War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 4183 - Still a Little Short

After killing, the names of the dead participants would not disappear from the ranking immediately and the points the killer gained were not shown immediately as well. As such, it was impossible to figure out the identity of the killer.

For example, after killing Wang Jin and Liu Yi, the two advanced Emperors of Gods, it took a while for the points that Duan Ling Tian gained by killing them to show on the ranking. Their points, which he had gained, were also gradually added to his points.

Apart from that, the duo's names had also yet to disappear from the ranking as well. Moreover, although the duo died at almost the same time, their names would vanish from the ranking at least a few days apart from each other.

No one would be able to guess that Duan Ling Tian was the one who killed the duo nor would anyone know that the duo was together and killed at almost the same time.

Since no names disappeared from the ranking after Duan Ling Tian obtained more than 200 points, no one suspected that Duan Ling Tian gained those points by killing advanced Emperors of Gods. They assumed that he had gained those points by killing inhabitants of Destiny Canyon with strength on par with advanced Emperors of Gods. After all, one could also obtain points by killing the inhabitants of Destiny Canyon.

The participants who saw the changes in Duan Ling Tian's score could not help but inhale sharply. They also could not help but feel slightly frightened.

Although some of them were fairly strong, they were incapable of killing two inhabitants on par with an advanced Emperor of Gods at the same time. They would fall into a momentary stalemate and would be forced to escape after a while if they were forced to confront two inhabitants on par with an advanced Emperor of Gods at the same time.

"Duan Ling Tian managed to kill inhabitants in Destiny Canyon with the strength of an advanced Emperor of Gods in one go?"

Many of the advanced Emperors of Gods who had already encountered inhabitants of Destiny Canyon shared the same thought.

"Perhaps, the inhabitants he encountered only possessed the strength of a weak advanced Emperor of Gods? That must be it… I'm not any weaker than him, after all…"

Only a few people thought that Duan Ling Tian was stronger than them.

Somewhere in Destiny Canyon.

After killing an intermediate Emperor of Gods, Yun He sighed.

"Whether they were participants or inhabitants, there's no doubt he killed two advanced Emperors of Gods… No matter which one it is, Brother Ling Tian shouldn't be far from becoming an intermediate Emperor of Gods, right?"


Yun He knew that Duan Ling Tian had absorbed many rewards from killing advanced Emperors of Gods. Previously, when he had presided over the competition to select the interim Mansion Master of the Divine Spirit Mansion, Duan Ling Tian had killed Cheng Yan, an advanced Emperor of Gods. Later on, after arriving in the capital of the Righteous Divine Kingdom, Duan Ling Tian had killed a few more advanced Emperors of Gods during the banquet that the royal family hosted and absorbed the rewards.

It had not been long since Duan Ling Tian entered Destiny Canyon, but he had already killed another two advanced Emperors of Gods.

"Junior brother…"

Lang Chun Yan, who was in another part of Destiny Canyon, checked Duan Ling Tian's ranking out of habit. When she could not find his name at the bottom of the ranking, her eyes slowly moved up the list. After a short moment, she finally found his name in second place.

"Amazing!" Lang Chun Yuan exclaimed with a grin on her face.

"As expected of my junior brother! He's able to catch up to me! I have to keep going. Otherwise, it'll be embarrassing if he ends up surpassing me!"

Following that, Lang Chun Yuan moved swiftly and killed everyone she encountered, whether they were participants from other Divine Kingdoms or inhabitants of Destiny Canyon. None of them were able to escape from her.

All the advanced Emperors of Gods in the Divine Kingdoms who were confident about their strength became even more aggressive, stimulated by the fact that Duan Ling Tian, a rudimentary Emperor of Gods, was ranked second. As such, they were no longer as cautious as before. In their opinion, if they were too cautious, they might end up with an embarrassing rank.

As for those average advanced Emperors of Gods, they continued to lay low. Even if they were envious of Duan Ling Tian, they did not dare to act rashly. They had long passed the phase of acting recklessly and would not risk their lives just because of such a small matter.

Although the stronger advanced Emperors of Gods were no longer as cautious as before, they also did not let their guards down. Obtaining points was important, but the most important thing was staying alive.

"I wonder which direction I'll need to go in order to reach the inner periphery of Destiny Canyon…"

As the days passed, many advanced Emperors of Gods began to grow impatient. After all, they were all aware that a storm was about to land now that they had entered Destiny Canyon for some time. It would not be long before a large number of inhabitants on par with advanced Emperors of Gods would appear to kill the participants.

After the participants killed these inhabitants that were on par with advanced Emperors of Gods, inhabitants on par with rudimentary Supreme Gods would appear. Following the trend, after killing the inhabitants on par with rudimentary Supreme Gods, inhabitants on par with intermediate Supreme Gods would appear even if they killed only one inhabitant on par with a rudimentary Supreme God.

For this reason, the participants rarely took the initiative to kill the inhabitants on par with advanced Emperors of Gods when they encountered them. It was fine if they only killed a few of the inhabitants, but killing too many would bring about the emergence of inhabitants on par with rudimentary Supreme Gods. At that time, it would be disastrous.

