Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 138 - Practice More

On the second day of his training,

"Master, I have something to ask you." While punching his fist against the zombie, Mike turned his head towards Mad Beast Emperor and spoke.

"Hmm! What do you want to know?" Mad Beast Emperor looked at Mike and asked.

"Master ...…. When that bastard tried to kill Luke, he used an overwhelming amount of ability energy. It was also a kind of suicidal act. But he survived and even managed to attack for a short time. I swear that explosion wasn't supposed to be something he should survive."

"Not to mention, Luke also used his attack. Well, I didn't know that but Jenny told me everything. Even though he tried to counter it and managed to hit that bastard with his attack, that bastard still survived. It's almost like if that explosion didn't damage him at all." Mike asked with confusion and anger on his face.

He was angry that Mantle managed to survive but he was also confused about how he survived?

"If you say it like that, then he must have a rate of synchronization with his innate ability." Mad Beast Emperor touches his chin and tries to understand Mike's question.

"Rate of synchronization? Wait a freaking minute! I thought we are perfectly synchronized with our innate ability." Mike got a little confused when he mentioned synchronization. But when he realized a deeper, he immediately asked in disbelieve.

"Of course not! If you were perfectly synchronized with your innate ability, why can't you use a massive amount of ability energy to increase the power of your skill?" Mad Beast Emperor asked while shaking his head.

"Because we will freaking explode our body at the worst." Mike's forehead released a cold sweat as he explained.

"Correct! If you use overuse your ability energy, you will explode or cripple your body parts. But on other hand, your ability energy stays in your body all the time. Not only the amount of ability energy is massive but also stays longer in your body. So, why is it possible to hold a large amount of ability energy inside our body than outside?" Mad Beast Emperor snaps his finger at him and nods his head.

"Because inside our body, ability energy is in energy form while outside, it will take the form of the ability. It's like a solar heat that reaches us is not that harmful but when it reaches solar panel and transform into electricity, it gets dangerous." Mike used all of his understanding of his school life and previous life to explain and cursed himself for not paying attention in class in both lives.

"That's the basic understanding of how it works. But whether it is inside or outside, it is still our ability. It's something connected to us. So, why can it still harm us? Well, I previously asked you the same question but you replied with a different answer. That means you don't know."

"So, let me explain. We control the energy with our brain just like any other part of our body. But if you cut your hand and put it on the table, can you control it? No, you can't. Either you need to use string or psychic powers to control it."

"Since you don't have both, you need something else. We need a connection or rather a synchronization with our innate ability. Synchronizing with an innate ability needs proper patience or a strong Willpower to achieve something."

"In simple words, you either need a spirit or simply Will to synchronize with your innate ability. You might ask how is that possible or how can I synchronize with my innate ability with the help of Will? The answer is very simple, dominate it."

"Our brain is the core of everything. We do what our brain wants us to do. And, the brain does things that give it satisfaction. Well, let me give you an example. When a writer writes a book, he expects it to run better in the market. He writes a lot just so that his readers will enjoy more chapters."

"But, when he founds that readers are not enjoying his book, or found that book is not going well in the market, he gets demotivated. He will gradually lose his enthusiasm and write fewer chapters. Then, his brain asks him to read other books, play games, and watch movies. From those, he will get more satisfaction and gradually stop writing."

"That's how our brain works. You don't have a good body but you still masturbate a lot. Why? Because masturbating gives you a lot of pleasure. So, our brain only does things that are pleasurable and easy. But then, there are things that your brain does automatically."

"Respiration, Digestion, Excretion, circulation, and lots of other functions that our brain does automatically. Your brain doesn't get pleasure by doing these things. But it still functions. Why? Because our brain is programmed to do those things."

"When a machine is programmed to do something, it does what it is programmed for. It can't do everything just because you expect it to do. Synchronizing with your innate ability means turning your active abilities into passive."

"Well, technically it can't be presented that way. But just think that it has installed new software in your brain. That software synchronizes your brain with your innate ability. And, what is that software? It's simply your Will. Your Will can become a software that can command your brain."

"In this way, synchronization is a tool that can turn your brain control over innate ability into automatic version from the manual version. Currently, your Will is commanding your brain to control your innate ability. But, you are not truly synchronizing with your innate ability because your Will is not permanent or strong"

"It appears when you want and disappears when you do not want. That's why you need to change your Will into the software. In simple words, practice more."

"...…. So, you told me all that just to tell me to practice more?" Mike looked at his master with a dumbfounded expression and asked.

"Just practice and practice with your innate ability." Mad Beast Emperor nods his head and answers.


Inside the trial,

Five hours have passed, and Mike hasn't created a single skill. He was constantly using his old skills and practice with them. Of course, he was creating the skill but he needs a higher level of synchronization. Since skills need better precision.

Unlike his previous skills, these three skills need extreme and precise control over lightning so that he won't hurt his body. He was gradually understanding the meaning behind his master's words.

Program your brain to do things automatically. Practicing his skills was the same as writing codes. Once he finishes it, the brain will work on its own. But, it's not that easy either. Because it depends upon the length of the program.

Since lightning has several attributes, he needs to program each attribute separately. Five basic attributes of lightning would be destruction, heat, sharpness, paralyzes, and speed. If he divides these five attributes, in terms of percentage synchronization, then each attribute will hold twenty percent.

His current mission was to allocate them based on their attribute ranking such as Destructiveness being the highest, while paralyzes begin the lowest. If he wants to control the destructiveness of the lightning, he needs to work harder. He might even need a month of training.

Because while controlling the destructiveness, he is destroying his own body as well. That's why it is at the top of the attribute. But even if he paralyzes himself, it wouldn't cause much damage or risk, so he can place it at the bottom.

Since practice always starts from the bottom, he needs to start with controlling the paralyzes effect of the lightning. Then, he can move on to the sharpness part which will represent a 20-40 percent rate of synchronization.

Then, it will be speed which will represent 40-60 percent. Then, it is the heat, which will represent 60-80 percent. And finally, it is a destruction which will represent 80-100 percent. Only then he will be able to use lightning without fearing losing control or anything whatsoever. Since his brain will try to maximize the usage of the lightning but also put the limit on it, he doesn't need to fear overdoing things.

Finally, he stopped practicing half an hour before the time limit. Creating a skill in his mind, he was ready to try it out.

'Okay, lightning turns into threads. Each thread is stronger than steel, a touch of it will paralyze the opponent and keep them under the net. Now Spread!' Mike lifted both of his hands, releasing several thousands of lightning bolts.

Each bolt was thin as an index finger but harder than the steel as it crossed each other to combine. The hole in a lightning net would be equal to that of a thumb finger. As for the weight, it would be lighter than hundred pounds.

But more importantly, he can use the net to fish out his enemy and take them away while catching the lightning net. Because of his five hours of practice, he was able to have a twenty percent rate of synchronization with his lightning innate ability.

After spreading twenty meters long and wide lighting net, he started condensing a ball of lightning.

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