Chapter 4017: Duan Ling Tian Is Running Out of Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhen Ping Fan failed to notice the anticipation that flashed in the depths of Duan Ling Tian's eyes. He was unaware that Duan Ling Tian also carried hatred and vengeance in his heart. He had lost some of his good friends because of Yun Qing Yan from the Divine Offering Land's Yun clan. Apart from that, Duan Ling Tian was also strongly driven by his desire to reunite with his wife, Ke'er. This was his strongest motivation to become stronger. His determination was beyond anyone's imagination.

Duan Ling Tian was very confident that his will was strong enough to withstand the test of the Supreme Divine Mansion. As such, contrary to Zhen Ping Fan's expectations, he said, "Elder Zhen, please tell Elder Ye that I'm really interested in entering the Supreme Divine Mansion. Even if there's just a small chance of entering that place, I don't want to let go."

Zhen Ping Fan was stunned by Duan Ling Tian's reply. When he recovered his senses, he smiled wryly and said, trying to dissuade Duan Ling Tian, "Duan Ling Tian, didn't I say there's no need to be so reckless, especially when your innate talent is so high? Moreover, based on your current strength, even if you survive the Supreme Divine Mansion, your improvement won't be earth-shaking. With your innate talent and comprehension skills, you only need to cultivate a little harder to achieve the same results. The Supreme Divine Mansion is much more treacherous than you can imagine. Otherwise, Yuan Han Jin wouldn't have lost so many disciples to it. The only reason Yang Qian Ye was able to survive is solely due to his strong hatred and desire for revenge."

Duan Ling Tian did not respond to those words. Instead, he said, "Elder Zhen, so far, everything is just Elder Ye's speculation, right? How confident is he that Yuan Han Jin from the Ping Sheng faction found a Supreme Divine Mansion?"

"He's more than 90% certain," Zhen Ping Fan replied, "This is the only theory that makes complete sense."

"I see." Duan Ling Tian nodded. Then, his expression suddenly froze when he recalled the strangeness of the death of Yang Qian Ye's father. He looked at Zhen Ping Fan and subconsciously lowered his voice as he asked, "Elder Zhen, is it possible for someone to kill their direct disciple's father just because of their own obsession?"

Duan Ling Tian had heard of cases where some forces would kill the family members of their disciples to ensure their disciples' loyalty.

Zhen Ping Fan was slightly taken aback by Duan Ling Tian's question. He looked at Duan Ling Tian meaningfully as he said, "Duan Ling Tian, some words are best left unspoken. Some words will bring about untold consequences once spoken. I'll pretend I didn't hear those words today." Then, after a beat, he added, "What you said isn't impossible."

Duan Ling Tian's solemn expression cracked when he heard Zhen Ping Fan's last sentence. He felt rather speechless by Zhen Ping Fan's fickleness. After all, Zhen Ping Fan had warned him about the severity of his speculation, but Zhen Ping Fan still could not help but throw him a bone at the end.

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"The sect doesn't care?" Duan Ling Tian asked. If his speculation was right, he wondered if the Pure Yang Sect would turn a blind eye to their member killing his disciple's family member just to ensure his disciple's success.

Zhen Ping Fan said casually, "The important thing is evidence. For the sect to take action, there needs to be evidence. Mere speculations won't be enough to convict a Transcendence Elder of such a crime. Moreover, don't forget that Yuan Han Jin isn't just a Transcendence Elder. His father is Yuan Ping Sheng, the founder of the Ping Sheng faction."

Duan Ling Tian nodded. He naturally knew that Yuan Ping Sheng was not only the founder of the Ping Sheng faction but also an intermediate Emperor of Gods and an Ascension Elder in the Pure Yang Sect.

"That's why you should keep your speculation to yourself. Don't mention it to anyone. If words get out and you don't have the evidence to back your words up, you'll be punished. Slandering a Transcendence Elder in the sect is a serious crime," Zhen Ping Fan warned.

"I understand." Duan Ling Tian nodded. At the same time, he could not help but feel gloomy. Although he was not one of the parties involved, he was truly disgusted by Yuan Han Jin's lunacy. Moreover, this matter also concerned Long Qing Chong, the Sect Leader of the Flying Dragon Sect, who was an acquaintance of his.

