149 - Waking Up

Mike's eyelids twitched as they slowly opened. His eyeballs rotate around as the pain struck his brain. It took few minutes to completely adjust his brain.

"You woke up? I thought you would sleep for an entire day." Just when he calmed his mind, a sweet melodious voice rang on his ears. He slides his eyeballs and saw a beautiful girl sitting next to him.

"Hey, so we survive huh!" Mike's voice was a little hoarse. Then, he looked at the panels in front of him and mumbled "And, you look that!"

"Hidden Quest- Defeat higher level geniuses

Description- As a new God of Sex, Host should surpass his previous generation. The previous God of Sex designed this quest for the Host, based on his regrets. Defeating geniuses is the path of God of Sex. Your enemy won't be equal to you, so push yourself to the limit and break that limit. As a God of Sex, prove your talent by defeating the strong.

Quest Reward- 500 Stats Points, 5000 System Points, and Heaven Lifting Giant Arms Art"

'Huh! I didn't expect such a quest would exist. Well, I got five hundred stat points for free and new art as well. Claire, use half of the total stat points in Stamina and Intelligence respectably.' Commanding Claire, Mike slowly tried to get up.

When Claire allocated the points, relaxation approaches his entire body. In an instant, he felt ultra-energetic. He turned his head at Alena and asked "How many hours do we still have?"

"Four hours!" Alena spoke while showing four fingers up.

"What about airbags?" Mike asked with a tense expression.

"Only two!" Alena sighed with a helpless expression.

"Hu! At least, we didn't lose anything." Mike sighed and then turned his head at Alena, saying "Where are others?"

"Everyone is searching for the potential airbag. Do you want to call them back?" Although Mike wasn't a true leader, he was still the strongest on their team. His words hold a heavyweight.

"No need! I will also leave here to find the potential airbag. Just in case, inform them about me!" Mike shook his head and spoke.

Alena nods her head and heads out. Mike also walked out from under the tree. He stretches his arms and looked around. They were in completely different places. Mike placed his hand on his chin and speaks "Do you have the whereabouts of weaker teams?"

"Based on your strength without a power-up or after the power-up?" Alena tilts her head and asked.

"Based on my strength without a power-up!" Mike spoke

"Two teams! One is at the northern part of the forest, nearly seven miles away from this area. Another is at the western part of the forest, only two miles away from this area. Every participant in both teams is either a Low-Level Genius or a Middle-Level Genius."

"Can you defeat them without injuring yourself?" Alena asked but her tone was filled with concern.

"Don't worry, I can." Mike winked at her and smiled. He turned his head at the western part seemingly following the sun. The brute force surges in his foot and a single press against the ground created a small crater.

"Storm Steps!"

After the first step, he no longer stepped on the ground instead kept running while stepping on air. With the speed half of Mach 1, he instantly vanished from her eyesight.

In just twenty-five seconds, he appeared in the middle of few trees. The moment he stopped himself, he shouted "Hello everyone! I know you guys are here. So before I beat you guys, you can surrender your airbags."

His words made the crowd who was watching him speechless. After all, the entire crowd was hyped the moment Mike woke up.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Mike Tyson, we don't see your teammates. Don't tell me that you came here by yourself?" In an instant, five boys jumped down from five different trees.

"Nope, I don't need their help. Not against you guys at least." Mike made a mocking tone as he spoke looking at them with disdain in his eyes.

"You might be strong. But we have survived till now. You will pay for your arrogance." Hearing his words, five of them instantly got furious and released their innate ability. Surprisingly, each of them had fire, water, metal, wind, and earth element.

Zip! Whack!

Suddenly, the lightning flashed on Mike's foot. The Gravity Domain spread wide as he moved forward. Before they could make a single move, Mike's foot was only a few inches away from one of the boy's necks.

"Tyrant King of Lightning- Lightning Python Strike"

"Earth Wall!" "Water Bubble!" "Metal Spikes!"

Zzzzz! Bang! Splash! Bang!

Their reactions were rapid. But Mike wasn't behind either. Two layers of yellow energy coated his leg as he smashed through the piercing metal spikes, breaking the earth wall and passing through the bubble of water, his leg smashed the neck of that boy.


His strike was so strong that the boy couldn't even bear the impact and slammed onto the ground.

"What? How?" Four of them instantly panicked the moment one of them got smashed on the ground. But before they could figure out anything, Mike instantly disappeared and appeared in front of another one.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, three lightning bolts fell from the dark clouds and revolved around him. The impact of the lightning bolt separated four of them giving him a chance to focus on a single one. Three bolts of lightning encircled his body and infused with his fist.

"Sky Lightning Fist!"


The lightning that was infused with his fist transformed into a shape of the fist when it was released. The lightning-shaped fist moved towards the boy who covered himself with an earth wall. The lightning broke the earth wall and moved towards the boy.

Bang! Thud!

When the lightning fist smashed the boy, it released a spark of lightning that instantly paralyzed his body, not giving him a chance to retaliate. The impact of the punch was carried by the momentum of the fist. When lightning paralyzed his body, the impact smashed him at the tree behind him. With the broken bones on his front and back, he fell on the ground, half-dead.

"Guys, let's use that otherwise we will lose." One of the boys shouted releasing his water from his body. The water soared towards the sky, forming a giant tower. In an instant, the remaining two boys formed a wind tower and a metal tower.

"Water, Metal, and Wind: Three Elements Prison!" Three boys simultaneously yell and condense a massive prison. Those three pillars release a wall of different energy.

"Tyrant King of Lightning- Brute Lighting Punch"

Mike gathers the lightning energy into his fist and simultaneously releases his lightning domain. In an instant, he moves forward and punches on the wall made out of wind wall after coating his hand with two spirits.


When he smashes the wall, he felt sharp wind blades cutting his fist but he didn't retreat. He kept pushing the walls but eventually retreated. Even though his fist was protected by two spirits, he still couldn't break the walls.

Even though his lightning got bounced back by the wind. This made him frown.

"Hahaha! Mike Tyson, you can't break this prison. Even though you are strong, our prison is unbreakable." The Metal Boy looked at his expression and laughed.

At this moment, Mike shook his head with a helpless smile and said "Unfortunately, I can still break this. But, I am genuinely amazed by this. If I don't use one of those tricks, I won't be able to break this. And considering my strength, there are not many who can oppose me. No wonder, you guys were able to hold until now."

"But, it is regrettable that two of them have no contribution to this prison otherwise it would be stronger than this."

When Mike said that, he instantly released the gravity domain. He looked at their confused expression and said "Yesterday when I was thinking deeply about my trump card, I came across a simple thought that I overlooked in many cases."

"But yesterday, I was able to analyze it properly. And doing so, I finally succeed in creating that skill."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, he pointed his finger at the sky. Others also looked at the sky and instantly turned pale. In front of their eyes, dozens of car-sized meteorites fell. It was surprising considering this was a virtual space.

But, this is the true virtual reality. Not only was the ground, even space created.

"Gravity Domain- Meteorite Rain!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Dozens of meteorites fell on the prison, creating an enormous impact. Each impact transmits to the creator. Slowly but surely, they start falling unconscious on the ground. Their bodies weren't able to handle the impact of the meteorite.


In an instant, Mike appeared near the metal guy and took a bag from him.

"Now, let's find the next one!"

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