War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 950: Second-Rate Forces

Chapter 950: Second-Rate Forces

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Perhaps, we can't go in together," Duan Ling Tian shook his head when he saw Feng Tian Wu motioning him.

"Why?" Feng Tian Wu was stunned for a moment. Puzzlement was written on her face.

The Five Element Sect and Blade Sect's disciples, including Huang Daniu, were all looking at Duan Ling Tian with a perplexed look. They did not understand what Duan Ling Tian meant by that.

"I've probed around the dark fog, and it turns out that there are a series of Inscription Formations that are lined up together to form an illusion. The numbers of formations were more than I expected!" Duan Ling Tian took a deep breath as he looked at the surrounding dark fog with dread. He muttered, "These Inscription Formations have only one function, and that is to separate people in the fog and place them separately in every corner of the Martial Emperor's secret treasure!"

As a person whose memory was integrated with the Rebirth Martial Emperor's memory, it was natural that he knew the reason why these Inscription Formations existed behind the dark fog.

The main purpose was to separate people who gathered together and scatter them all over the place so they would have to go through a cruel survival test where the law of the jungle would be applied in which the strongest would survive.

Only the people who had survived at the end would get the rewards.

"So that's how it is." A pang of realization hit Feng Tian Wu.

Huang Daniu looked at Duan Ling Tian, and he smiled wryly. "Originally, I wanted to stay beside you so that I'll have a safeguard, but it looks like this idea of mine is dashed to pieces now."

Swish! Swish!

Just as Huang Daniu's words left his mouth, two figures swept out like a gust of wind and immediately entered the dark fog surrounding the platform, disappearing in just a blink of an eye.

"It's Senior Brother Chen and Yi!" One Five Element Sect disciple exclaimed.

"Let's go." Duan Ling Tian raised his brows as he strode toward the dark fog surrounding the platform. He was about to enter the Martial Emperor's secret treasure.

Feng Tian Wu, Huang Daniu, Su Li, and Zhang Shou Yong followed suit as well.

Very soon, Duan Ling Tian noticed that the Five Element Sect's and Blade Sect's disciples followed behind them in a group as though they did not believe his words. He felt a little helpless about it.

"Do these people think that I was lying to them earlier?" Duan Ling Tian could not suppress the wry smile that crept up on his face.

However, he did not say anything further. Once this group of people entered the dark fog, they would naturally know that what he said was true.

After a moment, the group of people, with Duan Ling Tian in the lead, entered the dark fog shrouding the platform in a huge formation.

Duan Ling Tian entered the dark fog first, and his figure vanished without a trace.

Feng Tian Wu, Huang Daniu, Su Li, and Zhang Shou Yong followed suit from behind.

Behind the four of them was a group of Five Element Sect's and Blade Sect's disciples who followed them in succession. All of them entered the dark fog, and their figures were completely engulfed in it.

For a moment, the vast platform shrouded by the dark fog became empty.

After Duan Ling Tian had entered the dark fog, all he could see was a light that flashed across his eyes, and he immediately found himself alone in a vast grassland.

The grassland had a beautiful environment with different shades of green that stretched as far as eyes could see.

"Head northwest. At the end of the grassland lies the real entrance to the Martial Emperor's secret treasure!" At the same time, a hoary and ancient voice entered Duan Ling Tian's ears sharply. It was a message that was left behind by the Martial Emperor who left the secret treasure behind.

'It seems like, among the Inscription Formations in the dark fog that could create illusions, there are some that are accompanied by the Polyphony Formation,' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

Although he knew everything before him now was merely an illusion, he also knew that he needed to act according to the message left behind by the Martial Emperor.

Only then he could enter the real Martial Emperor's secret treasure.

At this moment, Duan Ling Tian who was placed in the illusion was destined to be isolated and go his own way.

'I should be able to fly here right?' Duan Ling Tian thought to himself.

As soon as the thought formed in his mind, he tried to rise up in the air. With a leap, his entire being soared up in the sky. "Just like I thought!"

The moment Duan Ling Tian discovered that this place was not shrouded by the Flight Prohibiting Formation, he could not suppress a sigh of relief.

It would not be a problem for him to cross the enormous grassland by feet, but it would consume more energy than flying.

"As expected from the illusion created by the Inscription Formation that was inscribed and laid out by a Martial Emperor. It's indeed tough!" As Duan Ling Tian was flying, he extended his Spiritual Energy out in an attempt to move the illusion, but eventually, he found out that the illusion would not even budge at all.

However, he was already mentally prepared for this discovery so he was not taken aback at all.

After all, that was the Inscription Formation that was laid out by a Martial Emperor. If it really could be moved by him, he would be shocked instead.

"There shouldn't be any test here in the illusion right?" Duan Ling Tian murmured as his heart jolted.

Not too long after Duan Ling Tian began flying, he could not suppress a wry smile from forming on his face. "Looks like I'm quite a jinx. It appears that there are a few offensive Inscription Formations inside the Inscription Formation that formed this Illusion."