Even after discounting his relationship with Long Qing Chong, Duan Ling Tian did not think that Long Qing Chong killed Lan Qing, Yang Qian Ye's father. After all, Long Qing Chong was very open and was even willing to demonstrate his strength to Yang Qian Ye to prove his innocence.

At this time, Zhen Ping Fan frowned and said, "We've gone off-topic. This isn't the main point. We were talking about the Supreme Divine Mansion. I advise you against entering the Supreme Divine Mansion."

Duan Ling Tian said with a smile, "Elder Zhen, don't worry. I'm very confident."

"I'm sure those who entered previously were also confident about their survival. How many of them survived?" Zhen Ping Fan said as he shook his head, "Don't be rash. Perhaps, there are some who are willing to take such risks due to their upcoming Heavenly Tribulations that might kill or severely injure them. It's indeed worth taking such risk under those circumstances. However, you have no reason to risk your life. You're not even 3,000 years old. You have plenty of time ahead of you!"

Duan Ling Tian sighed bitterly upon hearing Zhen Ping Fan's words. Then, he said, "Elder Zhen, to be honest with you, I'm running out of time. It's a long story. I have to enter the Supreme Divine Mansion if I have the chance."

Seeing Duan Ling Tian's determined gaze at the of his sentence, Zhen Ping Fan knew he could not persuade Duan Ling Tian otherwise. He could only shake his head and sigh as he said, "I understand. I'll relay your intentions to Junior Uncle Ye."

Duan Ling Tian nodded. Then, he said reassuringly, "Elder Zhen, I understand that you're worried about my safety. However, I want you to know that I managed to achieve so many extraordinary feats not just because of my talent alone, but my will and determination as well. Apart from that, I'm also driven because of some people and circumstances. At this moment, if someone told me I can become a Supreme God immediately, but there's a 50% chance that I'll die, I'd still take the risk without any hesitation!"

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Although Duan Ling Tian was progressing very quickly, it was not fast enough for him. He was not optimistic about becoming a Supreme God within 300 years, and this was the source of his worry and also the source of his motivation. After all, the Xia clan and the Yun clan were supreme-rank clans in the Divine Offering Land.

After exchanging a few more words, Zhen Ping Fan took his leave. Even when he left, he was still thinking about what could possibly motivate Duan Ling Tian to risk his life to enter the Supreme Divine Mansion.

'Everyone has their own story. It seems like Duan Ling Tian didn't come this far based on his innate talent and comprehension skills alone. He has his reason for wanting to grow stronger so quickly as well...' Zhen Ping Fan sighed inwardly. He did not ask further because he knew everyone had their own secrets, and he did not want to pry.

'I hope he'll be able to rank in the top 3 of the Seven Mansions Feast. With that, his cultivation journey in the future will be much smoother as well. After obtaining three places for the sect, the sect will definitely treat him very well...' Zhen Ping Fan thought to himself. After a moment, he remembered something. 'Oh, I just realized that he has yet to reveal the word he drew! He must have already seen the word when he drew the token.'


Duan Ling Tian was unaware of Zhen Ping Fan's thoughts. He had completely forgotten about the word on his token, which would only appear after he imbued his token with his Divine Energy. At this moment, his mind was occupied with thoughts about the Supreme Divine Mansion.

'Yang Qian Ye was only a rudimentary Lord of Gods for a short time. Based on his talent, it would have taken him a few hundred years to become an intermediate Lord of Gods, but he did so in just a few decades. The Supreme Divine Mansion is truly powerful! I wonder if I'll become an advanced Lord of Gods if I survive the Supreme Divine Mansion?'

Duan Ling Tian's eyes shone with excitement when he thought about becoming an advanced Lord of Gods. The Seven Mansions Feast lost its luster in comparison to the Supreme Divine Mansion at this moment. However, he was quick to calm down.

'I have to calm down. Elder Zhen said that Elder Ye has yet to confirm his speculation. Moreover, we still don't know if intermediate Lords of Gods can enter the Supreme Divine Mansion. If that's the case, Ye Ying Cai and I will be disappointed...'

Duan Ling Tian calmed down slightly after thinking about this.

After a while, Duan Ling Tian finally recalled that he had yet to imbue his Divine Energy into his token.

"Let's see..."

When the Divine Energy entered the token, and the word revealed itself, Duan Ling Tian's expression stiffened, and his gaze turned gloomy.

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