Even if the participants had the advantage in numbers and were capable of killing an inhabitant on par with a rudimentary Supreme God, they still would not dare to kill the inhabitant. After all, just killing one of them would summon the appearance of inhabitants on par with intermediate Supreme Gods. At that time, no matter their number, they would die for sure.

Let alone intermediate Supreme Gods, the participants could only kill rudimentary Supreme Gods if they joined forces and if the rudimentary Supreme Gods did not use prominent divine artifacts and only relied on their Divine Energies, the laws, and the Four Daos of Heaven and Earth.

The inhabitants of Destiny Canyons, who were Supreme Gods, comprehended the true Four Daos of Heaven and Earth, not just their rudimentary forms. Even the advanced Emperors of Gods in Destiny Canyon had mastered the rudimentary forms of the Four Daos of Heaven and Earth even if they did not possess prominent divine artifacts with complete artifact souls.


Apart from that, the inhabitants had an almost endless supply of Divine Energies in Destiny Canyon, unlike the participants. As such, if the fight dragged on and the participants were unable to defeat their opponents quickly, they would fall into a disadvantageous position and die.

"As long as we're strong enough, there's no need to fear the inhabitants of Destiny Canyon who come looking for trouble… They're all moving to the heart of the canyon, and as long as we're faster than them, they won't be able to catch up to us…"

"That's right. Moreover, after crossing a certain distance, they won't advance anymore. At that time, we won't run into them unless we turn back and go past them…"

Many of the advanced Emperors of Gods from the Divine Kingdoms were quite confident about their strength and were not too worried.

"The inhabitants will be restless and cause a commotion for a time after we enter Destiny Canyon. I don't know how long the commotion will last, but I know that we'll be driven to the heart of Destiny Canyon.

"It's much more dangerous in the heart of Destiny Canyon. Not only are there many powerful inhabitants there, but we'll also have to contend with those from the other Divine Kingdoms…"

"That's only natural since the fight in the heart of Destiny Canyon signifies the end of the Battle of the Divine Kingdoms. At that time, the survivors will be sent out of Destiny Canyon. It's said that those who die in the canyon don't really die. Instead, they'll lose their sense of self and become inhabitants of Destiny Canyon…"

"The inhabitants we encountered previously might even be real humans in the past; they might be people who died in the canyon in the past. It's easy to identify them. The original inhabitants don't have prominent divine artifacts, after all. Those participants who became inhabitants are more terrifying since they not only possess prominent divine artifacts, but they'll also passively master the Four Daos of Heaven and Earth after becoming an inhabitant of Destiny Canyon. Their strength is terrifying!"

"That's right. A participant who's weaker than you may become much stronger than you if he dies and becomes an inhabitant of Destiny Canyon."

As the days continued to pass, many people anticipated the commotion from the inhabitants of Destiny Canyon. Nonetheless, many of them maintained their composure and continued to search for fortuitous encounters or kill to gain points.

As for Duan Ling Tian, after killing the two advanced Emperors of Gods from the Crimson Origin Divine Kingdom and obtaining the double rewards, which were equivalent to the rewards of killing four advanced Emperors of Gods under normal circumstances, he had retreated to absorb the energies from the rewards.

Currently, his comprehension of the law of space, the Mastery Dao, and the Sword Dao was incredibly profound. Moreover, he also possessed a rather fine grasp of his power. As such, his speed of absorbing the energy was rather fast and did not burden him.

In fact, considering his current comprehension and attainments in all aspects, Duan Ling Tian was no weaker than an ordinary rudimentary Supreme God. Perhaps, he was even stronger than ordinary rudimentary Supreme Gods. It was just that his cultivation base stood as an obstacle, limiting his strength. If he possessed the cultivation base of a rudimentary Supreme God now, with his existing comprehension and attainments, he would be among the strongest rudimentary Supreme Gods. Perhaps, he might even be on par with ordinary intermediate Supreme Gods.

After Duan Ling Tian absorbed the energy from the rewards, he managed to raise his cultivation base and even improved the comprehension of two of his laws. Alas, the rise in his cultivation base was not enough for him to break through.

He opened his eyes and sighed.

"I'm still a little short…"

To his disappointment, the worst-case scenario had happened. However, he quickly adjusted his emotions.

"As long as I kill another advanced Emperor of Gods, even without double rewards, I'll be able to break through and become an intermediate Emperor of Gods for sure! It's time for me to leave this place and get to work. A few days have passed since I came here… The inhabitants of the canyon should be causing a disturbance soon, right?"

Duan Ling Tian had also heard about the disturbance by the rioting inhabitants of Destiny Canyon, and he did not dare to take the matter lightly. He was not afraid of the inhabitants who were advanced Emperors of Gods as long as there were not too many of them. Even if he would not be able to deal with them if there were too many of them.

'It's been a few days… I wonder if Fourth Senior Sister is still ranked first…'

With this thought in mind, Duan Ling Tian shifted his attention to the ranking.

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