Just as Duan Ling Tian smiled wryly, gusts of wind surged from the sky where he passed by. The vast hurricane swept across the sky and swept toward Duan Ling Tian.

The wind raged, and a series of solidified blue wind blade followed closely like a shadow before it swept over him and covered him as though it was trying to tear him into pieces.

'Whoosh!' After Duan Ling Tian extended his Spiritual Energy and sensed the intensity of these hurricanes and wind blades, he heaved a sigh of relief.

The intensity of these hurricane and wind blades was at most equivalent to a Fifth or Sixth Level Void Transformation martial artist who had comprehended the Fifth or Sixth Intermediate Wind Concept. It was not a threat to him at all.


Duan Ling Tian's gaze cooled down, and he immediately punched a fist out. It was remarkably earth-shattering because he had exerted his full energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of thunderous explosion sound reverberated in the air in successively as it echoed in the vast sky, playing havoc with one's heart.


A deafening sound exploded but that was none other than Duan Ling Tian's fist that contained the strength of 800 ancient horned dragons. Like a cannonball, it crashed with the hurricane and the series of wind blades that closely followed the hurricane like a shadow.

When the First Level Void Transformation's cultivation base was fully released, it was equivalent to the strength of 200 ancient horned dragons.

The Second Level Advance Wind Concept was equivalent to the strength of 300 ancient horned dragons.

Three types of Ninth Level Void Interpretation Concepts added up together were also equivalent to the strength of 300 ancient horned dragons.

When this strong energy swept out, it crushed the hurricane and the wind blades like dried leaves, causing them to dissipate right before Duan Ling Tian's eyes.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

After crushing the hurricane and the wind blades, the energy that rose out from Duan Ling Tian's fist slashed the wide sky open with an undiminished power, and it once again set off a series of ear-piercing explosions.

It was only until the energy fully faded before his eyes that the surrounding sky finally regained its tranquility.

"Fuck yeah!" Duan Ling Tian who had unleashed his full energy in just a punch cursed out loudly in delight.

He did not hold any of his power back at all in the punch earlier. With all of his Origin Energy exploded out, and the four Concepts followed suit like a shadow, it made his blood boiled with indignation.

"Let's go!" Duan Ling Tian heaved a sigh of relief as he continued to head to the direction pointed out in the message left behind by the Martial Emperor. He flew northwest as he continued to head toward the real Martial Emperor's secret treasure.

Along the way, Duan Ling Tian was continuously disturbed by a variety of offensive Inscription Formations. However, in front of his overbearing energy, the energy that was released by these Inscription Formations was all shattered by him in one blow without any accident.

Duan Ling Tian, who possessed a cultivation base at the First Level Void Transformation and comprehended three Ninth Level Void Interpretation Concepts and one Second Level Void Transformation Concept, was like an invincible beast that was on a rampage during his journey in this illusion.

"I wonder how are the others coping right now." After ten days, Duan Ling Tian had yet to enter the real Martial Emperor's secret treasure. Bored, he could not help but think of the others.

He knew that the others had to be in a similar situation and experience like him currently.

'The purpose of this Inscription Formation is to place me in some corner of the Martial Emperor's secret treasure. Although I've been traveling for ten days at full speed, I still have yet to arrive at the destination.' The moment he thought of this, Duan Ling Tian could not suppress a wry smile from forming on his face.

However, he also knew that he had no other choice other than to earnestly hurry on with his journey.

Only in this way, he could enter the real Martial Emperor's secret treasure.

Beginning from the center zone all the way to the northern district, the northern desert was split into two regions with another one being the western, southern and eastern district.

In the latter region, the third-rate forces were the one in power.

As for the former, which was the center zone and the northern district of the northern desert, there were three powerful forces that were also the three colossuses in the northern desert.

These three colossuses were all, without exceptions, second-rate forces.

All of the second-rate forces in the Cloud Continent had myriads of strong powerhouses. What was more important was that they had Martial Emperors in their sects, unlike the third-rate forces.

There was a traversing mountain range at the juncture between the central zone and the northern district of the northern desert where it was desolated and uninhabited. Very few people would come over here.

However, many people were here today.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A succession of swift figures flew across the sky from the north and reached the sky above the traversing mountain range in just a blink of an eye.

There were a total of eleven of them.

The person leading the group was a thin, aloof-looking old man dressed fully in gray. When he was flying across the sky, a gust of wind could be seen parting not far in front of him.

One could see just how profound this old man's cultivation base was.

Behind the gray-clad old man were eight young men and two young women. All of them had one thing in common, and that was they did not look like they were over 40 years old.

"Supreme Elder, are we late?" A green-clad handsome young man with dashing eyebrows and sharp eyes, who was carrying a long sheathed sword at his back behind the gray-clad old man, asked.

"It's just a few hours. Don't worry about it." The gray-clad old man shook his head, it was apparent that he was not bothered about it.

A moment later, the gray-clad old man dived down and led the ten young men and women into the transversing mountain range before coming to a halt at the sky above a valley.

There were already two old men standing separately over the valley as though they were blended in with the surrounding.

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